Chapter 64 Do you really want to sleep together?
Xiao Feng held the ham sausage.

Slowly walked up to the little raccoon.

The hand holding the ham sausage stretched out cautiously.


The mother and daughter held their breath and looked at it without blinking with their big, watery eyes.

After the sausage came over.

The little raccoon, who was lying there sleeping leisurely, suddenly moved his nose and raised his head.

Smelling that it was delicious, it turned its head and glanced at the sausage in Xiao Feng's hand, then slowly stood up, stretched out its two small black claws, took it, and started eating it with big mouthfuls.

This unhurried look makes people laugh a little.

Eat it while it lasts.

Xiao Feng also took advantage of the situation and stroked its furry back a few times.

The little raccoon didn't resist Xiao Feng's touch at all, and even showed an expression of enjoyment. As expected, it was very docile.

"Dad is so awesome!!"

Xiao Mu clapped happily from behind, and then said uncontrollably: "Dad, does it like children? Can Mu Mu go over?"

"It's very docile. It probably likes children. Mumu, come up."

Xiao Feng turned around and smiled.

Xiao Mu immediately moved his calves and ran up.


Xiao Feng took out another ham sausage from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Mu.

Xiao Muyong just witnessed what Xiao Feng did.

He handed the ham to the little raccoon as usual, and then successfully touched it!
Stroking it gently, but fearing to disturb the little raccoon, Xiao Mu was excited but quiet.

While the little girl was touching it, Xiao Feng looked back.

Bai Luoxi was also looking at Xiao Mu.

Her face was filled with a happy smile.

Between his eyebrows, there was still a hint of suppressed expectation.

"Want to touch?"

Xiao Feng asked with a chuckle.

"I'm not a kid anymore."

Bai Luoxi shook his head and smiled slightly.

Xiao Feng also shook his head: "You can be a child here."

As if by magic, he took out another sausage from his pocket and handed it to Bai Luoxi: "Go ahead."


Listening to Xiao Feng's words, Bai Luoxi's nose suddenly became sore, and tears almost came out.

She nodded vigorously in response, took the ham that Xiao Feng had peeled for her, walked to the table where the little raccoon was lying, and handed the ham to the raccoon.

After it started to eat, his slender hands tentatively placed on the raccoon's back, and then gently flicked it a few times.

And feeling the warmth of the sun, the extremely smooth hair.

Bai Luoxi's heart also felt warm.

Even if it’s just little things.

But she could clearly sense that Xiao Feng was keeping his promise to herself!

Finished three sausages.

The raccoon was full and fell asleep in a daze.

The little girl didn't dare to touch it anymore for fear of waking it up, so she just closed her eyes and observed it carefully.

And it didn’t take long to observe.

She also yawned deeply and actually felt sleepy.

It's not just her.

Even Bai Luoxi felt a little sleepy, feeling well up.

Raccoons sleeping...will it spread?
"Mumu, come and see."

Seeing Xiao Mu's sleepy appearance, Xiao Feng chuckled and called her.

The little girl rubbed her eyes and walked up to Xiao Feng sleepily.

Xiao Feng reached out and picked her up so that she could see over the balcony guardrail. He pointed in one direction and said, "Mu Mu, look over there."

Xiao Mu looked in the direction of Xiao Feng's finger.

In that direction, there were actually seven or eight little raccoons gathered together!
Her hazy sleepiness disappeared without a trace in an instant, and her eyes slowly opened wide.

"Wow! So many little raccoons! Dad, what are they doing?"

"Someone is feeding them!"

Xiao Feng pointed at a person standing not far in front of the little raccoons and said. "Dad, can Mumu go down and feed them too?"

Xiao Mu looked at Xiao Feng and asked eagerly.

"of course can!"

Xiao Feng smiled and pinched her face, then looked at Bai Luoxi and said, "Let's go."


Bai Luoxi nodded, Xiao Feng reached out and grabbed her hand, and walked side by side towards the house...

When he arrived in front of a bunch of little raccoons gathered.

That person's feeding has ended.

But what this person fed was obviously too little.

Some of the little raccoons waited for a long time and didn't get a piece of it. They all stayed where they were and refused to leave.

But there is nothing we can do...

This feeding stuff is really a bit too expensive.

I bought a pack and lost it after just throwing it away a few times.

How can I be willing to buy a second pack...

Xiao Feng called the staff selling feeding food and bought five bags at once.

He gave two bags to Xiao Mu and three bags to Bai Luoxi.


The mother and daughter started feeding happily.

Watching the little raccoons running around grabbing food.

Xiao Mu giggled with joy.

Bai Luoxi's smile was also brighter than ever.

She raised a hand in a rare and childish way, and shouted softly to a group of little raccoons: "Who else hasn't eaten, raise your hand!"

"The bears who haven't eaten, please raise your hands!"

Xiao Mu also raised his arms and shouted in a sweet voice.

The raccoons were all still eating the food on the ground, and no one looked up at all.

Naturally, the mother and daughter didn't expect any reaction from them.

I shout this just for fun.

But what they didn't expect was...

In the corner, a little raccoon, which had tried to squeeze in to eat several times but failed, stood up, standing extremely straight, holding a small black paw high.

"Wow! Mom!"

"It raised its hands! This little raccoon really raised its hands!"

Xiao Mu looked shocked and jumped up and shouted with great excitement.

Bai Luoxi was also a little startled. She quickly reached out and took out a few pieces of food from the bag and threw them towards the little raccoon.


Xiao Mu turned to look at Bai Luoxi, tilted her little head, and asked extremely seriously: "Mom, has this little raccoon also gone to kindergarten?"

Bai Luoxi: "..."

Finished interacting with the little raccoon.

Immediately afterwards, I went to feed the cute giraffes, played Frisbee with the little black panther, and watched the little koala sit on the ground and cry after losing a fight...

Xiao Mu had a great time playing all day long.

Bai Luoxi gradually integrated into it and was very happy.

Amidst the laughter and laughter, night gradually fell.

The three began to stroll toward their cabin.

Get closer to the hut.

Bai Luoxi's pretty face became even redder.

Her white hands were tightly crossed.

A pair of slender legs seemed to be trembling a little, looking extremely nervous.

it's dark.

It's time to go to bed soon.


There is only one bed in the room!
Do you really want to sleep with him at night?

 Third update, please vote for recommendation~

(End of this chapter)

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