Chapter 24 Illusion
"Hey, do you still remember our bet yesterday?" Wang Donger saw the spirit fighting arena next to him, and the idea of ​​beating Huo Yuhao arose in his heart. After I give him a good beating, I'll see if he still dares to use that kind of rogue ability.

"If I don't say hello, can't you talk properly?" Huo Yuhao looked back at Wang Donger, who was staring at him eagerly, with a bright smile on his face.

"Of course I remember the bet. Someone is rushing to give me a favor, wouldn't it be rude if I don't want it?"

Wang Donger crossed her arms and snorted coldly, "Stop looking down on others. I will definitely beat you up today!"

"Let's go, there is a spirit fighting arena here, let's go in and compete."

Wang Donger took the lead and walked into the spirit fighting arena.

Thinking of Huo Yuhao's shameless ability and fearing that she would not be able to dodge and come into physical contact with him, the wealthy Wang Dong'er directly booked a private spirit fighting arena.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger stood on both sides of the ring. No one shouted to start, both parties showed their soul rings in tacit agreement and started to act separately.

Wang Donger is possessed by the goddess of light, with a pair of blue butterfly wings spread out behind her. The colors at both ends of the forewings constantly change from dark blue, azure blue, and light blue. The entire wing surface is like a blue sky inlaid with a string of bright haloes, forming a V shape. , bringing light to the world. Its shape and color are incomparable and impeccably beautiful.

As the light shone, Wang Donger's figure quickly flew towards where Huo Yuhao was. Seeing that there was only a yellow soul ring around Huo Yuhao, Wang Donger's confidence increased even more.

"Hmph, it turns out you are not even a great soul master, then I will definitely beat you up today!"

Huo Yuhao first launched a mental detection to cover the entire arena, and then used simulation to create three of himself and his real body, and began to move towards the edge of the arena in different directions. Huo Yuhao planned to continue to use that method to deal with the earth bull, and "deceive" Wang Dong'er. "Get out of the ring.

When Wang Dong'er saw the four Huo Yuhaos, he suddenly felt a little troubled. Huo Yuhao had used this soul skill in front of her before. He could simulate the environment, become invisible, and create illusions. If his mental strength was not much higher than that of Huo Yuhao, he would not be able to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

Wang Donger didn't know which one was true, and she even thought that none of them might be true.

Wang Donger's century-old soul ring lit up.

Winged guillotine.

I saw sharp golden light blades forming on the edges of Wang Donger's butterfly wings. Wang Donger did not pursue Huo Yuhao, but used the light blade to slash the ground. The sharp light blade quickly destroyed the surface of the arena, and scattered stones on the ground.

Wang Donger grabbed a stone and threw it at Huo Yuhao. It penetrated. It was a fake!

This one is fake too!
This, he caught the stone, it’s true! found it!
The corners of Wang Dong'er's mouth raised, showing a proud smile, and she flapped her wings and flew towards Huo Yuhao's true body at high speed.

Wang Dong'er obviously doesn't know that people's hearts are sinister. Can Huo Yuhao let him discover his true identity so easily?
Huo Yuhao could easily control the phantom to avoid the stone, and could even simulate the phantom catching the stone, but he did not do so, of course for other purposes.

For Huo Yuhao, the illusion is just an illusion, with no combat effectiveness. It can only confuse the opponent and delay time. If he wants to defeat Wang Dong, he can only rely on other abilities.

In addition, there is the most important reason. If he wants to win by "cheating" Wang Dong'er out of the ring, it will be difficult to do it simply through simulation. The edge of the ring suddenly expands. Anyone who is not blind will be more vigilant. Be fooled.

At this time, other soul skills are needed.

During the time that the illusion was delayed, Huo Yuhao used simulation to create an illusion in the sea of ​​​​spirit that was exactly the same as the arena. The illusion was exactly the same, and there was a scene of him and Wang Dong fighting on it. The range of his simulation in reality is thirty meters, but in the spiritual world, there is no limit on the size of the illusion he can use to simulate it. Moreover, simulation can only construct illusions in one's own spiritual sea, but cannot construct illusions in other people's minds.

However, Huo Yuhao also has a magical skill, a magical skill that was completely ignored by Huo Yuhao in the original work-spiritual sharing.

After using simulation to build an illusion, you can use Spirit Sharing to link the other party's mental power to pull the other party into the illusion.

There is also a problem with mental sharing, that is, the other party can easily detect it and then interrupt the sharing.

At this time, Huo Yuhao used his last soul skill - Soul Interference.

Soul interference consumes a huge amount of mental power. As the complexity of the operation and the resistance of the opponent's consciousness increase, the consumption increases exponentially. Therefore, even if Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea can now be called "spiritual" "Dahu", he still only uses soul interference to do some simple operations such as mental suggestion and emotional suggestion, and will not actually control and modify other people's souls and consciousness.

When the illusion is put into the other person's mind through spiritual sharing, Huo Yuhao will use mental interference to make the other party subconsciously ignore the connection of spiritual sharing.

And in order not to make the other party realize that he is in an illusion due to sudden changes, Huo Yuhao has been creating an illusion that is exactly the same as reality to slowly guide the other party to immerse himself in it.

The battle between Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger continued, and at the moment when Wang Donger flew towards Huo Yuhao's true body——

Spiritual sharing, activation.

Wang Dong felt as if his mental power was connected to something, and then he found that an arena exactly like the one in reality appeared in his mind, with her flying towards Huo Yuhao on it.

She was about to break the link, but in the next moment, she suddenly forgot this idea. Her vibrating wings gradually coincided with the "self" in her mind. At this moment, the illusion in her mind seemed to disappear.

Wang Dong continued to fly towards Huo Yuhao, but at the same distance, Wang Dong's flying time was a little longer than before. It was just this time difference that Wang Dong did not notice, or subconsciously ignored.

She swung the light blades on her wings and slashed at Huo Yuhao. It penetrated through a simulated illusion! Wang Dong realized it instantly. She immediately waved her wings to attack behind her, but found that Huo Yuhao did not take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

Huo Yuhao stood far away on the other side of the ring and said with a faint smile: "You lost. Look at your feet. You have already left the ring."

The surrounding environment slowly changed, and Wang Donger realized that she was indeed outside the ring. Not believing in evil, she stepped on the ground. It was true that it was not a simulated illusion.

Wang Dong'er raised her head and snorted coldly: "We didn't lose. Our bet doesn't mean we lose if we leave the arena."

"So you're trying to cheat? Well, I'll make you convinced that you lost today!" Huo Yuhao said nonchalantly, or in other words, Wang Dong'er's answer was exactly what he wanted.

In Huo Yuhao's view, the female characters in several Douluo Continent are more or less averse to the strong mentality. Therefore, he just wanted to take the opportunity to hit Wang Dong'er severely today. Otherwise, with this girl's arrogance, what else will he do in the future? Open a harem openly?

If you want to enjoy the blessings of everyone, either the girl is a love brain and loves you to death, or she must be in a dominant position in terms of feelings, power, strength, financial resources, etc. You have to account for both.

Huo Yuhao flirted with Wang Donger provocatively.

(End of this chapter)

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