Chapter 28 Three women and one drama
A group of four people left the academy. Tang Ya held Jiang Nannan's arms with both hands, and her eyes were full of curiosity, looking at Huo Yuhao for a while and Jiang Nannan for a while.

"Xiao Yuhao, I didn't expect you to be the one who captured the heart of our Nannan! Before, Nannan told me that she had someone she liked. I still didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be you!"

When Jiang Nannan heard that Xiaoya told Huo Yuhao what she had been hiding, her face was immediately filled with red clouds. She quickly scratched Tang Ya to stop Tang Ya from continuing to say anything private between them. Her watery eyes quietly turned to Huo Yuhao's face and saw that the young man was looking at her with a smile. His eyes immediately moved to Tang Ya with a look of anger.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Tell me about you and Nan Nan, I want to hear it."

Tang Ya started to change the topic with a smile to relieve her best friend's shyness.

Wang Dong followed Huo Yuhao and watched the interaction between the three of them with cold eyes. She was the only one who seemed to be an irrelevant person and had difficulty integrating into their small circle. It was clearly an event between four people, so why was it that I was the only one who didn’t have a line?

Wang Dong felt even more uncomfortable and sour. The streets of Shrek City were still familiar. Yesterday Huo Yuhao walked with her alone, but today there were two more with her. Yesterday, I was still shouting, but today, the new generation is better than the old one - well, the old generation is better than the new one, and they don't even look at me.

Her nose seemed to be blocked by something, and Wang Dong felt tears welling up in her eyes. She turned her head sideways, pretending to be looking at the scenery on the street, and squeezed back the tears bit by bit.

She couldn't cry. In this world, there was only the principle of only hearing the laughter of the new people, but not the tears of the old people. There was no reason for her to do the opposite, and she only heard the laughter of the old people, and never heard the tears of the new people.

Wang Dong held back her tears, but quietly raised her ears, ready to listen to what happened between Huo Yuhao and that vixen Jiang Nannan. She decided to get to know each other first, and then wait for an opportunity to reveal the true face of Huo Yuhao, a scumbag, so that the other party would not be deceived by him. .

Even if she is a vixen, Wang Dong feels that she is smart and upright and has an obligation to save her from that bastard's murderous hands - definitely not because of anything else! Absolutely not! So true!

Huo Yuhao turned his head slightly and used his peripheral vision to pay attention to Wang Dong, who was unknowingly half a step behind. When he saw the other person's pitiful look with tears in his eyes, he glared at him with resentment flashing in his eyes from time to time. But she followed him honestly step by step, her two white and red ears twitching slightly, obviously listening to their conversation.

Huo Yuhao felt that Wang Dong looked cute like this.

"I still remember that it was a spring morning. I was looking for a way to cure my mother all over the world and met Sister Nannan who was trying her best to cure her mother. The gears of fate were turning at this moment..."

While Huo Yuhao was talking about some past events, he reached out and grabbed Wang Dong's forearm through his clothes, and pulled Wang Dong to his side.

Wang Dong found that his forearm was tightly grasped by Huo Yuhao, and his whole body was pulled to his side. Wang Dong shook his arm angrily, trying to break away from Huo Yuhao's strong and hot palm, but in vain.

Wang Dong's face was swollen with anger, and he turned his head away from Huo Yuhao. Most of the sourness in his eyes and the alienation in his heart disappeared unconsciously.

While Tang Ya listened to Huo Yuhao's narration, she quietly watched the interaction between the two and remembered it in her heart, feeling something bad in her heart. These two people looked like an at odds couple.

Xiao Yuhao, you are confused!

How can you like a boy?
Where do you put Nannan in this way? Where do you put me? Putting Beibei in...well, this doesn't count.

In short, Tang Ya felt that she should let Nan Nan pull Xiao Yuhao back to the right path as soon as possible. There was really no other way. She, she couldn't sacrifice something, just to repay Xiao Yuhao for pointing her in the direction of soul ring selection.

Huo Yuhao continued to talk. "When I traveled around, I also visited many famous doctors that I could see. I accompanied Sister Nannan and her mother to visit those famous doctors who had real skills. After curing my aunt's disease, I left. Sister Nannan caught up with me after my mother's condition improved, and wanted to protect me all the way to repay her kindness. I remember that when Sister Nannan caught up with me, I happened to be robbed, and Sister Nannan appeared in time to save my life."

Jiang Nannan listened quietly to Huo Yuhao's story, recalling the details at that time from time to time, with a happy smile on her face.

"...We got along on and off for almost a year. Finally, we said goodbye to each other after I found a way to save my mother. Sister Nannan told me that she was coming to Shrek Academy, so I came to see her right now. "

After Huo Yuhao finished speaking, he let out a breath and revealed a little bit of his inner thoughts. He felt much more relaxed. He looked at Jiang Nannan, who was listening quietly to him, and asked:

"Sister Nannan, how is auntie's health now? I haven't visited auntie in the past two years. I will go with you to visit auntie after the holiday."

"My mother's health has improved since she recovered. And I am now enrolled in Shrek Academy. My neighbors in the village will take care of some mothers when I am away. Yuhao, how is Aunt Huo's health? Has she recovered?"

Jiang Nannan said with concern. Huo Yuhao had not contacted her since he found the treatment. She did not know the situation of Huo Yuhao's mother.

Tang Ya heard Jiang Nannan's inquiry and suddenly remembered what Huo Yuhao said last time in the Star Forest that he was the only one in his family.

Could it be that Xiao Yuhao’s mother was not cured after all? Xiao Yuhao has obviously been working on this for two or three years, but you must know that he was only an eight or nine-year-old child at the time. Tang Ya's eyes flashed with distress. Just as Xiao Yuhao said, they are both orphans now.

"My mother passed away. It was not because of illness, but for some other reasons." Huo Yuhao said in a calm tone, with no waves in his calm eyes. He didn't want to tell anyone more about his mother's death, and he didn't want to fake his hatred by others. He just wanted to personally make the entire White Tiger Duke's palace repay it with every inch of blood and hatred.

"Yu Hao!" Jiang Nannan looked at the young man whose eyes looked like abyss with some worry and distress. She was familiar with Huo Yuhao's past and could feel the depression and hatred in his heart. She hoped that Huo Yuhao could rely on her more. She was willing to help him and hoped to be able to help him.

Tang Ya felt that she understood Huo Yuhao, but she didn't want this understanding as she was also responsible for killing her father and mother. We are really both fallen people from the end of the world! It turns out that not only were he and Xiao Yuhao orphans, but their parents were also murdered, and they both had a blood feud to avenge.

The darkness in Tang Ya's eyes flashed away. Why did those evil people get better and better as they lived, but she and Xiao Yuhao could only struggle hard, trying their best and doing whatever it took to make the murderer pay for his blood debt?
Wang Dong quietly put his other hand on Huo Yuhao's arm, hoping to give her some comfort. She didn't expect Huo Yuhao to have such a past. Compared to him, she was really too happy.

Well, from now on, just be nice to him. Even if you want to see your daughter dress up, as long as he asks a few more times, you can satisfy him once in a while!
Several people with different thoughts fell silent and walked aimlessly towards the center of Shrek City.

Huo Yuhao was the first to break the silence.

At this time, a smile appeared on his face again: "Why are you not talking? Sister Xiaoya, have you forgotten the purpose of our coming out today? If you don't take me, people who are unfamiliar with this place in Shrek City will be People lied."

Tang Ya glanced at Huo Yuhao and said in a lively tone: "You are a clever person. You are the only one who deceives others. How can others deceive you?"

Huo Yuhao said with an innocent face: "Sister Xiaoya, please don't slander me. I never lie to others."

Wang Dong:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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