Chapter 60 Ma Xiaotao’s Strength
After the clouds cleared and the rain came, Huo Yuhao got up and took a shower. He felt relaxed and happy, suitable for meditation practice. It was definitely not because he mentally detected Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, and Yan Shaozhe outside the door.

After a long time, Ma Xiaotao's beauty wrinkled slightly and she stood up with a pair of lotus-rooted arms. She felt a little sore and uncomfortable all over. Looking up, she saw that the bed in front of her was scattered with skirts, stockings, belts and other clothes, which made her rosy cheeks look a little more embarrassed, and the bright red on the fur rug made her phoenix eyes even brighter. A bit disappointed.

Looking around the dormitory, he saw the young man sitting calmly on another bed. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth, mobilized the flames to surround his fingertips, and showed a dangerous look in his narrow phoenix eyes. Finally, he sighed, dispersed the fireworks, and gave up on doing anything to the boy.

Speaking of which, it was she who came to Huo Yuhao to relieve the evil fire first, and she was the one who forced him to do it first, and he indeed helped her to eliminate the evil fire.

Although the girl is very strong and strong, she also has a bright and generous personality. After thinking about it, she considered her "little husband".

Seeing Huo Yuhao's sharp eyebrows and handsome face, Ma Xiaotao nodded with satisfaction. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. Especially when she thought of how gentle the young man was when he used all kinds of tricks to coax her with gentle words, a smile appeared on the girl's face. Beautiful red clouds.

His strength is only so-so, but his mental strength is so strong that he can't even compare to himself. He can be called a genius and worthy of himself.

Even though he is a little younger, the women in the inner courtyard might laugh at him for eating young grass. A look of worry flashed across the girl's beautiful face, but then her face brightened. I liked it, I was happy with it, but they couldn't eat it yet!

Ma Xiaotao smiled silently, for fear of surprising the meditating young man. She was still naked. Although the two had met each other frankly, they were still shy when they should be.

Ma Xiaotao took out a new set of clothes from the soul guide, put them on, and put the old clothes back. Yingying's eyes saw the fur blanket on the bed that was soaked with sweat and stained with blood. The girl hesitated for a moment, and finally packed up the fur blanket that was so commemorative to her and took it away. It was originally a comfortable, simple and luxurious place. In the end, only a bed board remained in Wang Dong's bed.

However, if Ma Xiaotao left the fur blanket with bloodstains and traces to Wang Dong, it would probably be considered murderous and heartbreaking for Wang Dong.

Huo Yuhao woke up "properly" after Ma Xiaotao finished cleaning up.

"Sister Xiaotao, you're awake." Huo Yuhao greeted with a slight smile.

Ma Xiaotao's bright phoenix eyes were startled, and the young man woke up from his meditation, his heart could not help but beat fast, and his jade face was dyed crimson.

She recalled that the young man had just asked her, "Senior, have you dispelled your evil spirit?" She was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak and he refused to let her go. The young girl felt that she should be stronger and not let him take advantage of her. Nor can he be made to think that she is a casual woman.

Ma Xiaotao's eyes were covered with frost, showing a cold look, and said angrily: "Little thief, you dare to ruin my innocence, what do you have to say!"

Huo Yuhao had just seen Ma Xiaotao's shy and joyful look during the mental detection, but why did his expression change in the blink of an eye? Are you trying to take advantage of him?
Huo Yuhao said with an innocent face: "Sister Xiaotao, it was clearly you who forced me. You were on top at the beginning. How can I, a small soul master, be my opponent as a soul emperor? I haven't asked you yet to ask if you are bad. My innocence is at stake!”

Ma Xiaotao's pretty face was covered with bright red clouds, and the frost-covered narrow phoenix eyes gradually disappeared, revealing a hint of shame and annoyance, and hummed: "Just tell me, have you ruined my innocence? About this matter You have to be responsible, right?”

"Otherwise -" Ma Xiaotao curled up into a smile and stared at Huo Yuhao's lower body with a dangerous look in her eyes. Huo Yuhao was stared at so much that his legs felt cold, and he said in a clear voice, "There is no need to worry about this. Of course I will be responsible for my woman."

Ma Xiaotao smiled with satisfaction, her delicate face showing a bit of shyness and joy, her bright eyes sparkling as she said, "Then you will be my sister's little man from now on, so don't mess around with others."

Huo Yuhao looked at Ma Xiaotao and wanted to control him as soon as he walked through the door. How could he agree? He can't let down Sister Nannan, Sister Xiaoya, Dong'er, Xiao Xiao, etc., right?

Huo Yuhao said calmly: "It's impossible. I had girlfriends before. There's no way I could let them down."

Hearing Huo Yuhao's words, Ma Xiaotao felt a surge of sourness in her heart, and there was a hint of grievance in her charming eyes.

They are all like this, can't he give in to me first? I'm not an ignorant person, and I don't bother to fight for love.

But she was used to being strong in daily life. Although she felt aggrieved in her heart, she was unforgiving on her lips. Ma Xiaotao said coldly with a cold face: "Then I saw you when you were intimate. I will talk to them to see if they have the strength to compete with me!"

Huo Yuhao could naturally see the grievance in Ma Xiaotao's narrow phoenix eyes, and said in a gentle voice: "Sister Xiaotao, I know you have grievances in your heart, but after all, we only see two sides. We don't know each other well enough, and our feelings are the same. It's like seeing flowers in the mist, so we should get along more in the future and get to know each other better. I'll also introduce them to you. You can get to know them first. Maybe you can have similar temperaments and become friends?"

The coldness in Ma Xiaotao's bright eyes was slightly relieved, and she turned to the door and said softly: "I am quite arrogant, and I am afraid I can't get along with other people. I understand what you mean, and I won't deliberately embarrass them, but I won’t let you go. To provoke women, you have to be able to provoke them. Before your strength exceeds mine, it’s best to be restrained when dealing with them. Don’t let me touch you. It’s hard for me to suppress myself. The anger in your heart, you will have to lie on the bed when the time comes. As for when your strength surpasses me - "

The girl paused as she spoke, a blush appearing on her pretty and fair face, "Of course I can be completely obedient to you!"

After saying this, the girl opened the door and saw Yan Shaozhe, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao waiting at the door. She was stunned for a moment.

Um? Why are there still people listening to the corner? The person taking the lead is actually a teacher? ! ! !
Wang Dong's face was sullen, her almond-shaped eyes widened, and her big pink-blue eyes were filled with anger towards Ma Xiaotao. She pushed Ma Xiaotao away, paused, and ran into the dormitory to check on Huo Yuhao's safety.

There was doubt in Xiao Xiaoxing's eyes, and she tilted her head slightly, looking at the senior sister who had changed her clothes, had a delicate face, and was as pretty as a peach. At the same time, her eyes drifted into the room from time to time, and there was concern between her eyebrows. The meaning flows.

Yan Shaozhe had a dark face. When he saw that Ma Xiaotao was safe and sound, and the evil fire on his body was almost gone, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the door with sharp eyes. He wanted to see if this kid dared Don't dare to face him? He has never had an heir, and has always raised his disciple Ma Xiaotao as his daughter. Today, Xiaobaicai was suddenly raped by a wild boar. Let's see if he can take care of him!
However, Yan Shaozhe did not wait for Huo Yuhao. Instead, an angry Wang Dong rushed out first and shouted angrily at Ma Xiaotao: "Where is my quilt?"

In just one sentence, a variety of complex emotions such as anger, resentment, resentment, sourness, etc. are intertwined.

(End of this chapter)

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