Chapter 62 Harvest
Huo Yuhao mobilized his changed mental power, wrapped it around his fingertips, and carefully felt the changes in his mental power.

The pink spiritual power exudes a faint charm that confuses people's minds and arouses desire, which is the same as the charm of the succubus body.

Huo Yuhao had a strange look on his face. He didn't expect that the body of the succubus was actually immersed in the sea of ​​spirit.

Maybe it’s because the spiritual sea located between the eyebrows is originally a part of the body’s constitution.

But, I wonder how strong his spiritual charm is? How will he use mental detection sharing in the future? If the mental power is not linked to a female teammate, the result is equivalent to giving one's own teammate a strong control. Once I was linked to my male teammates, their orientation changed after a battle?

Also, will his future use of mental power to attack the female soul master's spiritual sea be considered an attack or a reward?

This power is really evil!

By this time, Huo Yuhao felt that the disadvantages brought to him by the power of Charming Body far outweighed the advantages.

Fortunately, there was only one month. After curing, he could turn off the succubus body's charm ability at any time. Even if the curing process was not successful, the charm power would disappear as the succubus body was refreshed.

Huo Yuhao slowly controlled the ray of spiritual power at his fingertips, trying to control a trace of charm in it.

He frowned, focused his mind, and finally, the ray of spiritual power at his fingertips returned to a pure pale golden color.

Huo Yuhao's eyebrows widened. As long as he could purify the first ray of spiritual power, it would be much easier to purify other spiritual powers in the future. You can purify and use it when necessary.

Huo Yuhao's mind returned to his body, and Yan Shaozhe's pressure became much easier, and the heat flowing in his body disappeared.

Huo Yuhao opened his eyes, the golden light in his eyes disappeared, and there was a ray of pink under his eyes, like a misty veil, adding a touch of charm and mystery to Huo Yuhao's temperament.

The change in Huo Yuhao's temperament naturally attracted the attention of several people present, especially the three women Wang Dong, Xiao, Ma Xiaotao.

When they saw Huo Yuhao at this time, especially his eyes, they couldn't help but feel a flutter in their hearts. Their hearts couldn't help but be immersed in the deep, gorgeous, and mysterious eyes.

Yan Shaozhe narrowed his eyes and asked tentatively: "Boy, are you awakening your martial soul for the second time?"

If it was the second awakening of the original martial soul, then he would tie Huo Yuhao to death in the academy at any cost. This would not only allow Shrek to spy on the secret of the second awakening of the original martial spirit, but also gain a top expert for the academy.

Huo Yuhao shook his head and chuckled: "No, but I have gained a lot. I have to thank Dean Yan for his cultivation and dedication!"

Hearing Huo Yuhao's teasing, Yan Shaozhe almost vomited blood, his face turned dark again, and he became even more angry.

He said with a serious smile: "Guiding students is what I, the dean, should do. Since what I do is good for you, let's continue!"

He didn't believe that Huo Yuhao could still increase his strength today.

"Teacher, that's enough!" Ma Xiaotao on the side couldn't help but said when she saw that Yan Shaozhe was still trying to embarrass Huo Yuhao.

Her charming and narrow phoenix eyes were covered with a layer of clear frost, her eyebrows were upturned, her pretty face was frosty, and she said softly:

"Teacher, this is a matter between me and my junior. He is also the person I recognize. Teacher, you can help me examine him, but teacher, if you want to deliberately embarrass him, the disciple will not agree!" Yan Shaozhe did not agree! Thinking that this little cotton-padded jacket has not yet been married, her elbows are already turned outward. Why was he embarrassing this boy? It was not because of Ma Xiaotao! After all, this kid took advantage of the situation and had a relationship without the two of them getting along. He was afraid that his disciple would be looked down upon, so he wanted to embarrass this kid so that he could take Ma Xiaotao seriously.

Although he also vented his unhappy feelings, he did it for Ma Xiaotao.

Yan Shaozhe said angrily: "Do you know that this kid took advantage of your confusion and took advantage of it? If you don't punish him well, how can he treat you well?"

Seeing the teacher getting angry, Ma Xiaotao lost her temper, but she still whispered: "It was the disciple who forced him, not him who took advantage of the situation. Anyway, teacher, please don't worry about the two of us. He told me that he would talk to me." Get along well and cultivate relationships.”

Yan Shaozhe was about to say something else when he heard a vicissitudes of voice: "Shaozhe, let the children resolve their emotional affairs on their own, and you don't want to get involved. I'll give the little guys some compensation for what happened today." , and then go back!”

Yan Shaozhe, Huo Yuhao and others were startled when they heard the voice. Yan Shaozhe bowed respectfully and said, "Disciple understands."

Yan Shaozhe took out three jade bottles from the soul tool and threw them to Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao with a cold expression, "You are not allowed to tell others what happened today, remember?"

Huo Yuhao and the others took the jade bottle. Yan Shaozhe turned to Ma Xiaotao and said, "I will not interfere in your affairs in the future. You must still focus on cultivation. Return to the inner courtyard as soon as possible."

After saying this, Yan Shaozhe walked away.

At the door of the freshmen dormitory, Mu En still looked old and half asleep. Seeing Yan Shaozhe leaving through the slit in his eyes, Mu En shook his head and sighed in his heart.

Yan Shaozhe, a disciple, is extremely talented, but he is not broad-minded and indecisive. He is hesitant in doing things and has not even dealt with his own emotional problems. As a result, his cultivation level has been stuck at level ninety-five for decades, and he still interferes with the feelings of his juniors. question.

Originally, he wanted to accept Huo Yuhao as his disciple, but today he unexpectedly found out that the planned disciple had been reduced to the level of disciple and grandson. Alas!
Moon was worried about the future of Shrek Academy.

After Yan Shaozhe left, Ma Xiaotao moved lightly and came to Huo Yuhao's side. She held her slender hand lightly, her beautiful eyes were flowing, her smile was hidden, and she whispered: "Little brother, this handsome young man seems unwilling to accept it." What about my compensation? How about you take these five thousand gold soul coins first and help me buy a new set of bedding for her? As my husband, you should help me pay some compensation to outsiders, right?"

Ma Xiaotao hugged Huo Yuhao, looking at Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao with a smile in her beautiful eyes. Seeing the anger and resentment in Wang Dong's eyes, he raised his eyebrows and hugged Huo Yuhao tighter with a pair of lotus arms, squeezing him plumply and gracefully.

Huo Yuhao broke away from the soft touch in his arms and said helplessly: "Sister Xiaotao, please don't mention this again. I will take care of it."

Ma Xiaotao nodded and said, "In that case, I'll leave first, sister. Remember to be free on the weekend, and sister will take you to the inner courtyard for a walk."

"Cultivation and cultivation of feelings!" Ma Xiaotao paused, looking at Wang Dong who looked like a doormat, and her mood became much brighter.

Huo Yuhao agreed.

"Junior juniors and junior girls, my sister is gone." Ma Xiaotao said seemingly unintentionally, turned and left.

After Ma Xiaotao left, Wang Dong turned around and entered the dormitory with a cold face, slamming the door shut.

Huo Yuhao sighed, it seemed that he needed to coax Wang Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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