Traveling through Huo Yuhao, my abilities are refreshed every month

Chapter 85 Preparations for establishing student organizations

Chapter 85 Preparations for establishing student organizations

Jiang Nannan said: "According to Yuhao's plan, the establishment of the organization requires a lot of funds. Without the support of the college, we must find ways to make money on our own."

Everyone quieted down and thought hard about ways to make money, but they couldn't think of anything for a while.

They are still students in their teens, mainly learning how to fight. It is easy for them to ask for money from their families, but it is difficult for them to think of ways to make money.

Beibei suggested: "How about we pay for it ourselves first?"

Except for Jiang Nannan, no one present was short of money now. Although Jiang Nannan was still frugal, she was not short of money. Huo Yuhao gave a lot of the money he earned to Jiang Nannan as a betrothal gift.

Huo Yuhao rejected Beibei's proposal and said seriously: "No, the organization we founded must not collect members' money. Over time, it will develop the problem of collecting member fees indiscriminately and breed corruption. What's more, the organization may also be The people who provide the money control it. So the organization has to have its own way of making money.”

"What should we do? Do business in the name of Soul Palace? But what kind of business can we do?" Wang Dong asked.

Huo Yuhao chuckled and asked confidently: "What kind of organization are we going to establish?"

"What does this have to do with the organization we established?" Wang Dong wondered.

Huo Yuhao glanced at Wang Dong lightly, which made her angry. She felt despised.

Huo Yuhao said: "What we are going to set up is a student organization, and it is a student organization in Shrek Academy. What is the most popular in Shrek Academy?"

"They are geniuses and talents. Every student in Shrek Academy is a talent that all the major forces desire. Several major empires even have quotas for recruiting Shrek students. Isn't this our opportunity?"

"We only need to promise to help promote their power. They won't be stingy with some money, right? Talent is priceless."

Beibei frowned and thought for a while, and agreed: "It is indeed feasible, and it can be used as a long-term method to obtain funds. If our Soul Palace is really fully established, its guiding power for students will definitely be unprecedented. The suggestions of our organization are completely It may affect the destination of the members after graduation. Those big forces will not be stingy with giving us some money and let us help them with publicity."

"Leave this matter to me. I know quite a few powerful people."

Huo Yuhao thanked me warmly, "Then I'll bother you, Brother Beibei."

He knew that it was not easy to do this. Their Soul Palace was just a start-up and faced many difficulties. And those big forces were all masters who would not let go of the rabbit before they saw the hawk. How could it be so easy to pay for it? Their money is not brought by strong winds.

Huo Yuhao sighed, Brother Beibei is such a good person. It seems that he must take good care of Sister Xiaoya in the future, so that he can live up to Brother Beibei's efforts.

I just hope that Big Brother Beibei and Xu Sanshi can be happy, and I may have to help them find something similar to Niangdong Spring in the future, so that their true love can blossom and bear fruit.

When the time comes, I hope Brother Beibei won’t be too moved.

Seeing that the funding problem was solved, everyone began to consider the most important issue, how to recruit members.

Beibei took the lead and said: "Although we can recruit our friends, as a student organization, we should recruit members for all students. It's just such an organization that has never appeared on the mainland. How is everyone's acceptance? We don’t know.”

Xiao Xiao heard that Huo Yuhao was going to establish a student organization yesterday and went back to think about it for a long time, so he thought more carefully. She entwined her dark green hair with her white jade fingers, glanced at Huo Yuhao, and said: "If the power of our student organization is not recognized by the college, it must be based on the recognition of all students. If we recruit people at will, or even just recruit If you are friends and relatives, it will be difficult for all students to recognize you." "In order for everyone in the college to understand the role and function of the student organization, we must first publicize our reputation!"

Huo Yuhao smiled lightly and clapped his hands, saying: "Xiao Xiao is right, what we should do before recruiting people is publicity!"

He gently lifted his chin and said: "The college will hold a challenger arena competition this week. The more consecutive wins, the higher the rewards. We may be able to promote it in the arena competition. With the strength of me, Brother Beibei and Sister Nannan , achieving a high winning streak is enough to build the organization’s reputation.”

"The Challenger Arena is indeed the best time to make a name for yourself. Especially for Yuhao, if he wins the highest winning streak as a freshman in the first ring, the fame he can achieve will definitely be unprecedented, and Yuhao definitely has this ability. ." Beibei agreed.

Then he frowned, thoughtfully, and asked tentatively: "How should we promote the competition in the ring? Is it by printing advertisements on clothes?"

Huo Yuhao smiled and nodded. He was just using the traditional skills of Shrek Academy. Back then, Flanders used advertisements on the Academy uniform to make money during the Continental Soul Master Competition. This is called giving back to others.

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched, thinking of him wearing clothes with advertisements printed on them in the ring competition, and he smiled helplessly.

Brother Yuhao is really good at deceiving others. The key is that he even deceives himself.

Beibei did not reject this method, it was indeed an effective method.

A trace of worry flashed in Jiang Nannan's eyes, and she said: "But this arena is for the dean to promote the true meaning of the school motto. Is it really okay for us to use it to promote the student organization? Will this attract the attention of the Actors Station?"

Huo Yuhao said with relief: "Don't worry, Dean Yan will find out about the establishment of the student organization sooner or later. What we have to do is to strengthen the student organization before he stops the student organization, and at the same time obtain the support of some senior leaders of other colleges."

"So, we just need to delay the time for Dean Yan to find out. During the Challenger Arena, we can use the limelight of other things to cover up the Soul Palace, making the establishment of the Soul Palace less conspicuous."

"What's the limelight?" Everyone else was aroused curiosity.

Huo Yuhao coughed slightly and said with some embarrassment: "Brother Beibei and Sister Xiaoya will have to sacrifice themselves."

"Shall we sacrifice?" Beibei and Tang Ya had doubts on their faces.

Huo Yuhao said: "I plan to start a campus newspaper, which will serve as the mouthpiece of the Soul Palace Propaganda Department in the future. But now I can throw it out to attract the attention of the college."

"We can take advantage of the competition to run the campus newspaper, and also highlight its promotional role to attract the attention of Dean Yan. With such a mouthpiece for all students, Dean Yan's style will not let It’s in our hands, right?”

Everyone was thoughtful, and Tang Ya asked doubtfully: "What does this have to do with me and Beibei?"

Huo Yuhao said with some embarrassment: "Gossip is human nature at any time, and it is also a shortcut for newspapers to develop rapidly. If something happens to you, the model couple on campus, we will publish it in the newspaper. With your reputation, I believe everyone will Those who are willing to buy a newspaper and read it.”

"Of course, I'm not saying that something really happened to you. I just asked Brother Beibei and Sister Xiaoya to pretend." Huo Yuhao added with sincerity in his eyes.

That's what Huo Yuhao said, but he knew that once a couple with a rift breaks up, the rift will expand to an extent that is difficult to heal.

(End of this chapter)

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