Chapter 105 Melee
The evil fire protector summoned a shadow double-edged sword and struck Li Xinnan on the chest, causing fire to scatter in all directions.

Li Xinnan was struck and took two steps back. He immediately stabilized his body, flicked his right hand, and turned the Qiankun belt wheel.

Flaming Knife!

A fiery red light and shadow flew out from the waist.

Li Xinnan put his hands through the post, held the flaming knife in his hand, and directly slashed three times at the evil fire protector to return the favor.

The flaming knife hit one after another, causing sparks to fly.

The evil fire protector swung the shadow double-edged sword and hit the flaming knife.

For a time, the two sides were in a stalemate, and they were constantly increasing their power in an attempt to suppress the other side.

Li Xinnan took the lead in changing his moves, withdrew the flaming knife, turned around and slashed across the abdomen of the evil fire protector.

The evil fire protector felt pain in his abdomen and retreated repeatedly.

Li Xinnan retracted the flaming knife, flicked his right hand, turned the wheel on his belt, and summoned the flaming bow.

The flaming bow continued to shoot red light arrows, hitting the evil fire protector one after another, temporarily suppressing it.

The other side.

Dongshan turns the Qiankun belt wheel with his right hand.

Wind Eagle Crossbow!
A streak of cyan light flew out from his waist. Dongshan bent his right hand, equipped the Wind Eagle Crossbow in his hand, aimed at the evil wood protector and quickly shot a blue light arrow.

Protector Akmu ran to dodge, Dongshan adjusted his direction and blocked his movement.

"Brother Evil Jin, come and help me!"

The Wind Eagle Crossbow used by Dongshan shoots extremely fast, and the Evil Wood Protector is almost unable to counterattack, so he can only summon the Evil Gold Protector.

After hearing the news, the Evil Gold Protector came to the Evil Wood Protector, turned the shadow ax to resist Dongshan's light arrow, and then six red eyes shot out red light one after another.

Dongshan moved quickly and avoided the attack of the evil gold protector.

Xizhao turned the belt wheel with his right hand, and a white light and shadow post flew out. He passed his hands through the post and held the thunder axe.

"Your opponent is me!"

Xizhao swung his thunder ax and hit the evil gold protector on the chest.

Among the five shadow guardians, the evil gold guardian was the strongest. He resisted the axe, then turned the shadow ax in his hand and instantly chopped Xizhao away.

"Although you and I have the same origin, if you want to compete with me in strength, we are still a little behind!"

Dongshan quickly caught Xizhao: "Are you okay?"

Xizhao shook his head: "I'm fine, let's come together!"

At the same time, Zhang Beimiao and Kun Zhong were also fighting with the two shadow guardians, Bad Water and Bad Earth.

Zhang Beimiao turned the belt wheel twice in succession to summon the meteor gun and water armor shield.

Kunzhong summoned the earth-shattering knife in the same way.

Split the ground!
The earth-shattering knife accumulated energy and emitted an earthy yellow light.

Kunzhong swung the earth-shattering knife, and a light blade shaped like a shark fin rushed out along the ground, and the floor also cracked.

The Warden of Badwater and the Warden of Badland are separated by Earthshatter.

Zhang Beimiao thrust out the meteor gun in his hand and hit the abdomen of the evil water protector.

"Are you tickling me?"

A provocative female voice sounded.

The Bad Water Protector also thrust out the shadow spear, but the target was aimed at Kunzhong.

Almost at the same time, the Badlands Protector also raised his shadow sword and attacked Kunzhong one after another.

Kunzhong raised his knife to resist, but was hit hard on his back and was cut to the point where he half-knelt on the ground.

Just when the Bad Earth Protector was about to continue the last strike, Zhang Beimiao arrived in time and easily blocked the Bad Earth Protector's sword with his water armor shield.

"Can you stand up?!"

Kunzhong used the earth-shattering knife to support himself to stand up.

"no problem!"

Kunzhong switched his weapon to the Earth-Splitting Claw and scratched at the Badwater Protector's chest, causing sparks to fly.

Ding Ding Ding!
The Evil Water Protector has super strong defense, and the Earth Splitting Claw can reduce the enemy's defense through continuous claw attacks, which is just enough to restrain it.

Upon seeing this, the Protector of Bad Land quickly came to his aid, preparing to force Kunzhong back with a punch.

"Think I don't exist?"

Zhang Beimiao once again stopped in front of the Bad Earth Protector and thrust out a meteor spear, forcing the Bad Earth Protector back several steps.

"Let me deal with her!" Zhang Beimiao and Kunzhong switched their attack targets and continued their attack.

At the same time, Meizhen, who was in the ERP war room, was observing the battle between the two sides.

The two sides were completely involved in a melee.

The evil gold protector is very powerful, even if he is one against two, he will not fall behind at all.

This resulted in a moment of stalemate, with both sides unable to determine the winner.

Li Yi, who was also observing the battle situation, suddenly spoke.

"You two, go join in the fun."

Duan Muyan and Wen Ning were immediately shocked again.

"What are you doing standing still? Let me see the results of your training."

The two understood immediately, nodded, took two steps forward, and took out their respective summoners.

"The Nava of Flame, the power of swallowing the fierce flames, merge together!"

"Celestial Dragon Armor, merge!"

A burst of light flashed, and the two completed the armor fusion.

Duan Muyan and Wen Ning both had the same idea in their hearts: they finally had a chance to test their strength after training!

The two were eager to try and immediately joined the battle.

Seeing the two armors that suddenly appeared, the Light and Shadow Armor Team and the Five Shadow Guardians were all confused.

What the hell? Where did this thing come from?

Protector Evilmu recognized Duanmuyan.

"Nava Armor?! If you don't go to destroy Oxer, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Isn’t the enemy of the four-element armor Oxel? Why are you here to deal with the people from the Shadow Realm?

As for the other silver armor, no one knew it.

Duan Muyan smiled and said: "Whether it's Oxer or something else, I will represent justice and eliminate evil! In my opinion, there is no difference!"

"We are here to help you." Wen Ning said calmly.

The five members of the light and shadow armor team did not have any doubts.

They are both armor summoners, so their goals are naturally the same.

Li Xinnan: "No problem! Then let's go together! Eliminate them all!"

The evil gold protector sneered: "So what if there are two more people? The result is the same! I just happened to kill you all today to let the world know how powerful we are in the shadow world!"

"Then come on!"

The melee continues.

The evil gold protector directly met Li Xinnan and Duan Muyan.

"Haha... You humans have a saying that true gold is not afraid of fire! Just let me try, can your flames hurt me at all?"

Duan Muyan gathered the molten flame elements in her left hand and summoned the Melting Lin Knife.

"Kill this guy together!"

Li Xinnan nodded, and Duan Muyan and Duan Muyan attacked the Evil Gold Protector from left to right.

The evil gold protector stretched out one hand, preparing to meet Duan Muyan's attack.

Duan Muyan raised his knife to chop it down and met the big black hand of the evil gold protector.

The Evil Gold Protector Tiger stuttered in pain and quickly pulled back.

"Hiss! I didn't expect you, kid, to be so powerful?! I underestimated you!"

When Duan Muyan saw this, she looked slightly happy.

The training really works!
The evil gold protector swung his shadow ax and struck Duanmuyan head-on.


Li Xinnan raised the flaming knife to block the shadow ax, but his hands were trembling slightly.

The evil gold protector continued to increase his strength and broke through Li Xinnan's defense.

The shadow ax hit Li Xinnan's breastplate, causing a large amount of sparks.

The Ronglin Knife in Duanmuyan's hand condensed energy, and the blade emitted a dazzling light.

Then he slashed out with a sword, instantly knocking the evil gold protector away.

(End of this chapter)

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