Exorcist Princess

Chapter 131: Seeing you running like a dog chasing a rabbit is very refreshing.

What? !Feng Yiying stepped down and made an emergency 'brake', Yi Qingchen was already on guard, jumped up and jumped off the ground.Made a grimace and said, "Why are you stopping in such a hurry? Don't you know that the faster you run, the greater the inertia? What if you threw me out and broke me?" Feng Yiying's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot , he has become accustomed to Yi Qingchen's "Martian language", and said angrily: "Damn girl, since you can deal with it, why didn't you say it earlier?!" Yi Qingchen smiled leisurely: "You didn't ask, why did I tell you earlier? Tell me? What's more..." She blinked suddenly, and a smirk appeared on her small face: "Besides, I see you running like a dog chasing a rabbit, very refreshed. Hahahaha!" In this moment of effort, the cloud of black mist had approached the two of them.Yi Qingchen raised her hand, and seven spells flew out of her hand.It emits seven colored rays of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.These seven colorful rays of light flew around the cloud of black smoke and turned to the diseased area, like a rainbow, dazzling and beautiful.The black smoke-like thing seemed to be very afraid of the spell, and huddled tightly, screaming piercingly.Yi Qingchen clasped her hands in front of her chest, and moved her fingers quickly: "Come, soldiers, fights, all, array, row, in front, bind the spirit!" With the sound of her chanting, the seven talismans gradually It turned into a rainbow-like rope, pressing the black smoke towards it.The group of 'black smoke' creaked strangely, and its body was gradually compressed into a small ball, which became more and more black like ink in the rainbow-like rope.It rushed left and right among the colorful ropes, but it couldn't get out of control. Its strange screams were like a dozen trains honking, and it was indescribably piercing.Yi Qingchen sighed, and said: "Although you are wronged, as an exorcist, I cannot allow you to do evil, so I will purify you now!" The red light flashed, and with the sound of wind and thunder purifying everything, it pierced towards the cloud of black smoke!Seeing that he was about to stab the black smoke.Suddenly there was a sound of chi, the sound of the wind was strong, and a stone shot towards Yi Qingchen's face with a very sharp sound of wind!Yi Qingchen was taken aback, although she was good at exorcising magic, but her martial arts were poor, and the stone came very fast, and it came to Yi Qingchen in less than a second.

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