Exorcist Princess

Chapter 143: Family and Beauty

After a few days like this, Yi Qingchen finally finished memorizing Sun Tzu's Art of War and 36 Strategies. After writing the last word, she felt as if she was reborn as a human being.When Feng Yiying came back from the court, she saw Zheng Xiang sleeping on the big bed.The long eyelashes are like a row of small fans, casting perfect shadows on the eyes and face, the delicate face is flushed, the sleeping Yi Qingchen is like an innocent baby, people can't help but want to get close, Feng Yiying His heart beat almost half a beat faster.He hurriedly opened his eyes, and then saw the two books that had been copied on the desk. Feng Yiying checked them word by word. Seeing her progress, a knowing smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.He flipped through the pages carefully, sometimes meditating, sometimes smiling... I don't know how long it took, he turned his head occasionally, and saw Yi Qingchen looking at him with a pair of round eyes, the eyes were dim, and he didn't know where he was. Think about something.He couldn't help smiling and said: "Girl, what are you thinking? Look at your nympho look, don't you think you've taken a fancy to me?" Yi Qingchen's face turned red instantly, it turned out that she woke up just now, Just as Feng Yiying was sitting at the desk reading what she had written, the sunlight shone on his body, casting a peaceful silhouette.The smell of incense in the room made her feel dazed for a moment, it was like a picture of a family and a beautiful picture... For a moment, she couldn't bear to destroy this peaceful and warm beauty, and stared at Feng Yiying blankly, fascinated.Hearing Feng Yiying's words, she suddenly came back to her senses, scolded herself for thinking wildly, blushed, and retorted: "Stop dreaming, who would fancy you? Hmph, these two movies I have finally finished writing things, should you honor your promise? Where is my 5000 taels of silver?" Feng Yiying laughed and said, "You are very obsessed with money, don't worry, your 5000 taels of silver is not worth a tael. You will be missing." Yi Qingchen glanced at him sideways, her small mouth puffed slightly: "Hmph, you are used to reneging on debts, I'm always worried if I don't see things." Feng Yiying narrowed her eyes, her lips flapped With a playful smile: "Okay, then I will give it to you now." After clapping his hands twice, there was a clear applause, and four eunuchs walked in one file at a time.A pair of two carried a big red lacquer box.Judging by their steps, it is obvious that the things they are carrying are very heavy.The four put the two large boxes on the ground.Feng Yiying said indifferently: "Open it."

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