Exorcist Princess

Chapter 149: Staring at the Champion

As if knowing that someone was watching him, Bai Zimo's jade-white face suddenly flushed, and he lowered his head slightly.Seeing that he was so shy, Yi Qingchen was very amused, and her eyes fell on his body and face even wider.This young man, who was even more handsome than the eldest girl, couldn't lift his head.But that Mr. Ye Dongli had a cold handsome face from the beginning to the end, as if he was carved out of stone.Without the slightest expression.As if he sensed that Yi Qingchen was peeking at him, he suddenly turned his head and gave Yi Qingchen a cold look, his eyes seemed to have thousands of years of ice, which almost froze Yi Qingchen into ice cubes.Not to be outdone, Yi Qingchen stared back, hum, is it bigger than eyes?Who is afraid of whom?She, Yi Qingchen, was not frightened!When she was in school, she competed with her classmates for 'staring eyes', but she was the 'staring champion', and no one was defeated by her staring eyes.Although the eyes of this big ice cube are like ice, it is impossible to die if you stare like this.Yi Qingchen was very brave and fell in love with him, the two stared at each other like cross-eyed eyes, and stopped watching the fight for the time being.After staring like this for five or six minutes, Dongli finally couldn't stand such childish behavior that night, and turned around with a snort.A smug smile appeared on Yi Qingchen's face, her smile had just half-opened, when suddenly a black shadow flashed in front of her eyes, and she let out a miserable cry, followed by the sound of a bone breaking 'click'.Yi Qingchen was startled, looked up, and opened her eyes involuntarily.Ye Dongli, who was still competing with her in staring eyes just now, was standing between the two people who were fighting. There was a blue flying needle in the palm of a white jade hand, which was obviously very poisonous.And the two people who were fighting were dumbfounded.The other screamed like killing a pig with a severed wrist.The icy taste in Ye Dongli's eyes was even stronger, and he held the flying needle in his hand, and said coldly: "The use of poison-enhanced hidden weapons is prohibited in the competition. Has the hero Zhang Ya forgotten it?" Someone broke his wrist in a short time, but he didn't even see his movement clearly, so how dare he defend himself?He lowered his head, ignoring the pain in his wrist, lowered his head, and jumped off the stage.The rescued person was naturally grateful, Ye Dongli looked away coldly, and said: "When will this be the end? I'll compare this one!" , In order not to disappoint everyone, last night I spent a whole night writing in order to catch up with the manuscript, and then I sent it all out.

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