Exorcist Princess

Chapter 233: Why do you always follow me?

In this day and age, there is neither computer nor internet, so I am so bored. If I marry him, I will still be jealous of his four concubines. It’s meaningless to fight like chickens and cats. So, I didn’t do anything wrong, alas. !But Big Maple Leaf... Big Maple Leaf may be very sad..." Her heart seemed to be spinning around, desperately comforting herself. He Shouwu stretched out his small hand and waved it in front of her eyes: "Hey, Boss Yi, you're returning to your soul!" , what are you thinking?So engrossed? "Yi Qingchen sighed faintly: "Little ghost, tell me, will Big Maple Leaf be very angry when I run away?" "He Shouwu twitched his lips: "That's needless to say?When the truth is revealed, I'm afraid he even wants to kill you!How embarrassing, my wife ran away on the day of the wedding, and made him marry a wooden man and go back..." Yi Qingchen glared at him: "Brat, don't you know how to say nice things?My wooden dummy didn't discover the truth until four or five o'clock in the afternoon. By that time, the hall had also worshiped and was already in the bridal chamber.Even if someone knows, there are only a limited number of people. I believe that with his ability, he will be able to cover up the matter, and it will not be too embarrassing. He Shouwu gave her a cool look: "Isn't it too late to talk about this now?"You escaped and escaped, no matter how much you worry about him, it's useless. "Yi Qingchen said sullenly: "Okay, we won't talk about this anymore, where are you going?" "He Shouwu looked like an old god, "I will go wherever you go. "Yi Qingchen frowned into a pimple: "You still want to follow me?"Why don't you go back to your own home? "He Shouwu smiled and said: "Of course, I will go wherever you go in the future. Your story has firmly tied me to it. My home, I have already decided not to. "Yi Qingchen's head started to hurt a little: "Little devil, I'm too busy to take care of myself now, but I'm not in the mood to tell stories. I still have serious things to do, so it's very inconvenient to take you with me. ""I can give you a few days off, so you don't have to tell stories these days, and I will pay you as usual, how about it?" "He Shouwu's small face showed an adult expression. Yi Qingchen glared at him: "Is it okay if I don't want your medical fee? "

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