Exorcist Princess

Chapter 308: Wife, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you miss me?

She was suddenly very depressed, knowing that this problem could not be solved for a while, she couldn't help but sighed, and said with a forced smile: "Okay, it's too early to talk about this now, anyway, I haven't decided to marry you yet, so let's do this first I'll be your little bodyguard freely." Before Feng Yiying could speak, she heard a popping sound from the window, and a voice said with a smile: "Stupid girl, what's the point of being his bodyguard? Be mine What a wonderful wife!" The voice was as clear as the wind, but it was so damn familiar.The familiarity makes Yi Qingchen's heart skip a beat, and he wants to escape from Tudun.Oh my god, why is this guy lingering on her?Yi Qingchen almost wanted to cry but had no tears.Feng Yiying froze slightly, waved her hand to protect Yi Qingchen behind her, and said calmly: "Bai Zimo, you are finally here!" With a wave of his hand, the two carved windows opened without wind.Bai Zimo's smiling handsome face was revealed.He glanced at Yi Qingchen behind Feng Yiying with a smile: "Honey, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you miss me?" Evil!When Yi Qingchen heard his sour and bubbling tone, goosebumps arose all over her body: "Cut, who would miss you pervert?! Let me ask you, where is Little Doctor He? Where did you get him?" ?” Bai Zimo’s peachy eyes narrowed: “You ran away with this wild man, and I was sad and accidentally ate him...” “What?!” Yi Qingchen suddenly jumped up.Forgot to be afraid, pointed at him and shouted: "You ate him?! You pervert, you even eat human flesh? You...you..." Bai Zimo licked his lips: "Human flesh tastes very good, compared to Any meat is delicious, my wife, haven’t you eaten it once? I remember you were full of praise..." His handsome face showed an aggrieved expression.This time, Yi Qingchen's face turned pale, and suddenly remembered the dishes that Bai Zimo entertained her in 'The First Floor in the World'.I felt my stomach churn, I couldn't hold it anymore, and vomited it out with a loud wow.Bai Zimo laughed loudly, shook his head and said, "Stupid girl, it's useless, you've been eating it for days, and the meat has already turned into flesh on your body, and you can't even spit it out." His smile was extremely sweet, but his words were extremely vicious.Feng Yiying looked at him coldly, and said calmly: "Am I calling you Bai Zimo, or Long Zimo?". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Today is the first update here.

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