Exorcist Princess

Chapter 313: Smiling with a look of celebration

"Don't! Don't!" She wanted to stop the blood flow for those people, but the dagger pierced extremely deeply, and then hit a vital part. The blood flowed faster and faster, like a gurgling brook, soaking a large area of ​​land... …Those people fell down slowly, their dying eyes were full of horror and fear, but they couldn't say a word anymore. "Stop! Stop! You fucking stop!" Yi Qingchen couldn't bear it any longer and yelled. \t\t"Hehehehe!" The voice piercing through the brain sounded like a magic voice again: "Are you coming with me?" With so many people dying in front of her eyes, Yi Qingchen only felt that this was simply too much. It was like a nightmare from which she could not wake up. She almost collapsed and sat on the ground with a plop. "Why? Are you still unwilling? Maybe, you think there is not enough blood to pave the road?" The voice rang again.The rest of the people around also raised their sharp weapons with dull eyes... "Enough! Enough! Don't hurt anyone anymore! I'll go with you, can't I go with you? Let them go! "Yi Qingchen finally yelled as if breaking down.Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes. "Okay, be good, now, put your hands on top of your head." The voice commanded proudly.Yi Qingchen was completely desperate at this moment, and she put her hands on top of her head as she said, and a thought flashed in her mind: "Damn, how does this look like a soldier surrendering..." Just as she put her hands on top of her head, a flash of light flashed in front of her eyes. After a white shadow passed by, Yi Qingchen waved a handkerchief to cover her lips, Yi Qingchen felt his head go haywire and passed out.In a trance, it seemed to fall into someone's arms.In a daze, she seemed to hear Feng Yiying's scolding voice, and seemed to chase after her.Then, she didn't know anything.When she woke up again, Yi Qingchen found that she was sitting in the car again.The carriage is not too big, but the decoration is exquisite, much like Miss Oto's sedan chair.And beside her, sat a young girl in blue, with long hair and double bun, with a delicate face, looking at her with a smile, like a little maid who loyally protects her lord.As soon as she opened her eyes, the little maid rushed over and smiled like a happy face: "Second Miss, are you awake?" I am the gorgeous dividing line http:\/\/www>

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