Exorcist Princess

Chapter 350: Good People Don't Live Long, Harm to Live Long

Bai Zimo's eyes lit up, and he was about to pick it up, when Feng Yiying waved his palm, and the round black bead fell into his hand.Bai Zimo smiled wryly and said, "How do you know that there will be water-proof beads in this thing's head?" Feng Yiying smiled lightly: "It's not surprising, I just saw it by accident in a book." Bai Zimo said coldly "This Gu dragon was killed by the two of us together, and I should also have a share of this water-avoiding bead." Feng Yiying ignored him, turned around, walked up to Yi Qingchen, and said: "Girl , you are not good at swimming, so this water-repellent bead belongs to you." Seeing that Feng Yiying gave this water-repellent bead to Yi Qingchen, Bai Zimo immediately closed his mouth and stopped talking.Feng Yiying said: "How are you exploring the road? Is this water area big? Can you pass it?" Bai Zimo sighed and said: "If you go further in this road, it will be completely submerged in water. At the end is a big deep pool. After swimming through the deep pool, you will be in a dry place. The place completely submerged in water is about tens of feet long. You and I should be able to swim across it with our abilities. But this girl will never make it through Yes. But now with this water-avoiding bead, it should be about the same." Yi Qingchen said with a smile: "So, I should thank you for attracting this Gu dragon. This Gu dragon is the deep pool you mentioned Is it right? I don’t know if there is a second one..." Bai Zimo glared at her: "One almost killed us, and you want to catch the second one?!" Yi Qingchen said with a grimace : "The second one is for you, let you fight it alone, hehe, don't you like poaching people's hearts very much? Maybe this Gu dragon can also let you taste the feeling of being poached ..." She really hated his indiscriminate killing of innocent people, so she couldn't help but ridiculed him.But Bai Zimo laughed, tossed his hair, and said leisurely: "The person or thing that digs my heart hasn't been born yet, so I'm not afraid. Haven't you heard that 'good people don't live long, but evil people live for thousands of years'? I’m just one of those scourges, I can’t die...” “Cut! Since you know you’re a scourge, why can’t you correct yourself? Is it fun to be a scourge? You were raised by your parents, and so are others. You will It hurts, of course other people also hurt. Why do you have to treat other people's lives like nothing? Kill as much as you want, play as much as you want? In fact, if you are not so cruel, I still appreciate you more." Today's chapter [-], first come Here it is.

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