Exorcist Princess

Chapter 355: Zimo, thank you for your hard work.

Feng Yiying stepped on the meteorite and looked at her coldly: "Girl, you really want to go back? No matter what I do, it can't change your decision, can it?" Yi Qingchen said After thinking about it, he said with a sneer: "I...hehe, it's always good for me to prepare first. Besides, this is just one of them, and there are a few others that I haven't found. Besides, my mana is not enough. I can't wait for a while. Can't make a reincarnation disc... Oh, move your foot away, don't step on it..." She spoke in a softer voice, looking at Feng Yiying's foot with trepidation, lest it suddenly exert force, and she The meteorite, which was finally found, just disappeared.Feng Yiying stared at her fixedly, there was a faint glint in the dark pupils, but it was impossible to guess the meaning.He suddenly smiled faintly: "Girl, you can get it out yourself if you have the ability." Turning around and leaving, he went to dig a hole in the cliff again.Yi Qingchen was stunned, and shouted: "It is stuck by other stones, how can I get it out?" Feng Yiying didn't even care about her, and Gu Zi used his iron-sharpening sword on the stone wall to break it. Dig a hole.Yi Qingchen stomped her feet: "If you don't help, I won't help, I don't want you to help!" Looking down at the precious meteorite, she suddenly yelled out: "Big villain! Why did you step on it!?" Then At the beginning, half of the meteorite was exposed from the ground, but now it is completely submerged in other stones, with only a sharp corner exposed.It's almost invisible if you don't look closely.Yi Qingchen was so angry that she almost lost her breath, she squatted down to pick, but how could she move?She was helpless when she suddenly heard someone from behind ask: "What are you doing here? Why don't you go pick up firewood?" Yi Qingchen looked back and saw Bai Zimo standing not far behind, holding a few silver sticks in her hand. strange fish.This fish is not small, it weighs more than three catties, and it is as round as a fan.What's even more strange is that their eyes have completely degenerated.There are two dots where the eyes should be.Bai Zimo held the dripping water in his hands, twisting and flapping his tail non-stop.As soon as Yi Qingchen saw him, his eyes lit up, he didn't care to study the fish in his hand, he ran over doglegly, took the fish in his hand, and said with a big smile on his small face: "Zimo, thank you for your hard work." gone."

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