Exorcist Princess

Chapter 368: Cockroaches!

"Hahahaha." There was a burst of laughter.Yi Qingchen opened her eyes suddenly, and saw Bai Zimo's distorted smile, almost bending over.But Feng Yiying's handsome face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and she looked at her sullenly: "Stinky girl, am I so old?" Yi Qingchen was taken aback, and then realized that she called the wrong person.I couldn't help but blushed, and muttered: "Who told you to call me a lazy girl, I thought my grandpa had worn it." When she looked up, she saw Bai Zimo looking at her with interest, peach blossom eyes twinkled After a while: "Pass through? What do you mean?" Yi Qingchen was in a daze, listening to his question, and just about to answer, Feng Yiying suddenly said: "Okay, Yi girl, how do you feel now?" Yi Qingchen only felt that she was light and healthy at the moment, her bones seemed to be half light, and her heart moved: "Ha, could it be that I already have lightness kung fu?" Unable to hold back her curiosity, she suddenly jumped up as hard as she could, Feng Yiying yelled loudly "Wait!" But it was too late, Yi Qingchen's body straightened up straight up, she was only interested in being happy, she didn't even look at what was above her head, and it seemed to smash something with a bang.Immediately there was a buzzing sound in my ears.She was taken aback, screamed, her anger leaked out, and she fell down with all her hands and feet dancing!Seeing that something was wrong, Feng Yiying jumped up and caught her from mid-air.Floating to the ground.Before she had time to speak, she suddenly saw something like a big beehive on Yi Qingchen's head, and countless flying insects that looked like bees but not bees chased after her, buzzing around her head... Feng Yiying was shocked Fearing that this thing was poisonous, he flicked his sleeves and knocked down the 'beehive' on top of her head, waved his palm, and sent out a few palm splits, driving away the flying insects that were circling around Yi Qingchen's head a few feet away. .Yi Qingchen didn't wake up until now, she opened her eyes and suddenly screamed: "Cockroach!" Her scream was so shocking that it almost didn't shake Feng Yiying's ears. Deaf.Yi Qingchen is not afraid of the sky, nor the earth, but only the little cockroach, her legs almost go limp when she sees this thing.

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