Exorcist Princess

Chapter 378 : She is his doom!

Never thought that he would live and die with an enemy in this crevice, and in the past few days, he didn't have to guard against Feng Yiying who would harm him, and he rested very sweetly, and almost didn't even have a dream .The few days in the cracks in the ground turned out to be the most relaxed and defenseless days in his life!Maybe it's a good idea to be a good person?This thought flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but shook his head to get rid of this flashing thought. His identity and status no longer allowed him to go back. In the process, he had to grit his teeth and move forward, and take a step back, that would be the abyss beyond redemption... He didn't want to think about it, and glanced at Yi Qingchen. When this girl appeared, he wanted to get rid of her, after all In Qingyi Country, she was the only one who broke his witchcraft and set up obstacles for his plan.But as he met her again and again, he unknowingly fell in love with this greedy, mischievous, but sunny and straightforward girl. She was like a ray of sunshine in his dark life, making him endure He couldn't help wanting to monopolize her, even though he knew that this girl's thoughts were on others, but he couldn't bear to hurt her... Perhaps, she is his doom!A wry smile appeared on the corner of Bai Zimo's mouth.Yi Qingchen saw the sparkle in his eyes, as if he had infinite thoughts, but stared at him in a daze.His face turned red, and he shouted: "Okay, let's go out, but I want to take it with me." He ran to a corner and took out a black stone, shaped like a small watermelon.Feng Yiying narrowed her eyes, this stone was exactly that meteorite, so the little girl had already dug out this meteorite while they were not paying attention!When Yi Qingchen saw his unkind expression, he hugged the meteorite tightly, and said with a sneering smile: "You don't have to worry, this stone doesn't sink, so it won't add much weight." Feng Yiying sighed, he saw Yi Qing Chen cherished this stone so much, he couldn't bear to throw it away to her again, to make her sad.With a cold handsome face, he said: "You carry it on your back." When Yi Qingchen saw that he agreed with her to take the stone up, she was overjoyed, she smiled like a flower, and wrapped the meteorite , carrying it on his back.

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