Exorcist Princess

Chapter 384: Surprise 2

Bai Zimo's hand quietly clenched into a fist by his side.As soon as he saw the scars on Chuyue's body, he knew that Chuyue was backlashed by his own raised vampire!But this vampire is not easy to backfire. It must wait for the owner of the vampire to weaken to a certain extent, or suffer some serious injury, before he can't control the vampire and is backlashed by it.But Moon Devourer's witch power is astonishing, only slightly inferior to him, looking at the whole world, there are not many people who are his opponents, how could he be injured and weakened?Who is it that makes him release the vampire that is not easy to use?One question after another turned in Bai Zimo's mind, and he couldn't figure it out.Could it be Feng Yiying and Yi Qingchen who came?wrong!It has not been half a day since he broke up with Feng Yiying and Yi Qingchen.Don't say that Feng Yiying doesn't know his secret den, even if he knows, it's impossible to get there one step faster than him!So, who would it be?Who smashed the venue that he spent countless efforts to manage so simply and neatly?Could it be that there are still some masters in Qingyi Kingdom that he doesn't know about?Bai Zimo's heart was spinning like a rumble, but he couldn't understand it at all.He turned around the small courtyard extremely quickly, and there was no living person in sight.Even for the convenience of concealing their identities, the two subordinates who pretended to be the wife and child of Master Yue Yue disappeared.For the first time in his life, Bai Zimo felt at a loss.He went around the yard again, searching almost every nook and cranny, but still couldn't find any clues.He was stunned for a while, then suddenly remembered something, put his hands together on his chest, and muttered a few spells, a cloud of red mist condensed in mid-air, gradually converging into a big blood-red eyeball, it was the Gorefiend's eye.It ate a lot of human-faced bats in the cracks in the ground, and its magic power seemed to increase a lot. The red light around it was flickering, a little brighter than before.It made a turn around Bai Zimo: "What are your orders, master?" Bai Zimo didn't talk nonsense, and pointed to the wolfish corpse of the Moon Devourer: "Go and smell it, the vampire who killed him is coming down!" where?"

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