Exorcist Princess

Chapter 396: Your dog can talk about people Chapter...

A bad premonition suddenly rose in Bai Zimo's heart: "What do others think of me?" Yi Zichen laughed dryly: "Hehe, it's nothing, others look at you...see you as another...hehe, hey, this little boy The township is really antique, like the real thing, I don't know which film and television base this is..." She began to talk about it from left to right.Bai Zimo naturally knew that she was changing the subject, but judging by the girl's expression, she couldn't ask any more questions.However, the people around didn't seem to pay attention to him, and they didn't linger on him too much, presumably she didn't turn him into something weird.There are two ready-to-wear shops in this town, and Yi Zichen walked in with Bai Zimo without saying a word.The female shopkeeper greeted Yi Zichen very attentively, took a look at Yi Zichen, and said with a smile: "Girl, what do you want to buy? Is it a skirt or a robe?" Bai Zimo glanced over and saw that the things hanging on the wall were all ordinary trousers and coats. Luo Qun's taste was far from her own, but it was better than nothing, so she pointed to a pair of light-colored cocoon trousers hanging on the wall, and said, "Just that one." It doesn't matter, but the female shopkeeper seemed to have seen some terrible monster, her legs softened, and she sat on the ground with a plop, pointing at Bai Zimo, her hands trembling.The alarm bells in Bai Zimo's mind rang loudly, and a bad premonition came overwhelmingly.Sure enough, the shopkeeper's little hand shook for a long time, and suddenly she said something that made Bai Zimo want to hit the wall: "Oh my God, girl, your dog can speak human language!" "Dog?!" Bai Zimo almost didn't Sit on the ground!A face was as long as three feet, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Yi Zichen: "You stinky girl turned me into a dog?!" He really wanted to step forward and bite this girl to death... Yi Zichen Zichen laughed with a guilty conscience: "Hehe, this, you look like this, it is less noticeable to become an animal, I, I am also for your own good..." Her last words were killed by Bai Zimo, who was almost murderous under the eyes.Hastily said: "Alright, alright, you put on those pants first, and I'll just remove the spell."

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