Exorcist Princess

Chapter 405: Come up and receive the punishment

Yi Zichen was taken aback for a moment, and saw two people timidly walking out from behind a small door.One is a young woman, and the other is a child who looks eight or nine years old.Yi Zichen's eyes widened suddenly, these two people, these two people were actually the woman and child she let go when she was picking on the Nine Yin Locking Ghost Land!At that time, she severely injured the sorcerer, and the sorcerer was backlashed by the vampire, and the two people beside them were trembling with fright.She scolded them to leave quickly... She didn't expect to meet them again here.As soon as those two people came out, they knelt down with a plop, and said in a trembling voice: "See sect master, sect master, please forgive me!" Yi Zichen opened his mouth wide and was suddenly speechless.It turns out...it turns out that this quiet-looking guy is actually their sect master!So, he was also with that wizard? !Weighs to death, she picked his cousin, will he peel his own skin? !Yi Zichen finally showed an air of surprise and fear.Bai Zimo glanced at her, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "This girl, I finally know how to be afraid!" He didn't look at the two kneeling people, but said coldly, "What punishment should I get for fleeing?" I was so frightened that I trembled like I was sifting chaff, and kowtowed again and again, the woman said with a trembling voice: "Please forgive me, Master, it's really... that woman is too powerful, the restraint formation is like a child's play to her, and the great wizard is not at all... ...not her opponent at all... That vampire turned back against the great wizard, and the two subordinates were unable to recover, so... this is..." Bai Zimo said flatly: "Shirk responsibility, the crime will be aggravated!" Those two people were so frightened that they almost collapsed on the ground, but they just kowtowed desperately: "Master, spare your life, master, spare your life!" Bai Zimo smiled and took out two yellow pill-shaped things from his arms: "Come up and receive the punishment." Those two people seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing in the world, their faces were pale and green in fright, their bodies limp into one, and they could barely move.But under Bai Zimo's cold eyes, they didn't dare not listen, took the pill tremblingly, closed their eyes, and were about to swallow it.Yi Zichen suddenly yelled: "Wait a minute! Hey, Bai, what you gave them is poison, right?"

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