Exorcist Princess

Chapter 413: Finance 1 Grasp

Concubine Zhu frowned slightly, and said: "The things in the boudoir are generally not spread out at will..." "What?! What happened to the things in the boudoir? Why can their men live forever with a painting name, we can't ?Your paintings are comparable to those great painters. Isn’t it too condescending and a waste of art to just rot at home like this? Besides, the Yiwang Mansion is struggling to make ends meet. If you can make some elegant contributions, the prince will definitely appreciate it I value you and appreciate you." Yi Qingchen smiled like a dog, hugged the heavy scroll with both hands, and then said to the servants outside: "Come here, move all the completed calligraphy and paintings here to the tent Go!" Concubine Zhu was dazed by what she said, and she hadn't reacted yet; she watched the bandits return with a full load and walk away, and could only cry in vain. ※※※Concubine Mei in Xiangxue Garden looked coldly at Yi Qingchen leading a group of servants and bandits into the door, like a gust of wind, all the strange rocks and rocks she had collected over the years were swept away.The words Yi Qingchen left her were: Joy alone is not as good as a crowd, such a beautiful stone must be appreciated by more people... ※\t※※ Concubine Ju in Tao Ran looked at the courtyard in bewilderment All kinds of precious chrysanthemums, I have been entangled in my heart, which ones can be contributed?Woohoo, these are her treasures, and she is really reluctant to give them away.Yi Qingchen had a good impression of her, seeing her tangled up, couldn't bear it, and finally made her think of a way to get the best of both worlds.She smiled and asked: "Can these chrysanthemums reproduce?" Speaking of this, Concubine Ju's eyes flickered for a moment, and she began to talk endlessly: "Of course it can. Chrysanthemums can be grown by cuttings, divisions, and grafting." It can reproduce, half of the chrysanthemums in this yard are cultivated by me using these three methods, and the methods of cultivating various chrysanthemums are different..." Concubine Ju loves chrysanthemums very much. In Prince Yi's mansion, no one has ever come to hear her say this.The other three concubines even sneered at her hobby, and Concubine Lan even teased her face to face that she should not be a concubine, but should be a flower farmer, which made her very depressed.Now that a housekeeper finally came, she was willing to humbly ask her for the flower scriptures on education, so how could she have any reservations at the moment?He said happily.At the same time, the favor towards this butler Yu Linglong soared all the way.

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