Exorcist Princess

Chapter 418: I will give you the title of Guan 1st...

Only then did Feng Yiying follow Feng Yiying to his study.All the attendants stayed outside the door. With a bang, the door closed behind her.Yi Qingchen subconsciously turned her head back, and suddenly felt her waist tightened, a scorching palm grasped her firmly like a branding iron, a fiery breath approached her from behind, and then turned her body somehow, Yi Qingchen was pressed against her The door is on.Before she could react, a faint scent of tea entered her nostrils, and his eyebrows were less than five centimeters away from her pretty face: "Yi girl, you seem to be avoiding me these days..." As he spoke, his breath almost brushed her face, causing her little heart to beat wildly, her cheeks flushed, she leaned back calmly, but there was a door panel behind her, she could move freely The space is really limited, and she said with a sneer: "Where...how can there be? I, didn't I dump all the bad debts of your Prince Yi's mansion..." When she said this, she suddenly remembered the bad debts, and she immediately lost her temper From one place, he was full of anger, forgetting how ambiguous his posture was at the moment, pointed his little finger at his nose and shouted: "Big Maple Leaf, you are too good at housekeeping, right? Do you know that your warehouse is clean? You don’t even want to keep mice? Do you know that your bank is already empty, but your four wives are doing their own thing, throwing out a lot of money? Do you know that the entire Yiwang Mansion All the people are going out to beg for food? Do you know..." She accused his 'crime' vigorously, and when she spoke of grief and anger, she couldn't help beating his chest twice.Feng Yiying's black eyes were shining brightly, staring closely at her small mouth which kept opening and closing.Suddenly he smiled leisurely: "It seems that I invited you, the housekeeper, to be right..." "The housekeeper is a fart! I can manage it for a while, but I can't manage it forever. Now I can do everything possible to fill your shortfall, but wait for me Let's go, they're going to restore their old views again!" "Yi girl, since I've found you again, I won't let you go in my life, how could you go?" Feng Yiying thought in her heart.He brushed Fu Yi Qingchen's flushed little face with his fingers, and said calmly: "That's it, you can manage it forever. I don't mind. Or, I will give you a lifetime of management." The title of..."

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