Exorcist Princess

Chapter 438: Then I picked up these things too?

"You...don't even think about it!" Yi Qingchen gritted her teeth and stared at him. "Then you don't even want to see your baby girl." Bai Zimo said with a look of 'you agree or not'.Yi Qingchen sneered suddenly, and said: "I know! You never saw my sister at all, and you just picked up my sister's things by chance..." Bai Zimo raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Oh? Yes Do you? Then look at what these are?" He conjured a mahogany sword, a spirit-binding gun, a reincarnation disk, and some messy gadgets in his hand, and finally he pulled out another roll 'Grandpa Mao'.He waved these things in front of Yi Qingchen like offering treasures: "Then I also picked up these things?" Yi Qingchen almost sat on the ground.These...these are all Zichen's things!Although Zichen's personality is a bit confused, even if she accidentally drops one or the other, she will definitely not drop all of her treasures!The only explanation is that Zichen really fell into Bai Zimo's hands!With Bai Zimo's vicious personality, he wouldn't have eaten up the girls, right? !She was stunned for a moment, then jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and pointed at Bai Zimo's nose with her little finger and shouted, "What did you do to my sister? Bai Zimo, if you dare to touch a single hair of my sister, I will I peeled off your skin!" "Wow! Our gentle and kind little Qingchen will also peel other people's skin? I'm so scared." Bai Zimo patted his chest in fear.Taohua rolled her eyes, and said with a smile: "However, I like it! I will pick people's skins when I am not happy, Qingchen, good wife, we are more and more husband and wife..." Yi Qingchen was almost moved by him The hippie smiling face was angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.With trembling fingers, he grasped the hilt of the exorcism sword tightly, wishing he could pounce forward and slap the hateful smile off his face.Gritting his teeth, he said word by word: "Bai Zimo, I'm not interested in hearing your nonsense! I just want to know where is my sister?" "Then you promise to stay with me for three days and I'll tell you." Bai Zimo said The attitude of pissing people off.Yi Qingchen was so angry that his eyes were filled with stars, he clenched his fists again and again, but there was nothing she could do about the girl in his hands.

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