Exorcist Princess

Chapter 468: You are not the master

Yi Zichen pondered for a while and said: "I vaguely saw Bai handing over my things to a girl named Qinglian. I don't know if she still keeps it now." His eyes rolled: "Yes!" She drew a talisman in the air, patted herself, a white light flashed, and she actually changed into Bai Zimo's appearance.Looking at Yi Qingchen with a smile: "Sister, how about my blindness?" Yi Qingchen looked at her in surprise: "Zichen, your blindness has already reached this level? Well, it's quite like that guy ” But she was ashamed in her heart, it was difficult for her to turn into a living thing with her blindfold, alas, as expected, the distance between a genius and an ordinary person is really not normal.Yi Zichen made a grimace, and said, "Sister, watch out for me here, I'll go find that girl to get my things back." With a flash of his body, he flashed into the small building.When she was just turning around, she had already seen clearly the room where the girl Qinglian lived.She pushed the door and walked in.The Qinglian girl had just fallen asleep when she suddenly saw 'Bai Zimo' pushing the door open.Startled, she jumped up, ignoring her disheveled clothes, and fell to her knees with a plop: "Master." Yi Zichen waved her hand to get her up.Brushing his fingers over his chin, he secretly thought of Bai Zimo's voice.In Qinglian's eyes, this scene looked like the master was playing cool... Yi Zichen coughed: "Where are the things I entrusted to you for safekeeping? Take them out for me." She deliberately choked her voice and spoke.In Qinglian's ears, she felt that the master's voice seemed to be a little thinner than before.But Bai Zimo often changes his appearance and even his voice.So although she felt a little strange, she didn't have the slightest doubt. She didn't dare to say anything else. She hurriedly ran to a corner of the room, opened a hidden compartment, and took out a bunch of reincarnation disks, spirit-binding guns, MP4... It was she who was captured. Those things that Bai Zimo stole.Yi Zichen's eyes almost lit up.She was so happy, she forgot to hide her voice, and shouted: "Give it to me!" It doesn't matter if she made a sound, Qinglian's face changed suddenly, and she said in a trembling voice: "You...you are not the master!" Opening her mouth, she was about to shout .

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