Exorcist Princess

Chapter 506: 1 cut, 2 breaks!

Yi Qingchen lowered her eyes: "I'm sorry, it won't happen again. Senior brother, don't ask anymore. I'm so tired. I want to go back to China. Senior brother, can you send me back?" Feng Qingyang looked Seeing her pale and lonely expression, she felt a pain in her heart, and couldn't help stretching out her arms to embrace her.However, she felt that Yi Qingchen froze obviously, as if she wanted to push back, but she held it back.Feng Qingyang has always treated this little junior sister like a brother like a father. It used to be that this little girl would jump into his arms to seek comfort whenever she was wronged.Unexpectedly, when she came back from time travel, she would have a lot of trouble with him.It seemed that a beloved thing was about to be taken away, which made him very uncomfortable.His eyes dimmed, and he patted her on the back lovingly: "Okay, okay, everything is over, little junior sister, no matter what happens to you in another time and space, but since you have come back, then put the Forget everything there. If you want to cry, just cry out. It's not good to hold back, the senior brother will always protect you and prevent you from being hurt any more." Yi Qingchen's body trembled slightly.Yeah, she's back, so let's make a clean break with that 'past'.She wants to be that heartless, ignorant little girl who is happy every day.Don't think about him anymore, don't be sad for him anymore, she has returned to her own world, then restore her original self!She tried her best to ignore the throbbing pain in her heart, raised her head and smiled, and said, "Eldest brother, you are better at collecting people's fat and people's anointing than before. Say, how many digits have you added to your finances? How many more have you fooled?" The richest man on the wealth list? Look at you, it's becoming more and more corrupt now..." Yi Qingchen finally returned to the home she had been away for a long time, and the old man's eyes almost shone when he saw her.For the first time in history, he didn't give her a blah blah blah, but instead urged the servant to bring her tea and water, smiling so attentively.In the end, I asked her: "Qingchen, I didn't expect your spiritual power to increase so quickly, and you created a reincarnation disk in such a short time to wear it back. Well, what about the remaining materials? Bring them back together right?"

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