Exorcist Princess

Chapter 513: Murder 2

Naturally, she would not foolishly wait until all his helpers arrived.After she learned martial arts by herself, her micromanipulation skills have improved much compared to before.This is also one of the reasons why she dared to challenge Honglian Yehuo.But she would not be so stupid as to have sex with a group of people, so, as soon as the countless colorful figures appeared at the teleportation point, Yi Qingchen gorgeously clicked the return button.A flash of white light flashed, and the black-clothed female wizard had disappeared in place... Dark Ye Shura was crying out loud, he was killed by Yi Qingchen for no reason at level five, and lost five pieces of top-level equipment, two of which were still god level of!He is ranked sixth in the PK list, which is awesome to say the least, but he didn't expect Yi Qingchen's current manipulation to be so powerful, he almost has no room to fight back! 55555555555, he even wanted to hit the wall.Seeing the belated alliance, he yelled: "Go to boss Honglian, that woman is crazy!" After a series of [-] Q's by the elders of the same gang, Honglian Yehuo finally went online in a hurry.And during this period of time, Yu Linglong killed another six elders of the Red Lotus Guild in the wild, naturally also when they were alone.The world is in chaos.Some are noisy, some are shouting.Some were watching the excitement, and some were yelling, but the people from the money-obsessed pig gang were all elated.Two days ago, they were really bullied by members of the Red Lotus Gang. This time, it was finally a turn of events.In the world, arguing with people from the Red Lotus Gang. [System] Yu Linglong invited Red Lotus to fight three times in the Shura field. ... [System] The Red Lotus industry fires to fight!This time, the entire world channel is boiling!Tickets for the Shura Field sold out like snowflakes.In this game, you need to buy tickets to watch the duel between two masters, and the price of the ticket depends on the person who is dueling.Basically the higher the level, the more expensive the tickets.Yu Linglong almost stole the limelight in the world today, and almost everyone in the server was talking about her.Now she is dueling with Honglian Yehuo, who is number one on the PK list, which naturally triggers a round of upsurge.The customer service is almost insane.Ticket prices are set at an all-time high.But it was still sold out very quickly... It was a battle that was unprecedented, and it was also a battle that caught everyone's attention.

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