Exorcist Princess

Chapter 517: ktv3

The loud noise almost knocked off the roof of the box.Yi Qingchen frowned slightly unconsciously, she was about to go back to her original seat and sit down.Honglian Yehuo came over with a crystal goblet.A pair of deep eyes looked at her: "You have something on your mind? Why did you cry just now?" Yi Qingchen laughed: "No way! It's because I have rich feelings, this lyrics made me cry, don't pay attention to me, you Do you dare to PK with me for a drink?" Honglian Yehuo smiled slightly, and a hint of evil flashed in his eyes: "I drink very well, you girl should not fight with me." Yi Qingchen pouted : "Tch, you still look down on women! You don't dare to fight with me, I'll go find someone else!" There was a gleam in Honglian Yehuo's eyes, and she said with a smile: "It's too messy and noisy here, how about we change places ?" Yi Qingchen raised her eyebrows: "Where are you going?" Honglian Yehuo smiled slightly: "Let's find a quiet place..." The place Honglian Yehuo was looking for was really quiet.It was a KTV bar.He asked for a box, and the decoration in the box was luxurious, and there was a luxurious atmosphere.What's more, there are only the two of them in this box... Yi Qingchen can't tell what kind of mentality she has, maybe she wants to get drunk for a while, or maybe she is a bold person with high skills, anyway , she got into his car as soon as she got excited, and then came all the way here.The two were drinking and karaoke, but what they didn't expect was that Honglian Yehuo's voice was also very good.Singing has the taste of a singer.The two of them chatted all over the place, and it was only then that Yi Qingchen realized that Honglian Yehuo was actually the president of a large-scale company.And is single, so far unmarried.Yi Qingchen was seven or eight points drunk, pointing at him and laughing loudly: "Haha, I didn't expect that I would PK a president out of PK. He's still a diamond kingpin, YY's, it's really like a romance novel. It's everywhere President..." Honglian Yehuo suddenly held one of her hands, and her eyes sparkled: "Life is like a play, Qingchen, will you be my girlfriend?" Yi Qingchen froze, Haha laughed: "What are you kidding? Your speed is too lightning, right?!"

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