Exorcist Princess

Chapter 556: 1 Everything seems perfect...

Seeing that Feng Yiying had easily resolved the crisis, Feng Qingyang felt admiration in his heart, and secretly sighed: "This guy really has some skills, no wonder Qingchen girl is so fascinated by him." Feng Tianyu saw that the situation was over. , face ashen, turned and fled.Suddenly, he felt a numbness in the bend of his leg, he couldn't stand any longer, and fell to the ground with a thud... A rebellion disappeared without a trace. Prince Feng Tianyu was captured by mistake and sent to prison, where he was given to die in prison three days later. In the novel, Feng Yiying was established as the crown prince that night because of his meritorious service in countering the rebellion, and the Yi Palace was also returned. Zhu Qianye was sentenced to Ling Chi and exterminated the three clans. In this coup, it was found out that they were corrupt and perverted the law, which further implicated Prime Minister Lan in forming a party for personal gain. For Feng Yiying's sake, the father and son were demoted to common people and expelled from the capital.Concubine Lan was frightened and frightened, so she fell ill and died in prison.As for Concubine Ju, she was rescued by a masked man in black on the day the Prince Yi's mansion was raided, and her life and death were unknown.After this turmoil, among the four concubines, only Concubine Mei returned home safely.Yi Qingchen also counted as a meritorious service in rescuing him, and was exempted from the charges. He was named Yi Wangfei and chose a date to get married. Everything seemed to be perfect... In the blink of an eye, two days passed.Feng Yiying used almost all her strength, but she still couldn't find Yi Zichen's whereabouts, nor did Bai Zimo.Yi Qingchen was almost going crazy, but there was nothing she could do.And Feng Qingyang's spells are only effective within a hundred miles. He has almost used all his mana to find people, but he still can't feel Yi Zichen's breath... The moon is as cold as water, and the wind is as cold as a knife.Yi Qingchen sat in the quiet room, staring at the candle on the table in a daze.In the past two days, since Feng Yiying had just been established as the crown prince, she naturally had some troublesome affairs to deal with in the court, and she came back very late every day.However, no matter how late he came back, he would definitely come to Yi Qingchen's place to sit for a while, and he would go back to his room to sleep after watching her rest.As for Yi Qingchen, her mood in the past two days has been extremely contradictory.On the one hand, he was worried about the safety of his sister, and on the other hand, after Feng Yiying was established as the crown prince, Prince Yi's mansion began to flourish again.

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