Exorcist Princess

Chapter 586 : That's too weird!

Bai Zimo is so clever, he took the opportunity to jump out of the circle.Shaking his jade-like fingers: "Stop! Stop! Miss Yi, how about we make peace?" Yi Zichen glared at him: "Who wants to make peace with you pervert? Huh, if it weren't for this For the sake of the people of the city, I don't care if you perish or not!" Although she spoke fiercely, she no longer had any interest in fighting.He stopped and wiped his sweat: "Huh, after such an intense activity, I'm actually sweating..." Wait, sweating? !Isn't it the weather where dripping water turns into ice?Why is she sweating after so many blows?She looked at Bai Zimo in confusion, and saw drops of sweat dripping from his forehead.But under his feet, there was a puddle of water... a puddle of water?Snow melted?This is too fast!Yi Zichen looked up at the sky.Seeing that the sun in the sky is still weak, but the surrounding air has warmed up, and it seems that it has returned to the spring season.This situation is too weird!Bai Zimo also seemed to have noticed the abnormal weather, and couldn't help but change his face.The soldiers on the wall cheered.They are from the south, and they are not used to this cold weather.Now that the weather is getting warmer, I will no longer be shivering from the cold, and my hands and feet will no longer be stiff.Bai Zimo and Yi Zichen looked at each other and remembered something almost at the same time.Together, they rushed towards the city wall.Looking down, I saw that the layer of ice armor on the city wall was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and from time to time, large pieces of ice fell down the city... The expressions of both of them changed suddenly, and the unstoppable ice wall melted. So the Red Lotus Kingdom's attack will come in a blink of an eye, right?A rumbling sound came from the limitless sky, like ten thousand horses galloping, and in a blink of an eye, a line of red was revealed.not good!The Red Lotus Kingdom is attacking again!The soldiers defending the city jumped up one after another.He ran up the city wall and made all preparations to meet the enemy... The red line came very quickly, and within a short time, he had already seen those flying red shadows clearly, and the thousands of heads were moving like thunder, shaking the ground. Bobo trembled, his momentum was astonishing!

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