Exorcist Princess

Chapter 649: Visit the mouse hole of Marshal Helian...

Feng Yiying's complexion changed slightly: "Is this really true?" He Yanmo snorted: "Why did I tell this lie? I asked several soldiers, and they all said that there was such a thing, that Marshal Helian sent A group of soldiers went to dig a hole in a room of his mansion. I was afraid you would know that he didn't dare to call those on duty during the day, so he asked those soldiers who had guarded the city overnight and should be resting during the day to do this... ..." Bai Zimo rolled his eyes, and sneered: "It seems that Marshal Helian is trying to find a way to escape..." He Yanmo nodded, and said: "I think so too, grandma, no wonder I feel that the morale of some generals has fluctuated in the past two days, and the atmosphere is not right..." Feng Yiying's face sank like water: "Then where is he now?" "He is probably asking the soldiers to dig a hole now? No wonder he I come out to patrol around during the day every day, and I dare to look for the soldiers who are digging holes..." before finishing the sentence, Feng Yiying disappeared in front of his eyes.Bai Zimo smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go and see the mouse hole of Marshal Helian..." In a large quiet room in Marshal Helian's temporary residence, Marshal Helian and four generals Sitting at a table of the Eight Immortals drinking.In their compartment, countless soldiers were busy digging a tunnel. This tunnel was extremely deep and long, leading to the outside of the city.From time to time, soil was lifted out of it.There were a few overseers standing on the edge of the tunnel, yelling and whipping from time to time... Marshal Helian had a hint of excitement on his face, and he was sitting there bragging: "This city will not be able to defend sooner or later, it is good for us to prepare the way out." Another general said: "That's right, this red lotus soldier is not human at all, how can we resist it? The prince is hitting an egg on a rock. Fortunately, the marshal is wise and powerful, and we have the rear Don’t be afraid.” Another general said: “We’d better keep this matter a secret, and we must not let the crown prince know, otherwise it will be a big disaster.”>

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