Exorcist Princess

Chapter 654: Do whatever you want

.The hole was dug extremely long, and the five people turned around inside and walked straight for a stick of incense before they saw the end of the tunnel.The end has not been dug yet. For example, Marshal Helian wanted to dig a few miles forward just to be on the safe side. But the five of them just wanted to get out of the city, so after looking at the terrain, Feng Yiying He also listened to the movement outside, but there seemed to be no footsteps.Then he nodded and said: "If you open an opening here, it will be within a mile behind the Red Lotus Barracks. Let's be careful, and we shouldn't be discovered. You take a few steps back, and I will open the opening." Suddenly The palm was slapped lightly, and it was slapping the dirt above the head. \t\tHe slapped this palm without a sound, but the soil above his head vibrated like waves and fell one after another. In less than a moment, everyone's eyes lit up and they could already see the sky outside.Bai Zimo took a look at Feng Yiying, and sighed slightly: "I didn't expect your bone-transforming palm to be so hot, haha, but it's not good for fighting enemy soldiers, it's good for loosening soil." He jumped out and said: "You guys wait here first, I will catch someone to ask for the password." He ran away without a trace.Feng Yiying and the other four also jumped out.He saw that the place he was in was a wilderness, the wild grass on the ground had been trampled down by people and horses, it was bare and desolate.Feng Qingyang looked left and right, and said with a smile: "Prince Yi, your geography is good, this place is indeed behind the Red Lotus Barracks, look at the front left is the tent of the Red Lotus Barracks?" Yi Qingchen Looking forward, I saw tents not far ahead, one after another, stretching for several miles, with no end in sight.There were crowds of people in the barracks, and teams of soldiers patrolled inside.Feng Yiying looked at their layout, and sighed: "The leader of the Red Lotus Kingdom is indeed a handsome man. The barracks are arranged neatly and neatly." Soldier, who knows sorcery again, alas, I don’t know what kind of earth-shattering monster it is, I’m a little curious.” Yi Qingchen said: “No matter what kind of monster it is, we must find a way to destroy it, and we must not let him Do whatever you want."

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