Exorcist Princess

Chapter 665: A Thin Skin

She took one from your family and one from my family, and Dong Liye was almost stunned, and Ye Wuxia's face at the back of his head turned blue and white, and suddenly cursed: "Stinky girl! It's all your fault! I'll kill you!" Stretching out his left hand, a blue sword appeared out of nowhere, stabbing towards Yi Qingchen.Before Yi Qingchen could react, Feng Yiying pulled her behind her, and Xue Liuli swipe out, with a sound, she knocked out her blue sword.Feng Qingyang laughed and said, "It's considered alive like this? Hehe, you two might as well die early and be reborn early! Shall I save you two?!" The sword in his hand was raised, and the green light flashed towards the two faces. The monster stabbed in the past.The sword in his hand is also an ancient treasure, and there are charms drawn by himself on it, which is more than enough to deal with monsters or martial arts masters.The two-faced monster seemed to be quite afraid of his sword, one left and one right held a sword, which was what they usually used.The two swords whirled around, carrying layers of air waves, and in the air waves, countless unjust souls roared, attacking Feng Yiying and the others like a storm.There was blood behind him, the sky was full of red light, and his face was ferocious and terrifying, as if an evil spirit descended.Feng Yiying, Bai Zimo, Yi Zichen, and Feng Qingyang all joined the battle group, and the five of them fought like a revolving lantern.Yi Qingchen knew that her martial arts skills were low, and she couldn't get in the way. Seeing that there were two or three zombies walking around in the tent, she ran over and fought with those zombies.The tent was turned upside down, Yi Qingchen was afraid of alarming the patrolling soldiers outside, after disposing of the last few zombies, she waved her hand and cast a lavender charm, spinning a few times in the air, a lavender The radiance of the light enveloped the entire tent, isolating all sounds... "Bang!" There was a clear gunshot, and a wisp of green smoke came out from Yi Zichen's spirit-binding gun. A big hole suddenly appeared on Guo Qingcheng's face.This big hole is rapidly expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.Ye Wuxia raised his head to the sky and roared miserably, the scream was shrill and shocking to the ears.Before the cry was over, her face had completely melted, leaving only a thin piece of skin clinging to the back of Dong Liye's head.Unspeakably weird.

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