Exorcist Princess

Chapter 673: Soul Control Art

Damn, did I just have a dream?Yi Qingchen shook her head, then shook her head again, and said, "What happened to me just now?" Seeing that she finally spoke, Feng Yiying let out a breath, and said, "I don't know what's going on, you girl looks like she's in a trance , fascinated by this monster, you won't wake up no matter what we tell you, and you almost... almost fell into the arms of that monster." "Ah?" Yi Qingchen's eyes widened: "I'm in a trance..." She Suddenly jumped up, and shouted: "No! I almost got his soul control technique! I became his puppet." Looking at the other three people who were fighting, he shouted: "Everyone be careful, this guy can control Soul art, don't look into his eyes, and don't look at the things in his hands!" Her voice was really loud, and she should be able to hear it even eight miles away.Unexpectedly, those three people seemed to turn a deaf ear to it, and continued to fight with that monster, but their attacks became slower and slower... Yi Qingchen looked into their eyes, and saw that their eyes were dull without a trace of luster, and their arms were just mechanical. Waving, but the expression on the face is like a dream, full of gratifying smiles.Feng Yiying also seemed to sense something was wrong: "What's the matter? Qingchen, is there something wrong?" Her heart sank suddenly, and she shouted: "No! They also all fell under his soul control technique! We have to rescue them quickly." Feng Yiying was taken aback and looked carefully.She couldn't help pursing her lips, and asked: "Qingchen, is there any way to crack it?" Yi Qingchen frowned, she only saw the description of soul control in ancient books, but she didn't see any cracking method method. "What to do? What to do? What to do?" Seeing the increasingly weird expressions on the faces of the three of them, Yi Qingchen's mind was filled with the words 'what to do'... Feng Yiying said in a deep voice: "Don't Worry, think about how you escaped just now?" "Just now? I seemed to stab something with the exorcism sword just now, and then I woke up..." Yi Qingchen looked at the monster man, the man's The figure also slowed down, four of the eight arms were opened, and the things in the palms were flickering, exuding a coquettish light.

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