Exorcist Princess

Chapter 707: Extra Story: Chapter 3

These days, Yi Qingchen thought a lot, and also wanted to understand a lot.So, she was not surprised at all when she heard Feng Yiying say that. After all, it was the hometown of his longing, and it didn't mean that he could just throw it away.Maybe it's a good idea to go back.Anyway, both of them have reincarnation discs, they can travel through time, and they can come back anytime and anywhere, so let's just roam the two places... "Big Maple Leaf, I can go back with you and be your queen, but I have two conditions. "Yi Qingchen lay in his arms, drawing circles on his body with her small hands. "Okay, okay! Qingchen, as long as you go back with me, I'll agree to any conditions. Tell me." Feng Yiying nodded her pretty nose. "First, you are not allowed to betray me. You can only have me as a queen. You are not allowed to accept other concubines, or I will divorce you! Second, if I am bored, I will come back to live for a few days. You are not allowed to stop me." Me. Third, the day after tomorrow is our wedding day, and we have to wait until the wedding to leave. Fourth, our future children will be sent back to modern times to be raised, and I will teach them the concept of democracy from an early age, let alone to seize the throne It made the brothers turn against each other... Fifth, fifth, I haven't remembered it yet, I will tell you when I remember it." Yi Qingchen pointed his fingers and listed them one by one.Feng Yiying couldn't help laughing: "Well, these few things of yours are exactly what I want to do. I just have one of you, and I don't need any other concubine for appearance. The first thing I do after I go back It is to allow women to remarry. Moreover, many of your modern policies are very advanced. I have also paid attention to the governance of various countries these days. It is a democratic regime that is most beneficial to the people and even to a country. After I return to Qingyi Kingdom, I will Slowly and gradually eliminate the disadvantages, like your history books say, come to a big reform. Don't worry, even if I go back this time, I won't stay in Qingyi Country for a whole year and a month, I will go back to modern times to learn... When the state affairs are not busy, I will travel through different eras with you, and it would be good to see more." Yi Qingchen didn't expect that he would have so many insights after staying in modern times for such a short period of time, so he couldn't help laughing Getting up, I couldn't help kissing him on the cheek: "Okay, that's how we are! By the way, let's take Zichen with us when we travel back this time, and let her go out to relax, she is so pitiful these days." >

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