Exorcist Princess

Chapter 742: Forget about him 1

Yi Zichen couldn't help being stunned by the deep and slightly sad melody that spun in the car.Tears fell down again.Waiting day after day, because I know you still exist... But, Zimo, do you really still exist?You said that you would never forget me... But, you may have really forgotten me completely.When Yi Zichen woke up again, he was already at the beach.The waves licked her feet gently, like a lover's touch. "If you want to cry, you can cry as much as you want, there is no one here." Bai Zimo led her to a big rock, watching her holding back tears with his eyes, and couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.I really want to, I really want to hold her in my arms to comfort her.However, he knew that it wasn't him she loved, and it wasn't his embrace that she needed... Yi Zichen stared blankly at the sea, without saying a word.In a daze, I seemed to see Bai Zimo coming slowly from the end of the sea in white clothes, and stretched out his hand towards her: "Zichen, Zichen..." Yi Zichen stared blankly, tears crazily surging, and couldn't help it With a loud cry: "Zimo!" Feishen wanted to rush over.Bai Zimo stood behind her, although he seemed unintentional, he was actually paying attention to her movements.Seeing her staring blankly at the sea first, and then suddenly yelling, she was about to jump down.He was taken aback, and quickly copied her, holding her in his arms: "Little girl, what are you doing?!" Yi Zichen was stunned for a moment, and when he looked again, there were long white clouds in the sky and surging sea below. Where could there be Bai Zimo? shadow?Everything was just an illusion... Yi Zichen's body slowly collapsed, and he sat powerlessly on the rock, covering his face with his hands, but tears flowed down his fingers.Bai Zimo suddenly grabbed her and broke her hand forcefully: "Little girl, I don't know what happened between you and that Bai Zimo, but he is dead when he dies, and you can't come back to life after death. You still have a lot of money." For the rest of your life, do you just want yourself to spend your whole life in mourning? How can there be such an infatuated fool like you in this world! Forget him! You must forget him!" "No! I don't want it!" Yi Zichen Lifting her tear-stained face, she shook her head frantically: "I can't forget, and I can't forget..."

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