Exorcist Princess

Chapter 745: He kissed her

She jumped up and ran down the rock in a hurry. "Gah!" Bai Zimo's silver-gray sports car stopped in front of her again: "Get in the car!" Yi Zichen didn't dare to refuse, and climbed into his car.The car shot out like an arrow from the string.Yi Zichen was taken aback. Since she yelled at the sea, her depressed mood has improved a lot, and she finally began to pay attention to other people's emotions.Bai Zimo's expression was very peaceful and calm, Jun's face showed no emotion, but he turned the car almost like an airplane, flying through the traffic like a stroke.Several police cars with sirens pulled over and chased after him.But he couldn't catch up with it at all... When the car finally stopped, Yi Zichen smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect you to look gentle, but you are also a drag racing gang..." Bai Zimo suddenly smiled, and his beautiful peach blossom eyes curled into a hook Wan Yue: "There are so many things you didn't expect." Suddenly she lowered her head, and her lips touched her lips and left. , Yi Zichen froze suddenly as if being shocked by an electric shock.She breathed unsteadily: "You..." Bai Zimo stroked her lips with his fingers, and smiled all over the city: "Private farewell ceremony, okay, go down quickly. See, your senior brother has already been killed." Yi Zichen I was taken aback for a while, then looked up, and sure enough, I saw Feng Qingyang rushing out of the office aggressively... Just as she was dazed, Bai Zimo drove away with a whoosh, and disappeared into the traffic in a blink of an eye .Yi Zichen stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.He kissed her?Is it pity for herself, or... She suddenly smiled wryly and shook her head.Don't think about it, don't think about it anymore, he already has his junior sister, doesn't he?Since you want to forget Zimo, then forget it completely! "You've been with this kid all this time?" Feng Qingyang looked a little hideous.Yi Zichen lowered his eyes: "Forget it... I'm sorry, I made my brother worry." "You little girl, you still know that I am worried? Why do you turn off the phone? Do you know that I almost left New York City just to find you?" The land of the city has also been turned over?!" Feng Qingyang almost gritted his teeth.

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