Chapter 18 There are things that immortals cannot do!
At this point, his life is over.

Madam's life is also over.

The picture flows again.

In his mind, the scene of him and his wife dying together from the moment they met was like a video being loaded and played at ten times speed.

"Mr. Zhu, my daughter seems to... feel empty inside after leaving you. What do you think is the reason for this?"

"Shizhen, I told my father that from now on I will no longer be the eldest daughter of the Chen family, I will also be a commoner now! Hum, don't worry now, you won't be unworthy of me, don't hide all the time I."

"Don't... avoid me. I feel so uncomfortable now. Please, hug me... I only have you now."

"Husband, I am now the wife of your matchmaker. What are our family's plans in the future? Will we continue farming and selling food in Zhujia Village? Okay, I'll listen to you!"

"Husband, I...I finally gave birth. It's so uncomfortable to give birth to Chongba. Please hug me. I feel so cold."

"Zhu! Shi! Zhen! You're going to piss me off. You took Chongba and Xingsheng [Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest brother] to play around. Now their clothes are all muddy, and some of them have been washed! Humph, you won't buy me something delicious Yes, I don’t forgive you!”

"Husband, Chongba has gone to explore the world, and Xingsheng and the others have also left. Alas... the children have all left when they are older, and we are left with the two of us."

"What? Husband, I can't say this. Why are you walking in front of me?"

"You said that in this era, men die earlier than women? I don't care. We agreed when we got married that we would live and die together. Even if you take a step ahead of me when the time comes, I will follow you to hell on the same day and at the same time. That day."

"It's impossible for me to stay in this world by myself. I can't get used to being here without you."

"So, husband, idiot, remember to live well, you are living with the lives of two people on your shoulders."





That scene, his life, and things related to Changle kept replaying in his mind quickly.

The mother in Emperor Hongwu's memory was only gentle and a loving mother who would always wait for him to return home.

But the Chen Changle in Zhu Changye's memory was not like this.

In that memory, the woman who occupied his entire world was not only gentle.

She had also been angry with him, she had been jealous of him, she had been angry with him, she had gotten into trouble and hid outside waiting for him to come to him, she had acted coquettishly, she had quarreled with him...
Sometimes, Zhu Changye felt that his wife was so changeable.

But the only thing that remained unchanged was that she never regretted the day she left the Chen family and abandoned her identity as the direct daughter of the Chen family to follow him.

She would never leave the Chen family just because her life was unsatisfactory.

Zhu Changye slowly came back to his senses.

His eyes were a little red, even sparkling with tears.

If this were in Longhu Mountain, no one who knew him would dare to believe that he was a man whose expression remained unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai.

As far as they knew, there was only one expression on that man's face, and that was his unchanging expression.

Red eyes? cry?

It is impossible to appear.

And today, it appeared.

Only when facing the wife who was so close to each other, Zhu Changye would lose his composure like this.

The woman in the memory, his wife...
His wife always said that he was a fool, but Zhu Changye thought that his wife was the fool.

A complete idiot.

"Madam, do you think I don't know?" Zhu Changye shed tears and gently touched the coffin where his wife was buried: "I know, I have always known."

"After you left the Chen family, your father came to Zhujiacun three times and asked you if you had changed your mind. You always said you had no regrets, and you even begged him...begged him not to kill me."

Zhu Changye's voice was choked up.

His wife had never been an ordinary person. Ever since she left the Chen family, the head of the Chen family loved his daughter so much that he never gave up trying to persuade her to go back.

That era was a time of war.

Killing a commoner was just a matter of eating and drinking, but her father doted on her, and for her sake, he insisted on respecting her decision. He never sent Jianghu people to kill Zhu Changye, but kept persuading him.

The head of the Chen family came to look for him again and again, and his wife always met in secret, just because she was afraid that he would know about it and that it would hurt his already fragile heart.

"Sometimes, I wonder if you had not been with me back then but were in the Chen family, wouldn't you have had so many worries and wouldn't have died so early."

Zhu Changye's voice was choked with sobs.

His wife was born into a noble family, but she gave up her family status for him and became a commoner. She suffered too many hardships that she would not have experienced before.

The one who impressed me the most was the third son, Zhu Xingzu.

The third son was very smart and was good at reading when he was young. But when he went to the county town, the status of those young men overwhelmed him.

The third son became rebellious.

His family could not afford for him to study. He often said that if his family had not been a farmer, he would have obtained the honors and become an official.

Zhu Changye couldn't refute this.

But he wanted to refute and tell the rebellious third son that his mother was so prosperous back then that the young masters he knew were not even worthy of carrying shoes for the Chen family.

He wanted to refute, but Madam stopped him.

She said that she is no longer the legitimate daughter of the Chen family, she is just a commoner, your wife Zhu Changye.

She really... suffered a lot of grievances.

Zhu Changye squatted down and put his head against the coffin. Tears continued and his voice was still choked with sobs: "I have suffered a lot from you in this life."

"You followed me, and in the end, I didn't even give you the chance to feel proud and proud to tell your father that you were not marrying an ordinary person."

"Sorry, sorry..."

This evening, Zhu Changye seemed to have forgotten everything, and just quietly talked about the past inside.

His and her past.

Next to Chen Changle, there was a coffin.

It was his, but there was no body in it, only some things he wore when he was alive.

Zhu Changye just opened the coffin and lay on his side inside. In the coffin next to him lay his lifelong thoughts.

It is also a lifelong regret.

He couldn't resurrect her. She had been dead for more than fifty years and her soul had been reincarnated long ago.

There are things that people cannot do despite exhausting their abilities, and the same is true for immortals.

"Madam, it's getting late, so I won't disturb your rest."

After talking for a long time, Zhu Changye stood up, took a symbolic photo of his clothes, and then took out a green jade pendant from his waist with the word "Zhu" engraved on it.

There are two jade pendants, one is engraved with "Zhu" and the other is engraved with "Chen", both of which were carved by my wife before.

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(End of this chapter)

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