Unlimited extraction of unique skills, what the hell is Hong Wen dying suddenly?

Chapter 15: Call Scout over here, I want you to call Scout over here!

Chapter 15: Call Scout over here, I want you to call Scout over here!
After a short five minutes passed, the voice of the coach of the IM team came from YY.

It's just that the other party is Korean, so Lin Qing basically translates everything he says.

"Top laner AJ needs to pay a little more attention to the lane. A rash and unnecessary blood change will put a lot of pressure on the jungler."

"The jungle problem is more serious. Why don't we arrange our vision around the middle when we know that we have such a huge advantage in the middle? Why don't we link up together to put more pressure on the opponent?"

"There's nothing good to say about the laning in the bottom lane. After all, it's difficult to move around when the pressure is too great. However, if possible, be sure to look near the river in the middle lane when you go home. This can greatly reduce the pressure on your teammates."

Lin Qing repeated every word of the coach like a ruthless repeater, and soon it was Su Ming's turn.

"As for the mid laner, your name is Su Ming, right? Your laning ability is very good, but I hope you can realize that this game is a team game."

"If you feel you need help during the game, just call the jungler. Don't feel embarrassed or think you can handle it alone. This idea is wrong in the professional league."

"The most important thing for a team is communication. Even if your teammates have no desire to communicate, as the mid laner, you must show a strong enough attitude to let your teammates communicate with you, because this is the responsibility of a mid laner."

"Okay, that's it for the review."

Lin Qing said calmly: "Do you have anything to say?"

After a brief silence, AJ said in a Hong Kong voice: "OK, I will pay attention to the details of the lane."

"Okay, my question."

Fan Wei was silent for a moment and then said: "I will pay attention to the linkage with him."

There’s nothing much to say about the bottom two.

After all, EDG's deft + meiko are the best bot lane combination in the league. It's a blessing not to be out of line.

"Su Ming, do you have anything to say?"

At this time, Lin Qing said: "Don't be too cautious. If you want to gain a foothold in the LPL division, you must understand that this is a team competition game for five people. If you want to go further, you must trust your teammates."

"Well, I'm sorry, I haven't experienced much review in the secondary league before."

Su Ming said: "I will pay more attention to communication with my teammates in the game."

I was always a substitute in RNG's youth training and rarely played in training matches.

And sometimes when he communicates with his teammates once to no avail, he subconsciously feels that unnecessary communication is a waste of his time.

"It's okay, come on."

Lin Qing clapped his hands and said, "They are almost finished reviewing the game, so they are ready to start the second training match."

At the same time, EDG's top laner and bottom lane duo seemed to have finished their review. They entered the customized room in advance and started chatting with several people on the IM side.

mouse: "Who is your mid laner? It's so fierce."

Mkeko: Yes, they silenced my pawn brother. This was too harsh.
AJ: Hehe, I won’t tell you. I can only say that if you call Scout over now, you probably still have the strength to fight.

Fan Wei: Hurry, call Scout over here, now, otherwise you will really be autistic after finishing the pawn later.

Seeing these people mentioning a person named "Scout" in the chat, Su Ming's heart suddenly moved. Could it be that EDG has other mid laners?

I opened Baidu and entered "Scout" to search, and I quickly got the answer.

Scout, SKT’s youth training mid laner,
It is said that SKT was preparing to train him as a talented young man to replace Faker, but for some unknown reason he joined EDG and became Pawn's substitute.

However, EDG also attaches great importance to Scout.

Nominally, he is Pawn's substitute, but according to rumors, EDG is more inclined to let Scout appear in both training matches and games.

"I don't know what's so special about this Scout." Su Ming thought about the opportunity to catch these so-called geniuses in the rankings and take advantage of them!
After a few minutes, EDG's mid laner seemed to have finished reviewing the game, but the most intriguing thing was that the mid laner's account had been changed.

"Damn it, are they really going to Scout?"

AJ seemed to recognize who the new account owner on the opposite side was, and was very surprised and said: "Hey, EDG can't afford it, right? Why did you let Scout come up?"

"I was joking, did they take it seriously?"

Fan Wei seemed a little embarrassed. He paused for a few seconds and then said, "Su Suming, right? I just got high orally, but I didn't expect them to actually let Scout come up."

"Well, it's okay."

Su Ming's tone was extremely relaxed, and there was no difference in his eyes whether he was a Pawn or a Scout.

"Okay, let's concentrate, BP has started."

Lin Qing's voice sounded again, and she asked: "Su Ming, can you play the Great Core Mage in this game?"


Su Ming nodded. The so-called Great Core Mage is nothing more than Clockwork, a hero like Czar who has the ability to carry in the later stage.

"OK, let's get out Nosuke first."

Just like this, the BP session ended after a few minutes, and the lineups on both sides were determined.

EDG has a big tree in the top lane, a wild jungler, a card in the mid lane, and Jinx + Lulu in the bottom lane.

The IM team has the top laner Shen, the jungler Lee Sin, the mid laner Tsar, and the bottom lane is Wheel Mom + Thresh.

"Dueleilou, you really can't afford it?"

AJ couldn't help but started to complain. What does it mean to take out the ancestral tree in a training match?
"Those who don't know think this is the World Championships."

Fan Wei looked at EDG's lineup and made some critical comments. It was obvious that EDG had this lineup. In one word, win!

"The top eight are not unreasonable."

Su Ming felt that EDG's attitude towards training matches was too funny.
If they lose a single game, they will have to take out the entire competition lineup. Those who don't know better think that if they lose a few training games, they will be fired.

He really wanted to type and ask the other side, what's the point of playing training matches like this?
"Brother, we dare not accept your words."

For everyone in the IM team, Su Ming's statement was too dangerous.

"Searching for extractable targets"


"Mouse's hero pool has been extracted - [Big Tree], clearlove's personal talent - [Caution], Scout's hero proficiency - [Fox], deft's hero proficiency [Jinx], meikou's hero proficiency [Overall situation] Observe].”

"Hey, it's his Jinx again"

Su Ming noticed that the proficiency extracted from deft was still [Jinx]. If he remembered correctly, the proficiency extracted from him last time was also [Jinx].

He was a little curious if he could extract something again if he extracted it and fused it. If so, wouldn't he be able to capture someone all the time?

"Forget about EDG's ancestral tree. I don't want to play top lane. The director's talent is [cautious]? To put it nicely, it's called prudent and cautious. If you don't, it's called cowardice."

After thinking for a moment, he decided to extract Scout's [Fox] proficiency and deft's [Jinx] proficiency. As for the others, he was not very interested.

(End of this chapter)

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