Chapter 58 Lecture
"Have you ever heard of recommendation engines?" Feng Qingyang suddenly asked.

"I've heard a little about it. It's a relatively niche technology." Pang Fei pushed up his glasses frame.

Feng Qingyang nodded. Regarding big data algorithms, any random person in later generations can give some insights, and they have penetrated into all aspects of people's lives.

Today is 2011, an era when smartphones have just begun to become popular. The recommendation algorithm is still in its initial development stage and has not yet ushered in an explosive period.

Even in the tech world, the voice of discussion is not mainstream.

In the Internet era, major companies are trying to cross the river by following the old ways, which is the best path visible to the naked eye for domestic entrepreneurs.

In the era of mobile Internet, many companies have truly caught up with or even surpassed the world's Internet by relying on the rapid development of recommendation engines.

Now, I am in this era.

"Today's headlines, there's something going on." Feng Qingyang's eyes flashed.

When Zhang Yiming founded Alphabet, there were only two engineers in the entire company.

With the help of these two engineers, in just a few months, more than a dozen software applications were created, including Toutiao.

Once Toutiao was launched, it gained 1000 million users within three months.

Then relying on the accumulated technical advantages, Douyin was launched, a phenomenon-level short video software that swept the world.

However, at the beginning of Toutiao’s project, the two engineers and Zhang Yiming himself, who has a technical background, did not know anything about the recommendation engine.

So there was the later "book borrowing incident". At that time, Zhang Yiming found Xiang Liang, a technical expert who had become famous in the recommendation engine circle for a long time. This person wrote a book "Recommendation System Practice".

Zhang Yiming wanted to borrow it for a look, but Xiang Liang refused because it had not been published yet.

Zhang Yiming and two engineers could only learn and write, explore and practice, and then launched version 1.0 of the Zhazha recommendation engine.

The 1.0 version of the recommendation system was very ordinary. Later, users accumulated and rapidly iterated on the recommendation algorithm, forming a technical moat.

Therefore, it is possible to be copied, but the premise is that highly skilled talents are needed.

"My advantage is that I clearly know what the product will look like in the future. I will never make any mistakes in the general direction. I only need to solve technical problems and avoid many detours." Feng Qingyang thought to himself.

He patted Pang Fei on the shoulder and said, "We can develop in the area of ​​recommendation algorithms."

"Any explanation?" Pang Fei asked curiously.

"I feel that the future is a good direction." Feng Qingyang said.

Of course, he didn't expect to rely on Pang Fei to help him create a recommendation engine. This was unrealistic.

It's just his fate as a roommate, and it's up to him to realize how much he can enlighten him by giving random advice.

What Feng Qingyang needs is mature engineers, and it would be better if there are talents in recommendation algorithms.

But I have to put this matter aside for a while, there is another important thing at the moment.

Investing in Mihayou has been his goal since his rebirth.

There was still a lecture by a professor to attend, and he wanted to find out if the professor could help him achieve his goals.

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

Feng Qingyang came to the large lecture theater in advance. There was still half an hour before the lecture started, and the classroom was already full of students.

Glancing around, he unexpectedly saw Sun Jiayin's figure.

From time to time, students would look over inadvertently, then turn around and poke their friends next to them, and then also look at Sun Jiayin.

Then the topic about Sun Jiayin started to be discussed. Feng Qingyang didn't pay much attention, randomly picked a seat and sat down.

Sun Jiayin has always been fond of the financial industry, so it is not surprising that she would come to this finance professor's lecture.

"Hello, senior, Professor Li Zhengkang is so popular? I think the seats are all full." Feng Qingyang caught the senior next to him and inquired.

"Are you a freshman?" The senior was fiddling with documents similar to financial statements and glanced at Feng Qingyang.

"Yes, a freshman." Feng Qingyang said modestly.

"No wonder, there are no juniors and above in our School of Finance who don't know about Professor Li."

When old students face new students, they know a lot about the school’s anecdotes and past deeds. Showing “knowledge” can give old students an inexplicable sense of superiority.

He said to Feng Qingyang, "Professor Li is a visiting professor at our School of Finance. He is not a permanent professor. He comes to give our students a few classes a year. Every time he comes to class, he is hard to find.

“Our principal has a good personal relationship with Professor Li, so we can invite him.

“Professor Li has connections in the Songjiang venture capital circle, is a good talker, and knows many famous angel investors. In previous lectures, Professor Li showed photos with those big guys.

"Do you know 4399? Their investor Cai Wensheng knows Professor Li! There are also Chen Datong from Huashan Capital, Li Shanyou, the founder of Cool 6, and many big guys know Professor Li!

"If any student can be appreciated by Professor Li, it can be said that they will take off immediately.

"So you know why everyone comes here to listen to the lecture. Do you think everyone comes here to learn knowledge? That's all secondary. The key is connections.

"You are only a freshman now. You will understand when you are a junior."

The seniors educate with sincerity and sincerity.

"Oh." Feng Qingyang suddenly understood and nodded, cooperating with the senior's performance.

Looking at Feng Qingyang's expression, the senior nodded with satisfaction.

Feng Qingyang's heart was as calm as water. He heard similar words from Sun Jiayin and his ears grew numb.

However, he also got some useful information. As he hoped, Professor Li Zhengkang has some reputation in the Songjiang venture capital circle.

And there is another key piece of information: Li Zhengkang and Cai Wensheng know each other.

Two months later, Liu Wei participated in the finals of the Xinxin Entrepreneurship Competition organized by the Songjiang University Student Entrepreneurship Fund, and Cai Wensheng was one of the judges.

In this way, Professor Li really has what he needs.

If you get this person's endorsement and get tickets to the entrepreneurship competition investment group through him, the probability of success in investing in Mihayou will be greatly increased.

At this time, the discussion in the classroom gradually became louder.

Feng Qingyang looked up and was startled.

As the lecture started approaching, all the seats in the lecture theater were occupied. In addition, the people in the aisles were also occupied, filling the entire classroom with water.

Like a popular tourist attraction during the National Day Golden Week, there are people everywhere, even outside the classroom door, there are people squeezing around.

It can be seen that Professor Li’s lectures are very popular.

These are students from all grades of the School of Finance, and most of them probably have the same thoughts as Feng Qingyang and the seniors next to him.

Eager to be appreciated overnight and rise to great heights from then on.

Although there has never been any news about which student Professor Li promoted over the years, this does not prevent the students from being active and enthusiastic, and they still have to have dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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