Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 104

The first volume of the first return to the Three Kingdoms] Chapter [-] Feng Fang's family withered like a flower

Yuan Shu felt very comfortable being flattered by Sun Ce. He smiled proudly and said, "Those are things from back then. Did your father tell you that too! Well, very good! Very good!"

I thought to myself: "My reputation is still very loud! It seems that Wentai also admired me very much back then, so he wholeheartedly joined me and helped me win the country. This shows that I use people's means It’s still quite good! It’s just a pity that Wentai’s blessing is so poor that he died a little earlier.”

"Otherwise, by now, I'm afraid he has already helped me take down Jingzhou and Yanzhou. There will still be the idleness of Liu Jingsheng and that Cao Aman today."

"Sun Bofu still lacks experience. After all, he is young and has not been well-trained. It seems that his talent is only average, and he is not as brave and capable as his father. After all, Wentai also came from fighting on the battlefield. But Bo Fu has never been on the battlefield. He lacks the courage to stand on his own! If there is a chance, he should be trained. He will be a talent!"

"As for the guy who 'shoots' the arrow, I heard that the guard who led the way boasted that he was amazing. At first, I really wanted to meet him. If he is a personal character, I would take him into account."

"It turned out that he just succeeded in sneak attacking from behind. He looks like a mess, his beard is all lumped together, and he doesn't know how to clean it. He looks wretched, and there is a little heroism in there!"

"At such an advanced age, he is only a small county magistrate. How can he have great abilities! He is really capable. Liu Biao is a newcomer to Jingzhou, and he is anxiously waiting to be hired. How could he let him go? Little man What he said is unreliable. Looking at that terrible appearance, he is not even as powerful as Zhang Xun and Qiao Rui."

Yuan Shu dismissed his interest in summoning Huang Zhong, the magistrate of You County, and accepting him as a general, and stayed aside to think about his own thoughts.

While waiting for the return from his personal guard, he sat on the horse with a gloomy face and thought: "Things in the past two days are really not going well! This Lu Bu is really like a plague monkey, wherever he goes It's bad luck. I don't know who gave him this nickname, but 'Plague Monkey' is really vivid. If I have the chance, I must kill him! To vent my hatred!"

"Thinking about it, it's really pissing me off. Even a great Confucian like Ma Rixun, who has the power to bind a chicken with his hands, has the courage to dare to come against me, the majestic General Zuo. It's broken me. It’s a big deal! These idiots who have read too much, just can’t give them a good face. They really don’t know how to live or die, but they don’t know how to cherish their face.”

"The kid from the Sun family in front of me is better. After observing overtly and secretly during this period, he is quite courageous and resourceful. And he has done his best for me. Let's talk about what happened to Chen Yu last time." , if it wasn't for him, I'm afraid the consequences would be unimaginable, so I didn't raise him in vain."

"Well! Why am I thinking about Bofu today. But yes, he will be nineteen in a few months, and he can become a talent. Seeing the opportunity in the future, I can consider letting him go out to become a county Those who guard or something should be cultivated well, and they can serve me better."

"Hmm! These useless bastards, why haven't they found anyone after so long? What a bunch of trash!"

When Yuan Shu became more and more impatient to wait, a loud shout came from a carriage closest to the inner side of the woods.It turned out that one of his personal guards finally found the robbed Feng Fang in that carriage.

Sun Ce breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, Lu Bu didn't have time to take her away, so I don't have to work overtime for free tonight. It's great, I just go back and accompany Xiaowei! Do you want to try a new "fancy" style? It’s a gesture, and we’re chatting a bit. I just don’t know if Xiaowei will agree! Hehe! Thinking about it makes me tempted!”

Yuan Shu heard the report and immediately rode forward.Lifting the curtain on the carriage and looking around, the person sitting in the carriage was none other than Feng Fangshi who was crying bitterly.

Immediately cursed even more angrily: "Lu Bu, you bastard, you dare to even play with my "woman", you really bullied me too much, I, Yuan Shu, will never die with you."

Although he already knew in his heart that this was the ending, seeing it with his own eyes, Yuan Shu still couldn't accept it.No one would easily accept this kind of thing at the time, not to mention Yuan Shu, the local emperor that no one dared to bully.

After cursing, he turned around and gave an order to his personal guards: "The general's order is passed down. The whole territory of Yu and Yang prefectures will collect Lv Bu. If anyone is captured alive, he will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver and a hundred acres of land. If you kill it in half, I must have this." The bastard is dead! Go back to the city!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his horse and left, not wanting to take another look at this chaotic temporary camp.

Not long after Feng Fang returned to the city, because she couldn't bear the cynicism of Yuan Shu's wives and concubines, she thought she had been played with by Lu Bu and was an unclean woman, and said Yuan Shu would never love her again.

It is true that Yuan Shu did not pamper her as usual every day, but did not visit her for three consecutive days, maybe he also needs to calm down.

Feng Fang, who was in panic, couldn't stand this sudden fall from favor.Finally, on the third night after returning to the city, she cried bitterly and ended her short and beautiful life like a flower with a piece of white silk.

When Yuan Shu heard that she had committed suicide, he immediately regretted it.In fact, his anger has dissipated, and he is already thinking about when he will go back to pamper this "woman".

The beauty of Feng Fang's seduction was too great for him, to the point where Yuan Shu could already see her shortcomings.What's more, she was only taken captive by Lu Bu for a day, which is not a big deal.

It's like a piece of your favorite clothes, and it's worth a lot.I was worn by my friend for a whole day without making a sound, even though I would be furious and angry at that time.When I take it back afterwards, I will still be happy to wear it after washing it!

Unexpectedly, this delicate woman who has been loved by her relatives since she was a child, like a flower growing up in a greenhouse, can't stand the slightest blow.It was just some jealous gossip between wives and concubines that easily killed her.

In the end, Yuan Shu still had some friendship.Think of the joy and enjoyment she brings to herself.She was buried with the ceremony of a wife with fairly generous funeral objects.This is also the richest time among Yuan Shu's past wives and concubines, and it can be regarded as an "account" for the Feng Fang couple.

On the night of Feng Fang's burial, in Yuan Shu's room, the happy groans of another concubine who was originally quite favored could be heard.The biggest opponent has been eliminated, and now she is favored by the general for a long time again, so how can she make her unhappy and want to die.

Feng Fangshi is dead, and her beauty is like a glimpse of Yuan Shu's life.After the simple funeral, it immediately disappeared from Yuan Shu's life.

As for the other man in her life, Lu Bu, apart from getting happiness from her, he can't even take her with him when he runs away.Maybe one day, when he climbs up to a new "woman", he will think about this "woman" that he has not enjoyed to the full in his mind for a second.He might not even remember her name!

Everyone wants to own beautiful things, but when this kind of beauty is beyond their own possession, they would rather destroy it in their own hands than give it to others.This is the nature of human selfishness.

The bright sun always rises on time every day, and will not be delayed for a second by anything.It makes no difference whether something beautiful or ugly is lost.

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