Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 114 The Jiangdong Army's Trapped Camp

Volume [-] First Return to the Three Kingdoms] Chapter [-] Jiangdong Army's Trapped Camp

Sun Ce made up his mind to set off as soon as possible to find some necessary talents. Many things must be prepared quickly. Isn't there a famous saying that opportunities will only favor those who are prepared!

The first ones on the list are Dr. Zhang Ji and Dr. Zhang Zhongjing.

Next is Zhao Yun. Sun Ce has always been curious about his disappearance for eight years. What did he do in the eight years?Why did Zhao Yun, who had been there for eight years, come out to join Liu Bei in 2, and only became Liu Bei's bodyguard.It is somewhat similar to Gao Shun's current situation.

It is already the weather in September of the lunar calendar, and the temperature begins to plummet.The soldiers have all put on thick autumn clothes.

Many went to the countryside to collect food and grass, and soldiers from other teams have also begun to retreat back to the city one after another.Everything that can be collected has been collected.

It is impossible to really turn over the granules to the public and starve the people to death.It goes without saying that the next person to starve to death is himself.

Sun Ce has made great efforts for Yuan Shu during this period of time, and has gained Yuan Shu's trust.All the supplies he wanted were given priority.Just like all the craftsmen in the entire craftsman camp are rushing to make armor and weapons for the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army.

Sun Ce's previous plan was to take advantage of the absence of other troops and no competitors.First arm all your troops in place.By the time the other grain harvesting teams have returned, the Carpenter Camp will definitely be empty.

After returning from chasing Lu Bu a few days ago, it has been personally confirmed by Yuan Shu.This batch of 2000 infantry was also handed over to Sun Ce's command. These [-] soldiers were originally selected by Sun Ce from the Yangzhou Army when they attacked Shouchun. smoothly.

Yuan Shu's ability to hand over these soldiers to him is exactly what Sun Ce desires.

The idea in Yuan Shu's mind was: "After all, Bo Fu is now a partial general. He can't just lead the original thousand cavalry. It's better to have as many soldiers as a Sima from other forces."

"If this kind of news spreads, it's not a big deal to lose Bofu's face. If others don't know, they will think that Yangzhou's troops are insufficient. If the enemy's spies hear about it, it will cause big problems. Besides, 2000 people are not enough. Many, there are at least [-] cronies in Shouchun City, so I'm not afraid that he will go to heaven."

The Jiangdong Army's armor change this time not only secretly installed horseshoes on all the cavalry, but also prepared three four-foot-long throwing guns as medium-range strike weapons, so that all long-, medium-, and short-range attack methods are available. (Sun Ce has not yet arranged for the production of bilateral stirrups, thinking that the time is not yet available).

The most important thing was that the infantry's weapons and armor had to be replaced. Gao Shun had the final say on the specific requirements of the infantry, and asked him to directly negotiate with Master Li Tie if he had any requirements.

Since Li Tie had dinner with Sun Ce last time, he has been devoted to Sun Ce, a general who has always been tolerant of craftsmen.As long as his order comes down, it must be completed first.

Now that Sun Ce asks him to cooperate with Gao Shun, he is extremely active and follows Gao Shun every day.To help Gao Shun carry out the armed test, as long as Gao Shun has a request, he will immediately let the assistants around him pass it on, and he will complete the task without compromise.

On this day, Sun Ce inspected the military camp and came to Gaoshun's camp, looking at the troops lined up neatly and solemnly in a square formation, and listening to the loud slogans during the drill.

Sun Ce said with emotion: "What a trap! It really deserves its reputation. Gao Shun is really a genius in military training. In just a few days, the temperament of this group of veterans who used to have fried dough sticks has completely changed."

Gao Shun in black armor saw Sun Ce approaching.He ran forward and gave a solemn military salute.

Reported loudly: "My lord! Jiangdong army recruits, 800 people gathered here to practice. Please also give the new army a name, my lord."

Sun Ce was stunned, lowered his voice, and said to Gao Shun: "Gao Shun, these people, Chen Wu and the others have trained for quite a while! Besides, these soldiers have fought several battles with our army, and they are already veterans. !"

"Also, your number is wrong. It should be 2000 people. Why are there 200 people missing? These people are all elites I picked from the Yangzhou Army. Where did you deal with them? And Haven't you named your troops?"

Gao Shun ignored Sun Ce's cover-up, and still replied loudly: "In Gao Shun's eyes, all soldiers who have not been trained by me are recruits! Those who are not here have made mistakes and disobeyed orders. People. Gao Shun asked them to go to the logistics to manage food and grass! Please, my lord, give the Jiangdong new army a name."

Sun Ce breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay, that's okay! After spending so much time, if we let them go back to Yuan Shu's army, we will lose a lot. As long as they are still in the camp! You are too strict. In my opinion, they are all good soldiers!

Just when Gao Shun blackened his already dark face and wanted to refute Sun Ce's words.

Sun Ce changed his mind and said, "But I won't 'intervene' in how you train your troops. I will 'give' all the power of this army to you, Gao Shun, whether it is the selection of personnel, weapons and equipment, or the training process."

"If you have any requirements, just say so, and I will give you all the support you want! I only hope to see a strong army in the future! Hmm! As for the name of the new army! It should be the battle. What else can it be called? "

Gao Shun listened, his eyes lit up, and he murmured: "Fell into the battle, fall into the battle, charge into the battle, are you invincible?"

But Sun Ce responded loudly: "Yes! Your name is Jiangdong's fall into the battle, you can't attack, you can't win!"

Gao Shun looked at Sun Ce deeply for a while, and he also deeply felt the lord's great trust and trust in him.Nod heavily.

Gao Shun turned around and walked back to the front of the formation.With a loud roar: "Brothers, did you hear that the lord gave us a name today. From now on, our name will be 'Jiangdong trapped in the camp'. Jiangdong is trapped in the camp, and we will never win."

The loud and clear voice of the number sounded: "Jiangdong is trapped, and there is no victory!"

That voice seemed to shatter the world and destroy all obstacles.

The bitter cold wind blows, maybe God is also foretelling that this name is destined to be passed on through the ages, and the murderous array that will destroy thousands of people will finally take shape on this day.

Sun Ce looked at the "fine" team in front of him with relief, and at the front of the team, Gao Shun, the leader of the trapped camp, stood upright under the banner of the Jiangdong Lion fluttering in the wind.His figure in armor is so firm, it is no longer the dead and deep look of a while ago.

Because he has a new home, and this home is the hope he will fight for.

Gao Shun has always been a responsible person. Since his marriage with Miss Wu's family was confirmed, he seems to have changed, bursting out with extremely strong energy.All day long, he was either practicing the coordination of soldiers on the school field, or improving weapons and armor with Li Tie in the craftsman camp.

After practicing for a period of time, Gao Shun's talent as a famous general really showed a powerful effect.The military formation had begun to take effect, but some of the soldiers were tired and fell down, but they were all convinced by Gao Shun's soldiers first, and no one dared to complain in front of him.

And the generals have also said that they sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime. All the soldiers participating in the training are also gritted their teeth and persisted, and they cannot be looked down upon by others.As for those who could not persevere, or refused to accept, they were all kicked by Gao Shun to the barracks to do odd jobs.There was a shortage of people there anyway.

After seeing Gao Shun's training method, Sun Ce couldn't help being a little puzzled, why it was a bit like the training method of the special forces of later generations.It's really not necessary. Didn't this buddy Gao Shun also travel from later on?But it still doesn't look like it.Asked him, he just looked blank, what is time travel?

Looking at the blood-boiling army formation in front of him, Sun Ce's heart surged with a sentence: "With the 'elite' soldiers in hand, I have the future!"

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