Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 124 Zuo Ci's Pursuit of Traitor in Huainan King's Tomb

Volume II Conquest of Jiangdong] Chapter [-]: Zuo Ci's Pursuit of Traitors in Huainan King's Mausoleum

Chapter [-]: Zuo Ci’s Pursuit of Rape in Huainan King’s Mausoleum

Jin Jia's burly body trembled slightly, thinking to himself: "Could it be that he did that because of Zhi, it's too unreasonable, and God really has to stop helping him? You know, Zhicai is always a legacy, I haven't miscalculated since my debut.

This can be regarded as his first failure!Isn't this kid named Sun Ce in Lujiang?As the chief general, how dare he leave the front line so boldly and run back to Shouchunlai?

well!God!Could it be that the way of heaven that the master said really exists?But I always thought that this providence was just a scam to deceive those foolish people!The way of heaven, what is the way of heaven! "

He snorted coldly: "Jin Ji, how many times have I told you, don't underestimate anyone! But why can't you remember it! Everyone knows that you are also very smart, just a little bit worse than Zhicai.

So you have never been convinced by Zhicai's arrangement, if it weren't for me, the boss, who still has some strict orders, I am better than you, and I know more about the art of public opinion.I'm afraid you have long wanted to be the gold boss!

Didn't I say that when you move in the city, you need two people to take care of you.Why did you leave your companions and come back alone! "

Under the reflection of the pearl light, the gold has shown a blue face.Matching the green of the bronze mask, the entire ear chamber felt like a haunted house, as if a piercing wind was blowing from there.It makes people shiver.

That hehe laughter really sounded like a ghostly laugh: "Boss, you really think too much! Don't worry, boss, why would my younger brother want to take your position! This life is going to pass, what am I going to do for this poor position.

I think I have never served a few people in my life.That is to say, you and Xi Zhicai are quite capable, let me be convinced.hey-hey!You don't have to worry about me taking power.

There is nothing wrong with Shouchun City, Jin Ren's lightness kung fu is the best among us, and his martial arts are not bad.She is also clever, if she can't beat others, she will run away naturally. Is there anyone in this world who can catch her who is determined to run away? "

Jin Jia heard the words and nodded lightly: "It's true, but now Zhicai is going to do something big, so I transferred all four of Bing, Geng and Xin to help. The three of us are hanging in Shouchun again to do this. Jin Gui wants to find out about Jin Shun's whereabouts, but there is no reply yet.

Now only two brothers, Ding and Wu, are searching for secret treasures there. We have gained very little in the past two months!well!We are severely understaffed.Still have to be careful, we can't afford to lose men.

Next time, don't act like this again, or you won't be sympathetic if you're really a brother.remember! "

Jin already twisted his face, and replied in a deep voice: "Okay! It's okay! Boss, you are wise and thoughtful, I will definitely remember it next time, really! I have never seen a boss who is so careful like you.

Miss Jin Ren has been with us for almost ten years.She is such a cautious person, but she has never made a mistake.good!Okay, it's okay if I don't say anything, don't look at me like this.

Why!Boss, what are the four of them going to do?That kid Zhicai is so mysterious, he doesn't even explain clearly! "

In the eyes of the golden armor hidden under the bronze mask, a cold light suddenly burst out, staring at Jin Ji's body.

Jin Jiben, whose body was floating, froze suddenly, and said hastily: "I'm just asking, you can forget about it if you don't tell me. When did the brothers start keeping secrets. I'm so upset! It's all that shit wit Playing tricks!"

After hearing his complaints, Jin Jia withdrew his gaze and turned his face away.

A deep voice sounded: "Jin Ji, I didn't intend to hide this matter from you! It's better if you don't know than to know. You believe me, big brother won't harm you! Some things, knowing is better than not knowing." It is even more painful! You will have a chance to understand in the future."

"We all understand! Brother! Needless to say, it's all for our own good anyway! The less you know, the longer you will live!"

"Well, it's good for you to understand. In fact, Zhicai is working hard now! Let alone this, it seems that we can't hand over enough gold and silver to Duke Cao this month. Do you want to take the money hidden in the Huainan King's Tomb? How about giving him some of the secret treasures? It would be a pity to use them! They are all good things!"

"Brother, we have kept our treasures here for almost ten years, and we have been our old den for eight years. You were not willing to move one of the treasures here under any circumstances. Could it be that you, like that kid Zhicai, fought hard?" Do you want to help Cao Mengde?

To be honest, I thought it was quite interesting when I was not an official.Really made a bad school lieutenant, the younger brother feels like that.

Since we voted for Cao Mengde, we almost lost half of our property to him.Just changing to an official title that doesn't shit, it's really not worth it after thinking about it!But they are all treasures that our brothers have worked so hard to find for so many years!

There is a bottom hole there, no matter how you fill it, it can't be filled! "

Jin Jia let out a deep smile: "Jin Ji, do you regret it? In fact, Zhicai is right. He is a man who was born in troubled times and should make contributions. The things we donate are just ordinary gold and silver artifacts. Okay. Isn't everything hidden here? You, a guy who is used to seeing rare treasures, do you need to be so reluctant?"

"Hey, I don't want to part with those garbage! It's just that you said to donate the collection here. I really don't want to part with it. It seems that things here in Shouchun can't go on, why don't we take the time to go outside and touch it. Let's see if there are any big fights, and find some hidden treasures, okay?"

"That's a way! Eh! According to theory, Jin Ren should be back by this time. Why hasn't there been any movement? Nothing will happen! My right eyelid has been twitching today!"

"Cough! Brother! Here you are again. It's been so many years, I think we've been through the wind and fire, and we're all people who are used to life and death! But you still believe this! Hehe! I think Jin Ren may have something on the way Delayed."

"No, Jin Ji, my intuition has always been accurate. We need to pick up Jin Ren, otherwise my heart will always be unstable!"

Jin Ji had no choice but to flutter his seemingly empty body, "Oh! Your elder brother has his life, how dare you refuse to follow me, and want to rest for a while! Alright, alright, let's go and have a look!"


In the third-floor private seat of Wuliang Restaurant, there was a burst of drinking suddenly.

Then there was a clanging sound, and a door was suddenly kicked from inside and shattered.The cold air outside suddenly poured into the restaurant, and a light and agile figure shot out.

With the bang bang, more people appeared in front of the opened door.A few guards opened their bows and shot. With the sound of swishing, the sparse arrows shot past, but they were easily dodged by the figure.

After a few ups and downs, it disappeared in the night.Everyone upstairs is a good player in the battlefield, but they don't have the ability to jump high and low, they can only watch this spy escape easily.

Yuan Yao was furious: "You trash, so many people can't catch a spy. If his purpose is to assassinate, how can you stop him! My life is not very dangerous! Seal the whole city for me, my son, We must catch this spy who spread rumors!"

Yuan Yin coughed and said in a low voice: "Young Master! You have to calm down! Don't be so impulsive!"

Yuan Yao suppressed his anger for a while, being hit one after another, he didn't even have the mood to say goodbye.

With his hands behind his back, he went downstairs angrily and went back to the house.All the guards also immediately performed their duties.Send him back to the mansion, notify the county soldiers, and search the whole city for suspicious persons.Shouchun City, I'm afraid it will usher in another sleepless night.

Huang Yi and Yuan Yin watched Yuan Yao walk away, and hurriedly bid farewell to Sun Ce to arrange manpower.Huang Yi still did not forget to tell Sun Ce to go to his house for a party when he is free in a few days.Sun Ce had no choice but to agree with a wry smile.

Standing in front of the kicked victim, Sun Ce clearly saw the figure of the spy dressed as a buddy passing by in the distance.Another slightly crooked figure rose behind him, and chased after him covertly.

After the spies in front left the restaurant at the beginning, they found that no one was chasing them out, and immediately understood that no one in the building would do light work.After escaping from the range of the bow and arrow, he has relaxed his vigilance.

Coupled with the extreme confidence in his lightness skills, he slowed down instead, and flitted towards the city wall lightly.He didn't even look back to see if someone was really following him behind him.

Sun Ce was a little surprised: "Why does that look like the old Taoist left! Didn't he stay in the barracks to rest? Why did he appear here? This old Taoist came here this time. It seems that he has something to do tonight! "

Looking at Yuan Yao, who was extremely angry, he stomped the wooden stairs and went downstairs, "Hehe, after all, he is still a child, and his self-cultivation skills are still a little bit worse. But in time, there will be this old treacherous and slippery man." My Yuan Yin made a point, he should still be able to become a talent. Not a dude who only knows how to eat, drink, whore and gamble all day long!"

After everyone left, Wu Yong came forward a little nervously: "Bo Fu! Well, this guy is fine! I only kept him because he was considered capable. Who knew his mother was actually a spy. I But I don’t know anything about it!”

He said with a worried face: "That Mr. Yuan won't seal up our Wuliang Restaurant!"

Sun Ce laughed: "Uncle, let someone clean up this place, so you can open your store with peace of mind! Next, you will open a furniture store. When the funds are sufficient, I will let you invest in a paper factory and a book factory." What? Come on and make money!

We still have a lot to do.If this continues, in just a few years, you can become one of the two richest people in Dahan. "

Wu Yong was a little dizzy from being stimulated by the wealth all over the sky: "The richest in the world? God, my good nephew, don't you coax uncle? Why is it one of two people? Don't we have a three-person partnership now?"

Sun Ce took a strange look at this shrewd old businessman: "Hey, uncle! You don't want to give him a share of the money earned from other places! Think about it! Even if we have to pay three cents for each place We can only get a chief boss for the benefit of the two. The rest of the profit is only shared by our nephew and uncle. Do you think that in the end, only the two of us are the biggest rich man in the big man?"

Wu Yong still looked dazed: "Good nephew, you said, the two of us are the richest man in the world? Well, this account is really a bit confused, I will go back later and do the math. It can't be you Miscalculated!"

Muttering "The world is rich! The world is rich!"

Some lost their souls and went downstairs!


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