Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 126 Want to Make Me Copy Your Lair

Volume [-] Conquest of Jiangdong] Chapter [-] Wants to make me copy your lair

Chapter [-] Wants to make me copy your lair

Sun Ce returned to the camp and immediately ordered everyone to rest, and it was estimated that there would be action at midnight.Anyway, just returned to the camp, everything is still in a state of preparation.What preparations do you need? After receiving the order, everyone except the sentinel on duty immediately went back to the camp to rest.

Xu Ding, the newly joined general, had a look of hunger and thirst for meritorious service.He rushed to the big tent of the lord.

"My lord, please let everyone in the Xu family participate in the action tonight!"

Sun Ce glanced behind him, and there was also the unwilling tiger idiot Xu Chu.Considering that Wang Yue and Shi A are not here, this sturdy tiger is also a powerful player.

"Well! Xu Ding, from now on, you and your clansmen should always remember that you are a member of the Jiangdong Army, not someone from Xujiabao!"

Xu Ding was taken aback when he heard this, and was a little more convinced by this young but majestic little princess.

yes!If a powerful army does not have a backbone, it will only care about its own small group and fight on its own.Then it will always be just a mob.

"My lord, Xu Ding knows his mistake! I will never do it again in the future!"

Sun Ce was very satisfied with Xu Ding's reaction: "It turned out that I was planning to arrange your positions after a few days. There are about [-] fighters in your place. In this way, starting from today, if you set up a new song, you will be able to play a new song. Be my right guard. You will be the military marquis, and Zhongkang will be the captain of the training army, and will be your deputy. If you have meritorious service, you will naturally be rewarded for your meritorious service in the future."

There was an inexplicable majesty in the clear voice.The two brothers of the Xu family couldn't help bowing down to accept orders.

"Okay! You also go to rest, pick out a hundred strong, and go out with the army tonight."

Xu Ding was overjoyed with his lord's permission to join the battle, and took his second brother back to his camp to prepare to go.

As long as you can participate in the war, you may get the opportunity to make meritorious service.

The whole family of them took refuge in Sun Ce, isn't it just for a future!What's more, there is this butcher-like tough brother, it is not too wasteful not to use it.Now that he is a soldier, he is still a soldier with ideals, so naturally he will not let go of any possible opportunity for meritorious service.

Sun Ce also went into the tent of the two girls and took a nap.I don't know how long I will be busy tonight, I should rest more.

In the daze of Xiangruan, Sun Ce is having a wonderful dream, seems to be hugging Cai Yan, and seems to be a strange beauty.But he was awakened by a small hand grabbing his ear.Tilting his head, he saw that it was the beautiful and plump Huang Diewu who was calling in his ear.

"When it's already ugly, the guard is calling you outside the tent, you lustful and sleepy husband. You are not honest in your dreams, your hands and feet are moving around, and people call you several times, but you can't hear them!"

Sun Ce stretched out his hand to touch the Wen Ruan that was close in front of her eyes, and played with it carefully again, before he rescued the poor long ears from under her tender claws.When Sun Ce let go, Huang Diewu was already as limp as mud, leaving only a delicate gasp!

"Okay! The two babies are going to sleep slowly, and my husband will go to work tonight."

After kissing the two girls lightly, he left the tent amidst the reluctance of the two girls.

Looking up, under the light of the torches, all the people have assembled with bows and knives.Only waiting for himself, under the eyes of the generals, Sun Ce has no concept of shyness.Said to Zuo Ci with a serious face.

"Zuo Daochang, what are you telling everyone about the situation?"

Zuo Ci took the order: "At night, the old Taoist always felt uncomfortable in the camp, so he wanted to go to the city to find the lord. When he arrived at the bridge mansion, he found out that the lord was still drinking with others at the Wuliang Restaurant, so the old Taoist thought about going to eat some food too. .

As a result, before reaching the restaurant, someone jumped out from upstairs.The old man chased after him all the way.It was finally discovered that they were hiding in a mass grave at the foot of Bagong Mountain in the north of the city, not far from our camp.It is estimated that there are only a few people, but they are definitely masters.It's a pity that the old man ran away all night, and his stomach is still empty. "

Sun Ce said with a smile: "Old Taoist Zuo, don't pretend to be pitiful here! Who doesn't know that you are successful in cultivating Taoism and have not eaten for decades. It's okay to eat a thousand sheep in a solar eclipse. Eat less than half a meal You won’t be hungry! Just treat it as if you practiced one more time today.”

Ignoring Zuo Ci's secretive surprise at being told again, he turned his head and said, "Okay, officers and men! Some people in the city are spreading rumors today, which will harm the interests of our Jiangdong Army. Tell me, should we seek justice! Let these scumbags give us an explanation?"

The soldiers replied in unison without hesitation: "Follow the Lord's order!"

"Okay! Everyone go out with Daoist Yuan Fang! Those who want to harm us, we went to copy the lairs of those little devils. However, due to the cunning of the enemy, lighting torches is not acceptable. So everyone should walk carefully to avoid falling and causing accidents." Necessary damage."

"Wen Yuan! You are an immediate general, so you will lead a hundred people to stay in the camp! There are only a few enemies, and so many people are enough!"

Zhang Liao responded, and led his centurion back without hesitation, and went with the original night guards to carry out the order.This young general always abides by his own principles.Meticulously perform their own tasks that have been left behind by their masters.

Four hundred Jiangdong Army plus one hundred strong people from Xujiabao.Under the leadership of their respective generals, they approached the mass grave more than [-] miles away from the camp in the cold night.The freshly snowed ground reflected a faint white light.

On the snow, the footprints of the people in front are clear, so that everyone who is moving in the dark will not lose sight of the road and fall.

Sun Ce commanded five hundred soldiers to spread out around the area, each armed with swords, guns, bows and arrows, and surrounded the grave that Zuo Ci had pointed out from a distance.In case someone escapes from the tomb.

Four soldiers were ordered and were about to step forward to open the door of the tomb.When they were twenty steps away from the grave, they suddenly paused at the same time.Then, as if he couldn't see the road under his feet, he walked around the grave in random circles.

It was Yin time in the early morning, when the sky was darkest.More than [-] people formed several circles, and there were four sergeants in the middle holding knives, circling non-stop around a grave.The four of them were only three or two steps away from each other, but they walked forward as if they couldn't see each other.

The situation was as weird as it could be.The soldiers watching around felt terrified, and they would not even frown if they were asked to go to the battlefield to fight and be bathed in blood.But the situation in front of him can't help but make people think too much.

The veterans of the Jiangdong Army were alright, but among the Xujiabao recruits, there were a few timid ones who were already whispering with their teeth chattering.

"Da, Daxian! No, not good! There is a Daxian doing it here!"

"No, it's a ghost hitting the wall! They are fascinated by ghosts, so go back and ask the Taoist priest to open the altar to pray for blessings and get rid of disasters! Otherwise, they will die!"

"I heard that there are great immortals in the graves! If someone offends them, they may bleed from the seven orifices and die a terrible death!"

"Talk to the patriarch! Let's retreat first! If the Great Immortal becomes powerful, we mortals will not be able to resist! I'm not afraid of myself, I'm thinking about my brother's life! It's hard for us to die from the knife of the Yellow Scarf escaped."

"That's right! I don't have a wife yet, and I don't want to die either!"

The whispers became louder and louder, until Xu Chu blushed and shouted angrily in a low voice

"Shut up! What a shame! You don't even look at how they do it!"

Although the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army felt strange in their hearts, none of them spoke. They just clenched the weapons in their hands and straightened their backs even more.He looked at his lord and generals with piercing eyes.

"Because the generals are all standing in front of them! The generals are not afraid. We little soldiers have nothing to fear!"

Zuo Ci cleared his throat, and a hoarse voice sounded: "Everyone, don't be afraid, this is just a simple five-element formation. Hmm! It doesn't look like there is a master formation here, let the old man break it."

Sun Ce, Zuo Ci, Zhou Cang, Xu's brothers, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, and others stood in front of the tomb gate together.

After Zuo Ci cracked the formation, the two fainted soldiers retreated to rest with shame on their faces.Although they couldn't be blamed for the accident, they still felt ashamed in front of their comrades that they hadn't completed the task assigned by their superiors.

Sun Ce was very curious about this so-called ** formation.

"I don't know what the design principle of this formation is? Is it to use the interference of the scenery on the human body's sight? It's amazing!"

This is the first time he has really come into contact with the mysterious Qimen Dunjia. It turns out that the legendary formation is also real.

It seems that it is only because of the catastrophes in history, and it is too obscure.And those who understand the mysteries of it always like to play tricks, or they are self-preserving and eventually lost.

Zuo Ci stepped forward and fumbled up and down for a while, and touched somewhere, and finally the door of the tomb opened with a sound.

At the same time as the door opened, two powerful sharp arrows shot out from the tomb with a loud bang.Followed by several small darts spinning and lasing with black light.Afterwards, the two swift figures rushed out of the encirclement as soon as they left the tomb gate.

The moment Zuo Ci opened the door of the tomb, he sensed something was wrong and immediately jumped on the spot, avoiding the deadly sharp arrows and hidden weapons.

Those arrows actually shot into the bluestone tombstone amidst the crackling sound, which shows how powerful they were when they shot.After a few darts were shot on the stone tablet, the remaining energy was exhausted, like a nimble little fish, it landed on the ground after a jump.

The arrow and the dart still seemed to be glowing blue, which seemed to be poisoned.

As soon as Sun Ce saw someone appearing, all the generals stepped forward to intercept and round them up without thinking.

I saw the person who came out from behind took a black ball and smashed it hard towards the ground. There was a loud 'bang', and the area within three meters was immediately surrounded by a puff of white smoke.

Immediately nothing could be seen clearly in the arena, and everyone was shocked.

Zuo Ci shouted from a high place: "It's the smoke escape technique, hold your breath and retreat quickly! I'm afraid it's poisonous!"

All the generals hastily held their breath and retreated.It wasn't until he exited the range shrouded in smoke that he dared to take a big breath.However, I feel that the smoke has no lethality. It seems that it is just an ordinary way of blinding the eyes.

Sun Ce was surprised, "Why does this guy seem to be playing Japanese ninjutsu! Could it be that this is our invention, and an advanced technology was stolen by the little Japanese? Hmm! It's really possible!

In the next 2000 years, do you think they have plagiarized less from our country?But adding a little something, and using it to deal with the original owner, it seems that there should be a technology export restriction in the future!

The export of technologies that may harm a three-year-old girl must be restricted!Yes, that's it!

hey-hey!Will the ninjas of a certain country become extinct? "


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