Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 13 Zhou Yu, who I haven't seen for a long time

Volume 13 First Return to the Three Kingdoms] Chapter [-] Zhou Yu, whom I haven't seen for a long time

Chen Wu was stunned: "Everyone treats me well, and most of them are afraid of me."

Speaking of this, I can't help but feel a little unspeakable. "I'm 'very' nice to everyone, too."

Sun Ce looked at him with a smile until he lowered his head: "It seems that you have also felt it a little bit. It's true that everyone is afraid of you. And you are also very popular with some people. And these are mostly to see you and others" to learn from each other. ', the loudest booing on the side!"

Chen Wu couldn't help but nodded, "That's right. We are all very happy together."

"The only ones who are happy are you and those onlookers! Have you ever thought about the mood of the person you 'discussed'? Just like in the beginning, I defeated you, and it was a fair contest.

There was only one 'discussion' defeat, and you still can't accept it.Not to mention those brothers who are often "discussed" by you.How would you feel if I 'discussed' with you once a day in front of everyone?

Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself!Look at where you fell for a while, and no one even helped you, do you think you are still right? "

Chen Wu's face turned pale.

Sun Ce continued: "If it was on the battlefield at that time, you should have imagined the consequences in the "chaotic" army! Just like today, you will meet me, you don't know, will you meet me tomorrow? Meet someone stronger than me?

A strong player has a strong player, you can't always win, and you can defeat all enemies alone.Only by relying on the strength of everyone can we truly achieve constant victories and invincibility!I am very supportive of the normal sparring, but after the sparring, you should point out the shortcomings of your opponents and sincerely help them improve with you.

Only you can exchange their sincerity with your sincerity, and that is the real brotherhood.I have great expectations for you, I hope you can become a general with great ability and great achievements supported by the army, not a warrior who only knows fighting strength, bullies the weak, and makes everyone fear.I don't want such a person. "

Chen Wu's face flushed with excitement, he knelt down and prostrated himself: "My lord, Zi Lie was wrong! Zi Lie didn't study much. In the past, he just couldn't understand these principles.

I also know that although the brothers are afraid of me, they do not submit to me.No one has ever spoken "heart-to-heart" with me, let alone a true confidant brother.I've also been wondering, no matter how polite I am to them, I just don't feel better in my bones.

I can't figure out how this could be.But Zilie has always heard that the old general and the eldest son love soldiers like sons and use soldiers like gods!The soldiers were all united like brothers, so they didn't believe it all the time. They joined the army just to see it.

Zilie only now understands after being taught by the eldest son!From now on, Zilie is willing to serve the eldest son as his master, follow him all his life, and do his best!I just hope that I can often listen to the teachings of the eldest son, so that Zilie can become a true hero like the eldest son. "

At this time, Lu Meng, who had been listening at the door of the tent, also stepped forward and knelt down: "My lord, Zi Ming is also often confused like this! I just understood a lot of truths when I heard what my lord said just now. I am also willing to follow the eldest son. Serve the eldest son as the master, and I can often hear the teachings of the eldest son from now on. You accept the two of us!"

Sun Ce couldn't help laughing: "Ziming, get up quickly, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Lu Meng raised his face stubbornly, and said: "My family always dotes on and loves me. If I do something wrong and cause a catastrophe, my family will help me deal with the funeral. Although sometimes they will blame me, beat me Me, but no one has ever taught me such profound principles of being a human being. I know that if I miss the eldest son this time, I am afraid that I may not be able to achieve great achievements in my life. Please also ask the eldest son to fulfill the wish of Quan Ziming to learn and improve! "

Looking at the two excited faces in front of him, Sun Ce couldn't help feeling emotional: "Yes, these two are highly motivated talents. Their resolute character can make them better. Invest in learning, as long as there are suitable people to teach and support.

Instead of letting things go like this now, they will surely become pillars a few years earlier and help my ideals prop up a broad sky. "

Sun Ce nodded earnestly, and raised his hand to support the two of them: "In that case, I will accept you two temporarily. Just follow me, you have to be prepared, and you have to work harder. Fang is a master! But you have to remember, if you can't endure hardship, then I will give up on you at any time."

The two saluted at the same time: "Thank you, my lord! Zilie (Ziming) is not afraid of hardship!"

Sun Ce glanced at them appreciatively and said, "Okay! That's it for today. Zilie, you should also prepare for training tomorrow. You have to remember that there is never any relationship between people. Whether it is hate or love.

You get what you give.There will never be the slightest mistake.As long as you are lenient to your subordinates and always show them kindness and kindness, they will have your kindness in their hearts and will eventually repay you!Brothers are of one heart, and their benefits can break gold!I rely on you to train a strong army with one heart and one mind for our army. "

"Brothers are of the same heart, their benefits cut through gold! That's great! My lord! Zilie, take note. I will live up to my lord's expectations, Zilie is going!" After finishing speaking, he clasped his fists and left.

At this time, only Sun Ce and Lu Meng, who was scratching his head anxiously, were left in the army tent. Seeing Sun Ce looking at him, he hurriedly asked, "My lord, Brother Zilie has something to do, so I don't know what I should do? How about letting them do the same?" Give me some people, and I will go to train soldiers!"

Sun Ce glared at him: "Nonsense, do you think military training is a joke? Soldiers are a matter of life and death. It is related to the lives of you and your soldiers, the happiness of all soldiers' families, and the prosperity and stability of a country." .

A novice like you doesn't know the way of soldiers, how to train and lead soldiers.You see, which general who is good at fighting doesn't study military books and strategies when he has time.You have to remember that the way to use troops is not only obtained from actual combat, but more from the experience of predecessors from books.

In this way, once you lead an army alone one day, you can avoid many detours.Go get the military book of General Han Dang on the table, stand at the door and read it again.When I finish reading, I will test you. "

Lu Meng suddenly had a bitter face and asked weakly: "My lord, can I ask you the words I don't know?"

"Ask your senior brother Zilie, I will be very busy these days. You can also ask your brother-in-law, as long as you really want to learn, I think no matter who it is, it will be very happy to teach you."

Just as Lu Meng was about to go out, a guard came in and reported: "Paper, sir, some people came from outside the gate of Daying, saying that your old friend Zhou Yu came to see you."

Sun Ce couldn't help being stunned: "This Zhou Yu, I just came back, and he came here. Such a coincidence, he is indeed my good friend and brother since childhood.

It's really fate, this fateful person can really be met everywhere.Ever since I left Shu County with my father, I haven't seen him for two years. I really miss him!When you think about him, he comes.What a tacit understanding!

Sun Ce greeted Lu Meng, and he couldn't wait to put down the military book in his hand, and immediately followed Sun Ce to the camp gate.When the two of them ran to the gate of Daying, they saw him among several people in casual clothes at a glance.

Tall and straight, at least 185 cm tall, with a handsome face curve, not particularly thick eyebrows, set off by a pair of big eyes that are particularly bright like a pool of deep water, and Gao Long The combination of the straight bridge of the nose is so seductive.

This was the second handsome man Sun Ce saw besides himself.No wonder it is said that birds of a feather flock together and people form groups.

Undoubtedly, the one who stood out the most among the crowd was Zhou Yu, Sun Ce's best brother in his life.The relatives who could help Sun Ce in the most important step when he was weak at the beginning.

Sun Ce rushed to him.Without speaking, she hugged Zhou Yu heavily and patted him on the back heavily.

After hugging for a while, Sun Ce said, "Gongjin, you're here!"

"Bo Fu, I'm here."

There is no need for other words, no need for redundant etiquette, no need for those false politeness to ordinary people.

This is the tacit understanding that the two have developed since they first met at the age of 12.It makes people feel more relaxed and closer than family affection.It's as if two people were copied as a whole.As if they had a tacit understanding, the two looked at each other and smiled, turned around at the same time, and started to walk towards the camp at the same time.

At the same time that Sun Ce was embracing Zhou Yu, inside the General's Mansion in Shouchun City.Yuan Shu was sitting in a large armchair in the study.Holding the scented tea that the "waiter" just offered in his hand, he drank it leisurely.

Standing on the ground in front of the desk were a few of his confidantes, General Ji Ling and Pianjiang Liu Xun.Chief Shi Yang Hong, Master Bo Yanxiang, and another "attendant" standing by Yuan Shu's hand was Zhang Xun who had just returned from the military camp.

I only heard Yuan Shu say: "Everyone is here, let's discuss the affairs of the past few days. A few days ago, Chang'an urgently reported that Dong thief was executed by Wang Situ and others, which can be regarded as revenge for my Yuan family. What a delight. I have sent an order down to the whole city to celebrate for three days."

Everyone congratulated in unison.

Yuan Shu went on to say: "Chang'an is at peace now. I am worried that Wang Situ and others will clean up the government and take back the local military power. What do you think about the situation in the world, what should we do?"

The people below looked at each other.Yang Hong stepped forward and said, "General, don't worry. Now the emperor is too young to be in charge, and most of the power in the court has been left to the hands of the officials. It's too late for them to fight for power in the court, so how dare they easily offend the foreign vassals with heavy troops?" ?”

"Even if they want to move, they need to have some strength. But in the hands of the court, there are no more than tens of thousands of soldiers, and they will be no more than Lu Bu and Liao Liao. The self-protection center is not enough, let alone It is said that the army has conquered the world. I think their next step should be to fight for real power internally and strengthen the feudal clan externally."

"The general only needs to sit in Henan and Yangzhou. With heavy troops in his hand, he will look at Jingxiang and Xuzhou, and look for opportunities to annex them. In this way, the general will sit in the fertile land of the world, have sufficient soldiers and food, and borrow the name of the fourth generation and the third prince , can win the hearts of the world's scholars. The rest is just to wait patiently for the opportunity, as long as the opportunity comes, why not worry about the general's hegemony."

Yuan Shu grinned in satisfaction: "Haha—hmm! What Chang Shi said makes sense. Looking at the world today, we have the largest territory in the world, the most soldiers, the most abundant food, and the richest people.

Now it's just waiting for the time.good very good!After Jing Changshi said this, I can rest assured, but everyone needs to act bravely!Ha ha. "

All the people below replied in unison: "I wish my lord an early success! I am willing to die for my lord's great cause! I will do my best!"

Yuan Shu smiled complacently for a while, and then said: "Gongsun Bogui received a letter the day before yesterday, saying that 'my brother's death was caused by Yuan Shao' and he wanted to avenge Yuan Shao for Gongsunyue's death. Now he has dispatched troops to Panhe , and with the help of his cousin Gongsun Fanzhi, with the help of Bohai troops, he wiped out the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou and Xuzhou.

Now he is getting stronger and stronger, just waiting for us and Tao Gongzu to send troops to attack Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.Discuss what you think, is it better to send troops, or wait for the right time without sending troops? ";

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