Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 130 Huainanzi's new and old love

Volume II Conquest of Jiangdong] Chapter [-] Huainanzi's new love and old love——

Chapter [-] Huainanzi's New and Old Love

But Zuo Ci still had doubts about what Sun Ce said now.

Hastily stepped forward: "Miss Jinren! You said this is the cave of Huainan King's Mausoleum? Did your elder brother still do such a detrimental business? What kind of captain did you use to touch gold? Sigh! Or It's not as expected by the teacher!"

"Bah! Old Taoist priest! My aunt, I am so young, you are so old-eyed! My elder brother is doing this business to benefit the people of the world. It is a matter of accumulating blessings, and what kind of evil is it! How funny!"

Zuo Ci smiled slightly: "Okay! Miss Jin Ren, you don't have to hide anything in front of the old Taoist. You are only 24 or [-] years old, but you are still a virgin. The old lady who is full of mouth is just for the convenience of those quacks!

That big brother of yours is really confused and cruel!You are so old, you don't even want to find a husband's family for you!Really did not fulfill the responsibility of a big brother. "

Another secret was discovered by Jin Ren, and he was terrified: "Who are these two people? How can they know our details so well?"

"Don't you talk about my elder brother like that! I don't like those crooked melons and dates in the world! Don't you want to marry someone? I'm only 23 or 22 years old. What kind of eyes are there? Pooh, I was deceived by you! How old is my old lady? It's none of your old way's business! Big brother can't control what my wife likes! Do you still want to take care of it?"

Zuo Ci glanced at Jin Ren who was blushing for the first time, who was ashamed and angry, and still had a calm look on his face: "Miss, don't be shy, your elder brother also learned this skill of looking at the shape back then. Yes, old man You and your eldest brother are brothers in the same school.

Back then, the master only taught your eldest brother the art of being a public figure, but he didn't want to teach him the profound art of Qimen Dunjia and formation.

Instead, they found an excuse to drive him out of the house, that is, they thought his conduct was bad.I was afraid that what he did in the future would ruin the reputation of my Tianzhu lineage, but unexpectedly he did not want to repent, and went further and further on this evil path. "

Sun Ce at the side was astonished as if he had heard the Arabian Nights: "This Zuo Ci's younger brother is actually the boss of Captain Mo Jin! This is really a big secret! This 'old girl' is so vicious, she is still a virgin, look It's really hard to tell what one looks like!

that's true!She was in a den of thieves, it would be inconvenient not to pretend like this!It can only be said that there are not many normal characters in Captain Mojin who deal with graves and bones all day long! "

In addition, the three accompanying generals just glanced at Jin Ren with some contempt.In their eyes, they simply thought that the captured man was just a thief who secretly dug someone's ancestral grave.If her eldest brother was caught, he would have to be cut alive.

"This evil deed of stealing people's ancestral graves is really abominable! But no Han Chinese can welcome it! They have stolen so many rare treasures, who knows if there are any funeral objects of my ancestors in them? It's a damn thing!"

Zuo Ci ignored the shocked or angry expressions of the three people: "Have you ever found the book "Huainanzi" that King Huainan majored in here? The old Taoist has been famous for this great work for a long time, but he has searched all over the world, and he has never been able to read it. ah!

If he can find this classic, it will be a great contribution to my Taoism and to the world!Um!If he can have this book in his hand, the old way is the master, and it is also negotiable to bring your eldest brother back to my Tianzhu Daomen! "

Jin Ren was overjoyed when he heard that: "Old Taoist, is what you said true? Can you really take my elder brother back to the door wall?"

In a blink of an eye, he looked regretful again: "It's a pity, I heard from my elder brother that Liu An, the king of Huainan! He was actually rebelled, and he didn't have time to finish his own mausoleum. Moreover, the entrance to the tomb was closed and blocked in a hurry. destroyed.

When the eldest brother and the others found this abandoned mausoleum, it was already dilapidated.There is nothing in the tomb except jewels, jade and murals that have been inlaid on the wall for lighting.Not to mention what "Huainanzi" is.

Our collections are all organized by myself, and there is no such book in it!

At the beginning, it took them a lot of effort to clear out a section of the tomb door and disguise it as it is now.

After all, this is a royal tomb to be used, and the location is so secret.It is used to store the treasures we have found from everywhere, and the scale is still very good.It's not easy to be discovered, the old lady also set up a military formation outside the tomb, and ordinary people can't get close to it. "

After Zuo Ci's explanation, Sun Ce knew why Lao Dao attached so much importance to this "Huainanzi".

The book takes Taoist thought as the main axis, and the content is all-encompassing, involving political science, philosophy, ethics, history, literature, economics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geography, agricultural water conservancy, medical health preservation and other fields.

In addition to Taoism, the content of the book also incorporates the words of Confucianism, Legalism, and Yin-Yang School.It collects various schools of thought and shows a certain tendency of integration. In fact, the book is guided by Taoism, absorbs theories of various schools of thought, and integrates them. It is a representative work of the theoretical system of Huang Lao from the Warring States period to the early Han Dynasty.

When elucidating the philosophy, it involved strange things, ghosts and spirits, and preserved some mythological materials.Famous ancient myths such as "Nuwa mending the sky", "Houyi shooting the sun", "Gonggong touched the Buzhou mountain in anger", "Chang'e flying to the moon", Gun Yu controlling the water and so on.

Zuo Ci, who is currently trying to usurp the classics of the family, is of course eager to find this classic.It's a pity that this time he still failed to find the news of this great book.

The sullen Zuo Ci thought for a while, then nodded and said: "There should be no problem. The old Taoist brother has only learned a little bit about the Qimen formation. Now it is estimated to be on the same level as this little girl. The old Taoist carefully designed He will definitely not be able to decipher the Sanqing Nine Gates chain formation."

When Jin Ren heard this, he became furious: "You old man, no wonder you are so familiar with my mother's arrangement! You still have the ass to say that you are my elder brother's brother, you are such a stinky shit, you suck Nose! You still want to help outsiders rob your younger brother's things, you let go of my mother, and my mother will never stop talking to you, a shameless old monster."

The rough and vulgar tone, complemented by her beautiful face, formed a strange contrast.

Everyone smiled wryly. Seeing this woman's appearance, they never imagined that she, who is as beautiful as a flower, would have such a naughty temperament.This made several people feel extremely awkward.It is the environment that creates human nature!

It's like seeing a big beauty with great difficulty, but this beauty is constantly picking her nose out.

Seeing that Zuo Ci didn't know how to respond, Sun Ce yelled angrily: "Shut up! From now on, if you say a word, I will slap your butt ten times! Let's see if your ass is hard or my slap is hard!"

Sure enough, the villain still needs to be tortured by the villain, Jin Ren felt a faint pain in a certain part of his back, and immediately became silent.Her precious buttocks, which had not been touched for more than [-] years, were severely whipped by a disciple. Thinking of this, she burst into tears again.

It's just that everyone would rather watch her crying pear blossoms with rain than listen to her rogue-like scolding.Naturally, no one would pity her and give her a little comfort.

Sun Ce spent an hour in the old way, and after resetting the organ array, Song Qian arranged for a few guards to dress up as ordinary people and stand guard here from a distance. The brigade escorted Jin Ren back to the camp.

For this woman, it is really a headache.Golden man!Neither beating nor killing, no matter how you say it, it is inextricably related to the old Taoist.After finally catching her, it was even more impossible to release her.

"How to do it?"

Seeing Zuo Ci finished talking about the situation, he was about to go out.

Sun Ce yelled: "Old Taoist priest, she is your younger brother's younger sister, and you should take care of her! Let me go, I'm afraid that I might accidentally recognize the wrong person when I sleep at night! Besides, if something happens to you, you will take care of her." It’s not easy to explain to your junior brother!”

Zuo Ci accepted his fate with a bitter face, if Sun Ce had nothing to do, he would have slipped out as soon as he slipped away.If something really happened to this pungent little girl, he could say something with peace of mind when he meets his junior.

"I do not know!"

But now that the lord has already pointed it out first, it is a bit unreasonable to slip away by himself.It's just that this ruthless little girl seems to be the only one who can control her, but he still calls himself a hundred-year-old man Senior Brother.

Mountain Yu!It's really a mountain yu, it's extremely hot, but my lord, why do you want to catch her back?Still have to throw it to me! "

Zuo Ci walked back into the tent, and said to Jin Ren seriously: "Little Jin Ren, the old man is your elder brother's senior brother, you can also call the old man a senior brother, if you want to say that it's okay to let the old man take you! But first say yes! You can't curse people , and no escape or sabotage is allowed.

Otherwise, I will return you to the lord!As for how he deals with you, the old Taoist has no control over it.You, would you like to? "

Jin Ren had a pitiful and bitter look on his small face. He glanced at Sun Ce who was sitting on the chair with a golden knife on his horse, and saw that there seemed to be a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Trembling in fright, the hands tied behind him reflexively covered the sore spot behind him.

Hastily nodded and agreed: "Okay, okay, brother! Jin Ren will definitely listen to you!"

Zuo Ci nodded in satisfaction, untied the rope on her body, and didn't know how to communicate with her.Jin Ren really stayed in the Jiangdong barracks obediently.It may be that Lao Dao has similarities with her elder brother, which has a special attraction for her!

The two were about to go out, and Sun Ce was still thinking about whether to take a nap to replenish the sleep in the middle of the night.There was a lively commotion outside the tent.Sun Ce was startled: "It's terrible, the Detachment of Women is here!"

Sure enough, it was dark in front of the tent door, and five pink beauties wearing long skirts of various colors came in.As soon as the five people entered, they bumped into Zuo Ci and Jin Ren who were about to go out, and the seven of them were all stunned.

Hua Wei was originally in the medical camp, but she didn't want to go to the front line, so she lived in the Cai Mansion with Liu Ying and Ren Hongchang.Last night, Sun Ce missed his appointment and failed to go to the Qiao Mansion. The girls who knew he was back but didn't come to see each other, came to the camp early in the morning to 'excuse the crime'!

With a chuckle on Hua Wei's face, her lotus steps swayed lightly, and she stepped forward to hold Jin Ren who wanted to hide behind Zuo Ci.

"Hey! This lady! She is also a beautiful woman! Our husband really has eyes, but husband, you have a new love, do you want to throw away all our old loves?"


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