Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 140 Cao Cao's Longing for 2 Joe

Volume II Conquest of Jiangdong] Chapter [-]: Cao Cao's Desire for Er Qiao -

Chapter [-]: Cao Cao's Desire for Er Qiao

"Yeah! Zhicai! These officials have already expected it! Before Miaocai left, this official told me that he must cause the greatest damage to Yuan Shu's food and grass with the least casualties!

Even if he fought until he was the only one left, he would turn Yuan Shu's rear upside down for his own sake.They should be able to do it with their ingenuity and good fighting skills! "

Xi Zhicai shook his head, and broke Cao Cao's dream mercilessly: "Miaocai's captain only has [-] elite cavalry, and Wen Qian and Wen Qian have more than [-] soldiers. I hope they can use this force to take Yuan Shu's food I'm afraid it will be difficult to control it."

Seeing Cao Cao's frown, Xi Zhicai changed his tone: "But don't worry, my lord. Before this, my subordinates have already sent envoys to Jingzhou to make contact. There should be results in the next two days!"

Cao Cao immediately frowned, "Well! Zhicai's actions are very correct, and he thought of assistance that I had never thought of. Then Liu Jingsheng can take advantage of it. This guy's being a Jingzhou shepherd is already smoking from his ancestral grave. There is no plan to go abroad at all, if it is not for his subordinates, I am afraid that he has no idea of ​​sending troops this time!"

"Your lord is wise, you really know all the powers well! The day before yesterday, Jin Jia reported back! This time, the subordinate's plan to stir up Qiao Rui and Zhang Xun in Shouchun was accidentally destroyed by that kid named Sun Ce. They found out that Qiao Rui Rui has betrothed two daughters to this young general named Sun Ce, Sun Bofu.

The original plan was to force Qiao and Zhang to turn against him through his hatred of taking his wife.In this way, our stress will be much less.

But unexpectedly he returned to the city suddenly years ago, just in time for this incident.But by mistake, this inevitable situation was solved.It can only be said to be God's will! "

"Sun Ce? Sun Bofu? This name sounds familiar!"

"My lord, I heard that he is the eldest son of the old general Sun Jian. When Yuan Shu took him in, he was called Yangzhou partial general. Now he is leading an army to attack Lujiang Lu clan. Who would have thought that he would dare to do this and suddenly leave the battlefield without permission. Return to Shouchun!"

"Hmm! I just remembered, it was him! I heard that he sent Wentai's coffin back to his hometown the year before last, did he come back so soon? Did he not guard his father? What an unfilial son! Alas, Sun Wentai I A hero, but an unfilial son!

Huh!I remember that he was only seventeen or eighteen years old!Zhicai, you said he was leading the army to attack Lujiang?It seems that this is another heroic Sun Wentai!Yuan Gonglu, I'm afraid he is raising tigers! "

"Yes, the subordinates and others didn't notice this kid at first. It was after he was ordered to go to Lujiang. I heard that he has guarded his father for a year. He came out this time to avenge his blood hatred against Jingzhou. Yuan Gonglu did not support him for some reason!

Jin Jia and the others only found out about it, and after inquiring more about him, they decided on this plan.During these days in Shouchun, he has accomplished a great deal.At the beginning, when Lu Bu was driven away from Shouchun, he contributed a lot!

Now his reputation in Yangzhou is very loud!It has won the hearts of the people, and everyone calls it "Sun Lang"! "

Cao Cao's eyes burst out with a deep longing: "Are you talented and beautiful? I heard that the two daughters of Qiao Rui are really beautiful women? I also heard that their two sisters are as beautiful as Diao Chan. I really want to Take a look! This stupid boy is very charming!"

Xizhi has some words.After getting along for this period of time, my lord is good at everything, whether it is military strategy or talent, he is a man of outstanding heroes, but the problem of lust is too deep-rooted.It seems impossible to change!

He slandered: "Hey! This is going to be overwhelming with an army, it's in danger, and I still have the mood to eat the dry jealousy of that brat and the little girl. When you talk about beauty, my lord, hey! This world is perfect after all!"

Xi Zhicai carefully looked at Cao Cao's expression: "My lord, Qiao Rui and Sister Qiaorui are only 15 years old after the Chinese New Year!"

Cao Cao looked indifferent, and glanced at this old-fashioned confidant: "It's just right, it's suitable! It's a young age! Oh, ahem! I mean, that boy Sun Bofu is just right for their age! Alas! This officer is getting old! It's a pity that Diao Chan, who was once the most beautiful in Luoyang, has disappeared now!"

"The Lord is a man of age, not old!"

"I'm old, compared to others who are only 15 years old, I'm an uncle, no, I'm an uncle! Uncle sounds a little nicer!"

Xi Zhicai hastily changed the subject, if this continues, I'm afraid it will become more and more confusing.

"My lord, Jin Yi came to report yesterday. On the other side of the river, there are still [-] Heishan Army troops retreating to Wei County. There seems to be some changes these days. I don't know what they want to do! My subordinates are worried whether they will cross the river." Come!"

Cao Cao was taken aback by Xi Zhicai's test, and came to his senses: "Crossing the river, probably not! They were defeated by Ben Chu, and they should take the opportunity to attack Ben Chu from behind to avenge their hatred." That’s right! But since Zhicai has brought it up, we must be more wary of these yellow scarf thieves! Who knows what they will do!”

Looking at the map, Cao Cao frowned: "Well! Wei County! If they want to cross the river, Yanjin is too far away, and now it is raining, snowing and muddy, it is not convenient for the army to march. It is likely to be Baimajin! In this way, they can attack me in the south In the rear of the army, the east can cut off our army's food road. It is a gap that is prone to danger.

Um!Zhicai, then let Wen Ruo try his best to mobilize more soldiers and horses to defend Puyang. We can't think about other people's food roads all day long, but we can't guard our own food roads.That's really going to make people laugh! "

"My lord attaches great importance to food and roads! I am very worried, but our soldiers are much smaller than Yuan Shu's, and the supply of military rations is easier than that of the Yangzhou army!"

"Oh! Grain!"


The generals of Yuan Shu's army are actively challenging outside Cao Cao's camp.After coming down all morning, I found that Cao Jun's camp hadn't responded at all.Unexpectedly, being looked down upon by the enemy, Yuan Shu's generals, who were eager to make contributions, were all furious!

The unbearable shouts and curses rang out in front of the battle.

But let people attack the deep ditch and the high walls, and the periphery is covered with staggered deer villages.In the enemy's camp surrounded by forests of arrow stands, no one is willing to be the fool who goes up there to die.

When they went out to fight again in the afternoon, Yuan Shu's soldiers, who had stood for nothing in the cold wind for a whole morning, began to relax a little.People kept whispering and scolding their mothers.

"It's such a cold day, fighting and not fighting, just let the big guys stand and drink in the biting cold wind, who can stand it!"

"That's right, Cao Jun, who belongs to the rabbit family, has not dared to show his face all morning! It's not because of our [-] troops, they are so frightened that they all dropped their eggs! Haha!"

"That's right! Cao Jun doesn't even dare to fight now. It seems that we will win this battle!"

"Damn it, it's so cold. If we continue to wait like this, I don't know if Cao Jun's eggs will fall off. The eggs in my trousers will be frozen off. Brother Hu! You say our generals, ride Isn't it cold to run around like this right now?"

"You know the ball! They are generals, and they dress much better than us. Have you heard that, if you make a great contribution this time, General Zuo will give you a big reward. Whoever catches Cao Mengde, that is Can take his place! The generals are on fire from head to toe! Haha!"

"Wow! Brother Hu really got it? If I catch Cao Cao, I don't know what position I will have!"

"Brother Hu, I am from the mountains. This is my first time serving as a soldier. Can I ask, who is that Cao Cao?"

There was a contemptuous yelling from all over the team. Anyone who didn't know Cao Cao at this time would probably be looked down upon.

Brother Hu yelled loudly, and said to the shrunken recruit with a look of longing: "Then Cao Cao, I heard that he is eight feet long! He rides a white horse and wears a red robe. He has occupied the current position of governor of Yanzhou. We just help The newly-appointed Yanzhou Jin Inspector by the imperial court is beating him!"

"Brother Hu is really well-informed, and the brothers have learned a lot! Then Brother Hu, if we get Cao thief, can we be the governor of Yanzhou!"

Brother Hu was really angry at this subordinate who asked such a stupid question and kicked him: "You idiot, there are so many generals up there, where is the lieutenant! It's your turn? It's possible to lose your head! Be the governor , just like you, a crooked bird, it would be great luck to give you a promotion. You really don’t know how to look like a dog! Go away and drink the wind!"

At this moment, Chief Qu, who supervised the war, came over and shouted angrily, "Shut up for me, your mother's mouth will itch if you don't stand up well, what the hell, if you talk nonsense, don't feed me when you go back tonight!

Is your beard leading the noise again?You are also a veteran, you should know the rules in the army, why don't you take the lead and not do good things?Back then we joined the army together.Now that I'm the head of a song, you're still just a team leader, I really don't know how you get along.You should be a little bit in shape, with your bravery, you can't be worse than my brother! "

That Brother Hu was not angry either, he said with a grin: "Brother! I just want to have fun, and I don't want to compete for any bird officials. Isn't it too cold, and I'm talking lively with my brothers, so as not to get bored and panic! Alas! Said Really, brother! If you can get that thief Cao, can you be the governor of Yanzhou!"

"Bah! You lunatic! You can talk nonsense! I beg you, brother, don't make trouble anymore! Otherwise, the younger brother will not be able to explain it to you if you blame me!"

Chang Chang shook his head in fear of this brother Hu, and walked to other places to maintain order.

At this moment in Fengqiu, Zhang Xun who stayed behind was resting in his military tent.Instead of going to the front line to charge and fight, he simply gave himself a big vacation, and hibernated in his tent during the day.

Anyway, now that he is the biggest official in Fengqiu camp, who dares to control him.For military training, there are so many military candidates under his command, and Qu Chang is here!Didn't you hear the shouting and killing in the cold wind outside!Everyone is practicing!

Zhang Xun's personal guard stood in front of the tent, hesitating a little, wondering if he should enter at this time.Think about the emergency of the military situation, at worst, he was thrown out by the general again.Who told me to forget the notification yesterday, and broke in directly with facial cleanser and grooming utensils.

But the general is doing something that should not be watched by the sidelines, and he can't stop when he is reaching the peak!

Bite the bullet, and shouted outside the door: "General, my subordinates have urgent military reports!"

Hearing coming in, he dared to open the curtain and enter the tent.

"Fortunately, the general was not disturbed this time."

He said cautiously: "General, just now the scouts sent an urgent report! The Wenpin Wenzhong Industry Department of the Jingzhou Army stationed in Nanyang Ye County suddenly crossed the state border the day before yesterday and went straight to our Runan County. It has already rushed to Changping, the northern part of Chen County. Yangxia area. Our army’s Yuzhou grain road has been cut off by half!”


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