Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 15

Volume 15 First Return to the Three Kingdoms]Chapter [-] Breaking into the Camp, Raping and Killing Spies

Lu Meng said: "I also recognize that Li Dagou, I will take the lord there."

Everyone rushed out of the camp immediately and rushed to the gate of the barracks.

By the time they rushed to the gate of the barracks, the sky had gradually darkened.In the distance, I saw a black shadow running towards Yuan Shu's camp in the distance.

Lu Meng asked the two sergeants on duty at the gate of the camp, and sure enough that was the corporal leader named Li Dagou. He said that there was something left in the camp over there, and he wanted to get it back, and that he would be back in a while. up.

They were in a hurry, seeing Li Dagou fleeing so fast, it was impossible to catch up with him by foot power.When he came back, I was afraid that it would be the end of swordsman meeting and blood spattering on the spot.

No, no matter what, he cannot be allowed to escape.When Sun Ce turned his head, fortunately, there were still two horses tied to the horse-hitting post at the gate of the camp, which were for visitors.

"Zhou Yu is really my lucky star, Sun Ce! And Lu Meng, a clever guy, has already rushed forward, untied the rein, and led the horse over.

Sun Ce immediately got on his horse and chased Li Dagou desperately.The crisp sound of horseshoes immediately broke through the quiet air.The scenery in the twilight receded quickly in Sun Ce's eyes.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

Sun Ce kept whipping the galloping horse with the whip.Li Dagou also seemed to see Sun Ce chasing after him on horseback, and even ran faster desperately.

After all, he had too much time in advance. Before Sun Ce rode his horse and ran halfway between the two camp rooms, he had already arrived at the gate of Yuan Shu's camp, and entered after only a short delay.

When Sun Ce chased to the gate of the camp, he was almost at the camp of the Chinese army.

Sun Ce drove his horse towards him recklessly, but the two guards in front of the gate saw that he was charging so violently that they knew they couldn't stop him.Ring the alarm bells now.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Come on! Someone broke into the camp!"

Suddenly, the whole camp was full of voices.I don't know who dared to die after eating a leopard, and dared to trespass into the barracks.

Sun Ce found that even though he had tried his best to urge the horse to charge wildly, it was still too late to start in time.

Li Dagou plunged into the Chinese army's tent, and Sun Ce's eyes were almost dark.Right now, unless all the people in the Chinese army tent are killed.

Or, immediately turn out Shouchun.Otherwise, the consequences can be imagined.The problem is that if it is reversed, it will die, and if it is reversed, the situation will not be much better.Not to mention how many of those people under his command can be killed, even if they are killed.This reputation of betraying the Lord alone can make Sun Ce's future in this life hopeless.

"Is it killing? Is it rebellion? Or turn around and run away immediately? What should I do? I have nowhere to go!" Sun Ce encountered the biggest problem since his rebirth!

"Could it be that my fledgling career is going to die again?"

The galloping horses led Sun Ce, and finally rushed to the front of the Chinese army's tent.Some scattered Yuan Shu soldiers surrounded him chaotically.

Sun Ce's mind turned sharply, and he had no choice but to take advantage of the soldiers around him not reacting, and fought once.

Sun Ce shouted: "Get out of the way for Sun Ce! The Jiangdong Army captured the rebels! Anyone who dares to obstruct them will be guilty of the same crime as the rebels!"

After speaking, Sun Ce strode into the main tent of the Chinese army. The two guards in front of the "door" were about to reach out to stop them.He used two hands at the same time, one left and one hand, far away from the entrance of the big tent.

As soon as Sun Ce broke into the big tent, his heart was immediately relieved.

"God still bless me! I won't let me suffer through time travel for nothing."

I saw that there were at least a few generals on duty in the big tent of the Chinese army, but for some reason there was no one today.

There was only Li Dagou, who was as tired as a dog, panting wildly with his hands on his knees.The corner of Sun Ce's mouth couldn't help but twitched slightly, "Li Dagou, your fate is bad, and you won't be able to enjoy this great achievement."

Li Dagou was dumbfounded when he saw that Sun Ce dared to break into the camp of the Chinese army.Trembling, he pointed at Sun Ce: "How dare you trespass into the Chinese army tent, you are dying. You can't kill me, if you dare to kill me, General Ji won't let you go—uh!"

The knife in Sun Ce's hand drew a bright light and shadow, sealing what he wanted to say in his lungs.Since the rest is nonsense, let it stay in his lungs forever.

"General Ji? As long as he is not Yuan Shu's person, there is still room for redemption."

"What's more, even if he sent it directly, he can only be a little skeptical in the case of a deadly confrontation. And when did he trust me completely?"

Sun Cexun turned and walked out of the big tent, and said loudly to the chaotic sergeants outside the tent: "The traitor Li Dagou refused to be arrested, and I have already killed him on the spot. All the sergeants keep their positions and don't make noise! ​​Violators will be dealt with according to the military law!"

Then he turned around and asked the two guards on duty: "Where are your generals, take me to explain the situation to them."

The two soldiers on duty replied: "In the afternoon, someone from the general's mansion came to tell the generals to go to the city to discuss matters!"

It seems that there is going to be a big action, and I want to thank Mr. Yuan Shu again!Otherwise, things will inevitably become "chaotic" and out of control.

Sun Cexun said: "I will go to the general's mansion and find the general's report."

Two guards: "But, this, this situation, how can we explain to General Ji and the others."

Sun Ce glared, "I'll talk to the General Empress. You have to find someone to deal with the funeral here. If General Ji asks, you can say that the traitor was killed by me, Jiangdong Sun Ce!"

Sun Ce turned around and mounted his horse, galloping quickly towards the city.When passing by his barracks, he saw Zhou Yu and the others nervously waiting for the latest news in front of the gate.

Sun Ce nodded slightly, and Zhou Yu also nodded slightly to Sun Ce, relaxing his body, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.The greatest crisis is finally over.The rest is how to "monger" that old guy Yuan Shu, after all, rushing into the barracks is a capital offense no matter what time it is.

Sun Cexun rushed to the "gate" of the general's mansion, and after being notified, he waited in front of the "gate" for Yuan Shu's summoning.

Fortunately, it seems that the general's mansion is quite quiet, and the news of his intrusion into the camp has not spread yet.

Soon, Sun Ce met Yuan Shu.He who was talking with Zhang Xun seemed to be in a good mood, with a happy smile on his bloated face.

Yuan Shu looked at Sun Ce and said, "Bo Fu, you are here. The military affairs have been arranged? I have ordered them to meet all your requirements. If you have any dissatisfaction, just tell me! I will train them!"

"Haha! You came just in time. I was planning to call you tomorrow. I have already presented you to the imperial court today as Captain Huaiyi. After the imperial court approves, I will let you take the post of general.

You should rectify your subordinates first, and get ready, I want you to be the prefect of Jiujiang after a while.At that time, you have to manage the place well for me!Don't betray my trust, and don't ruin your father's reputation. "

After hearing these words, Sun Ce was excited for a while.I thought to myself, "Today is really a surprise and a joy. I can do whatever I want, isn't this God taking care of me and making my wishes come true? Dad has appeared in the sky! Thank God, and thank you Dad!"

I have to say that Yuan Shu is a person who is good at winning people's hearts, otherwise he would not be able to achieve such a big scene. If he only relied on the shadow of his father's generation, it would be impossible to achieve this achievement.Just look at Han Wei, the top celebrities on the list, which one has no real skills.Those who are incompetent are all secondary characters who are destroyed as soon as they appear on the stage.

Seeing that Sun Ce seemed to be speechless by the good news, Yuan Shu was satisfied with his performance.

He thought to himself: "Zhang Xun and Zhang Ziyuan are indeed right, just looking at the foolishness of this boy Sun Ce, one can tell that he must be extremely moved in his heart.

In this way, as long as I continue to praise him from time to time and be close to him, he will naturally fight for me wholeheartedly.This is what it means for a son to inherit his father's career and be a cow or a horse!

At that time, let this kid attack that bitch Yuan Shao so he can raise him.Let him see what is everyone's demeanor and what is a hero in the world to vote for!Ha ha--"

Smiling, he said to Sun Ce: "Bo Fu, you are new to the barracks today, and you should be very busy. You must have something important to come to see me so late. Tell me, what is it?"

Sun Ce made an extremely moved gesture: "Uncle Yuan, you are so affectionate and righteous! You are truly a sage in the world! If you are so sympathetic to my little nephew and support your old friend, people all over the world will definitely admire your noble character and praise your noble character and cleanliness. My father is here The sky is alive, and I will be able to smile for nine days! My nephew is here to thank you! From now on, my nephew is willing to be a pioneer for my uncle, and wipe out all disobedient ministers in the world!"

Sun Ce knew that what Yuan Shu wanted to hear most was probably the last sentence.

Sun Ce now only hopes that Yuan Shu can trust his loyalty sooner.Let yourself have your own territory as soon as possible.But before that, I'm afraid I still have to honestly help him conquer the world!

Sun Ce thinks this is a necessary process, since it cannot be avoided, we should try our best to shorten the time.If you can't seize the opportunity, when the world is settled, what else can you fight for?It can only make the people of the world suffer more.

Seeing Yuan Shu's satisfied face, the corners of his smiling eyes burst into flowers, and Sun Ce went on to talk about trespassing in the camp and killing spies.

Of course, Sun Ce would describe that damned Li Dagou as a heinous soldier who disobeyed military orders and disrupted military discipline.Such a person is naturally everyone wants to get rid of it quickly.

After hearing this, Yuan Shu waved his hands indifferently and said: "What a big deal! Bo Fu is too petty. There have never been many such scum in the army. Killing a soldier to gain prestige is the most basic thing." For the way of the general.

Okay, I get it. From now on, you can handle such trivial matters by yourself, and you don't need to report to me.

As a general, you should make a decision.Otherwise, if you want me to teach you everything, wouldn't it be a complete waste of military opportunity.Bo Fu, you are still young after all!You have to study hard and read more military books when you have time!I said, you have to remember well! "

Sun Ce immediately burst into tears: "My nephew thanked my uncle, my uncle's faithful words and teachings, my nephew will definitely keep them in mind!"

Yuan Shu smiled and continued: "Look at you, you are like a child who can't grow up, a manly man, don't move and cry in front of people, like a "woman". Back then, I was already as old as you Began to be a knight-errant in the rivers and lakes.

Where are you so fragile!After all, a child raised by a "woman" is not strong enough!Your father is quite similar to me and has a heroic spirit.

Unfortunately!Your father fought all his life and taught you too little! "

Seeing that Sun Ce gradually stopped his tears, Yuan Shu continued, "Okay, let's not talk about it. Thinking of Wentai Weilie, I also feel sad!"

After a pause, he continued: "Bo Fu! Our army will go to Yanzhou tomorrow. Eliminate Yuan Shao and Cao Cao."

He stretched out his hand to stop Sun Ce who was about to speak: "I won't take you out this time. I heard that you were attacked this time and you were seriously injured. You should rest at home for a while. Practice your new army. .

I know you are loyal, and when you recover from your injuries, you can organize your troops.There will be opportunities for you to make contributions in the future.Don't act too hastily, and you must know that "desire" will not achieve it! "It really looks like a kind elder educating his own children.

Sun Ce had no choice but to accept the order seemingly aggrieved: "Well, my nephew obeys the order! It's just that my nephew wants to fully "drill" sergeants, so he hopes to be able to move freely between state capitals.

In this way, in case of an emergency, a timely response can also be made. ";

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