Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 160 The Starfire Camp in Danger

Volume [-] Conquest of Jiangdong] Chapter [-]: The Starfire Camp in Dangerous Situation in the Battle of Seizing the City——

Chapter [-]: Starfire Camp in Danger

In addition to the west gate, the defenders of the other three gates of Xiangyang City were in turmoil afterwards, because their camp also started to catch fire everywhere for no reason.

Both Chen Sheng and Zhang Hu, the generals of Jingzhou, can be regarded as brave generals, but they are almost middle-aged and they are already tired of leading a county soldier, stationed in the east and west gates.They followed Kuai Yue's advice and surrendered to Liu Biao the year before last, and rejected Liu Biao's suggestion that they go to various military camps to serve as generals.So they led a sergeant with the official rank of partial general, and started the idle job of the school captain of the city gate.

They are not so stupid to go to the barracks as soldiers if they are used to enjoying themselves in the city.The feeling of being controlled by others all day is simply painful.How can there be a happy life that no one cares about in the city, even though there are a lot fewer soldiers under his hands.But for the two people who have no ambitions, it is more relaxed, after all, they are the biggest in the camp.

"On this point, Liu Biao is still trustworthy, and he didn't attack them who surrendered. It's not like those always arrogant sect thieves who really thought that the new state shepherds were afraid of them, and gave them rewards and official positions. They really got one by one. They rushed here in a bewildered manner, but all of a sudden they ended up with their heads on the ground. People still have to know their own name, and they can't be too greedy!"

Zhang Hu was drinking wine in the barracks at the east gate, having an exquisite breakfast with the beauty he met last night.Suddenly he heard that a soldier came to report that the city was on fire, and the camp was also on fire, and his originally happy heart suddenly burned.

"It's his aunt! That bastard bastard won't let anyone have a safe life even for breakfast! Gather my whole army and find the spies who made the rebellion. If anyone dares to resist, he will be killed on the spot."

The angry General Chen Hu no longer had the appetite to eat, so with the help of the woman, he put on his clothes and rushed towards the school field in the camp.

Chen Sheng from Ximen was standing in front of the door of his sleeping tent, looking at the smoke pillars rising all around the city, and sighed deeply.

He said to the guards beside him: "This fire is strange! You can see that the location of the fire should be the grain depot, the armory, the barracks of the three gates, the prefect's mansion, and the state shepherd's mansion. If you set fire at the same time, do The plan of the rioters is huge! But why is there no fire in our camp? Not good, Xiao Ji, go and find out what happened to the alarm drum just now!"

The young guard got out of the camp and ran towards the city gate, but Chen Sheng became more and more uneasy.He had just loudly ordered the entire battalion to gather, and Xiao Ji, the guard who ran out of the camp gate, ran back faster than before.

Out of breath, he shouted: "General! No good! Someone is stealing the city! Quick! Quick! Someone is stealing the city!"

Hearing his panicked cry, Chen Sheng was relieved instead: "Stealing the city? It's really a joke, no matter where the army came. There are at least [-] elite defenders in Xiangyang. And they only need to guard for one day. , there can be more than [-] reinforcements from the surrounding counties and counties to rush to Xiangyang. You can’t say that hundreds of thousands of troops are coming! Haha, that’s a joke! There are no scouts to report!”

Chen Sheng glared at the panic-stricken guards: "Xiao Ji, how many times have I told you! In order to calm down the generals, you take the second team of soldiers to close the city gate. Unlike the team on duty today, Catch all those spies who make trouble, and you can order to kill those who don't obey orders on the spot!"

When Xiao Ji saw blood and dead people for the first time, his voice was still a little trembling: "But! General, there are hundreds of people in the city and under the city. They all have weapons in their hands. Depending on the situation, the city gate may have fallen into their hands. "

Chen Sheng was taken aback, and furiously said, "Fart! What's going on! Are those guards asleep? How could hundreds of spies sneak in! Hey! Xiao Ji, you are not deceiving this general! Malay, Quan Qu and this general will go out together! This general will go and see for himself where the rebellious army came from, they are getting more and more arrogant and dare to sneak attack on the state capital.”

Chen Sheng got on his horse, and he looked like a mighty general.Holding a hundred steel guns in hand, he came to the front of the city, only to find that there were only thirty or fifty 'refugees' dressed in the clothes of ordinary people in chaos, and those people were all holding weapons.

Turning back and glaring at Xiao Ji, the guard: "Your boy is indeed lying to me, I will settle the score with you when I go back!"

But he saw the guard behind him pointing upwards.Chen Sheng turned around and found that dozens of similarly dressed refugees were also standing on the tower.Moreover, everyone held a black and bright crossbow in their hands, aiming at their own side.

Although the number of opponents is small, if I attack by force, I am afraid that I will suffer heavy casualties.

Chen Sheng was surprised: "This group of people is obviously a group of well-trained soldiers. What kind of plan do they have? What are they doing when they occupy the city gate? It should not be courting death. Could it be that these few people want to occupy Xiangyang ?"

It's just that he quickly found the answer, and the sound of hooves getting closer outside the city finally reached his ears.The smoke and dust that rose for a long time, the enemy troops who came would definitely not be less than a thousand horses.Looking at the open city gate, cold sweat suddenly oozes from his head.

"No matter where they come from, if these thousands of rebels rush into the city, it will really cause chaos in Xiangyang!"

Chen Sheng yelled: "Xiao Ji, report to the State Shepherd's Mansion right away! Tell the State Shepherd to send reinforcements immediately! Swords and shields step forward and attack quickly! The whole army follows up and presses down, and I will try my best to take back the city and the city. door. Never let the rebel army enter the city!"

The chaotic Zhongjun soldiers also began to swarm forward, trying to drown these rioters under the cover of swords and shields, relying on the large number of people.

Xu Gu at the top of the city and Song Ding at the bottom of the city just calmly watched the Xiangyang defenders rushing up.After half a year of training, they, who were still a little young, already had the instinct to stay calm in times of crisis.

When Xiangyang's sword and shield were holding the shield in front of him and approaching a distance of twenty steps, Song Ding in front of the city gate finally gave the order.

"The whole team shoots."

The sharp crossbow arrows were instantly activated by the powerful force of the crossbow strings, and almost when the crossbow strings made a clang, they had already hit the calves of the sword and shield players in the front row.How could those sword and shield players expect that their opponents would be so shameless that they would attack their weakest defensive calves.

Immediately, more than [-] people couldn't stand, fell to the ground and hugged their wounds, screaming and rolling.Xu Gu at the top of the city immediately gave the order to launch.They were condescending, but poured the rain of arrows into the spearmen of the rear team.

When Chen Sheng saw that the enemy's crossbow arrows had all been fired.With a loud shout, he galloped forward with his horse, swung the steel gun in his hand to create a cloud of light, and rushed towards the city gate.Cheng Dang, who was behind Song Ding, had already recovered his original appearance, but he was a handsome young man.Just look at his not very strong body, who would have known that he has extraordinary strength.

When Cheng Dang saw Chen Sheng rushing forward, he immediately felt that his chance to make meritorious deeds had come.Dragging the iron pole carrying firewood, he jumped forward and drank a lot.

"The thief general, let the young master come to meet you."

Without waiting for Chen Sheng to answer, he picked up the pole and threw his head at Chen Sheng.Just now, because he was afraid of ruining the whole plan, he was humiliated by a few pawns, which made him hold back his anger, and his anger just happened to vent on this rushing enemy general.

With a look of contempt on his face, Chen Sheng yelled, "You brat, ah!"

The cry was interrupted by a loud bang and the heavy pressure from the gun body. Chen Sheng blushed, and unexpectedly resisted Cheng Dang's semi-sneak attack.It can be seen that his strength is still quite strong, otherwise he would not be so bold and charge forward alone.

The 300 Xiangyang elite soldiers behind Chen Sheng were divided into [-] according to the general's order, and under the leadership of generals at all levels, they rushed towards the tower.Only when the city tower is under control can the drawbridge be lifted and the road into the city blocked with bows and arrows.

The rest of more than a hundred county soldiers rushed towards the city gate with Chen Sheng. The city gate was narrow, and there were too many people, but they couldn't open it.

In Chen Sheng's mind, as long as he could kill all the people in front of the city gate and close the city gate, at least he could cut off the backup of these spies in the city.As long as the city gates are closed and the city is defended, it is not a problem at all.So he personally marched at the city gate.

Fierce hand-to-hand combat immediately broke out both above and below the city.

The teenagers in Jiangdong Xinghuo Camp are proficient in martial arts, but after all, the number is too small.At first, in order to mix into the city, no one was wearing well-protected armor.In the intensive weapon attack of the enemy, although everyone was fighting bravely, heavy casualties were inevitable.

Cheng Dang's handsome face became contorted, seeing a comrade in arms beside him being pierced by several long spears, and he was about to throw the knife in his hand to kill an enemy.

He became furious, and constantly tried his best to attack the enemy general in front of him.He wanted to kill him under his horse, but although his strength was great, his experience in fighting the enemy was still insufficient.

Facing Cheng Dang's powerful attack, Chen Sheng became more and more flexible in using the gun in his hand.The two already had similar strength, but they differed a lot in terms of battlefield experience.

Originally, Cheng Dang relied on his great strength, crushing Chen Sheng wildly.Unexpectedly, after thirty rounds, with the rapid consumption of his strength.In addition to defending, Chen Sheng also started his counterattack.In this way, as long as the battle continues, the final loser will definitely be Chengdang who doesn't know how to save effort.

And the teenagers at Xinghuo Camp were all fighting hard, because there was another Song Ding desperately maintaining the situation.Although he had killed several times as many enemy soldiers as himself, as more and more people died in battle, the attack power became weaker and weaker.

Barely supporting the tide-like offensive of the county soldiers, of course, this situation will definitely not last for a long time.It can be seen that Song Ding has also exhausted a lot of physical strength in the rescue.

Once again, he slashed off the head of a sneak attacking county soldier, and fended off two stabbing spears.Song Ding couldn't help feeling bitter in his heart when he looked at the young companions who were constantly dying in battle due to lack of protection or exhaustion.

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have split half of the brothers to help Xu Gu's team attack the tower.

If they had finished fighting just now, they would not be so passive if they were withdrawn immediately.Still inexperienced!Unclear judgment of the situation, wrong deployment of personnel, let so many brothers die here, I am afraid that the military marshal will punish us severely again.

But right now the gate of the city could not be defended. Although the brothers on the tower had spare strength, they were blocked by the county soldiers who were attacking upwards, so they could not come down to support them.

Is our first battle about to fail like this?How to do it? "


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