Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 168

Volume [-] Conquest of Jiangdong] Chapter [-] Jiangdong Sun Lang Distributing Porridge and Grain——

The first sixty-eighth chapter of Jiangdong Sun Lang gave porridge and food

Jin Ren's handsome face bloomed, and Gu Zi smiled and said: "Actually, what the adults are worried about is not difficult in the eyes of this envoy! As long as I let this envoy go out and take care of their leaders, everything will be fine. It's easy to solve!"

She said these words confidently, but only saw the expressions of understanding from everyone.But no one voiced their approval, who would dare to send Master Zhou's beloved child into the fire pit!

Just watching him say these words, the adult's face turned blue and red, red and blue, which is the expression of extreme heartache.If you really want to do this, I'm afraid that the person who seconded the proposal will really die!

Jin Ren didn't even support Liu Biao, he just thought they didn't believe in his own strength, and didn't want to bother to explain.

He simply said: "Good sir, don't worry, you will get the desired result tomorrow morning!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored everyone's reaction, turned around and went back to his bedroom. Liu Biao was shocked, and gave orders to the head of the guard beside him in a somewhat irritable manner.

"Martial law for the entire government, and the Jin envoy must not be allowed to step out of the house tonight! Otherwise, I will definitely take your head, go!"

The head guard was stunned for a moment: "My lord, now that the mansion has already been under martial law, how can we be on guard! If the guards are strengthened, the subordinates are afraid that the brothers will be too nervous and will not be able to hold on!"

Then Liu Biao came to a sudden realization: "Well! You send Yiwu outside the gate of the Jin envoy, no! Send Yishi's brother to guard. If he wants to go out, he must try his best to stop him. No! You must persuade him well and don't hurt him! He is an important emissary, if we hurt him, we can't explain it to Cao Mengde!"

When Jin Ren changed his clothes, finished his work, and wanted to go out, he found a row of ten guards standing at the door.I couldn't help being a little puzzled, what does this Liu Biao mean?Turning his big smart eyes, he immediately understood that Liu Biao was afraid that she would have an 'accident' and be difficult to explain to Cao Cao.

She didn't show her face, but casually asked the guards in the room, and it was true.

There was also a touch of emotion in her heart: "This Liu Jingsheng is really a good person, he cares about my mother's safety so much! He has reached the point of life and death, and I don't want my mother to take risks. It seems that he is really a good person, so my mother should Give him a hand."

With her high-level ninja skills, it is naturally easy to deceive a few ordinary guards.After it got dark, she told the guards that the envoy was tired and should go to bed early.Don't bother anyone.

The order the guard received was not to let her go out, so she took the initiative to sleep to avoid trouble, so she was naturally very talkative.Unexpectedly, the person they wanted to guard had already disappeared in the room.


After Sun Ce made an appointment with Liu Biao for the next dialogue, he left only [-] cavalry to 'guard' the state pastoral mansion, and rushed directly to the Xiangyang granary.Jingzhou was originally an important place for money and food for the big Han, and Liu Biao had implemented extensive benevolent governance in the past few years since he came here.

Coupled with the civil strife in the imperial court, taxes and tributes were no longer paid upwards at all.

After several years of recuperation, the military in Jingzhou is not very good.But in terms of money and food, it definitely deserves the title of 'the largest state in the world'.

At this time, in front of the official granary in Xiangyang, several huge marching iron pots were set up.The meat porridge exuding an attractive aroma is surging in the pot.On the bulletin boards of all government offices in the granary and Xiangyang City, huge Jiangdong Army notices were posted.

The Jiangdong army has distributed food. From today on, all those who have nothing to eat can go to the porridge in the granary to get porridge.If the family is short of food, they can go directly to the granary to collect rice according to the number of people in the family with the proof of the head of the village or the neighbors of the three households.One dendrobium per person.

However, the people still have fear and worry about the Jiangdong Army who has just arrived.In the beginning, only the most well-informed starved beggars in Xiangyang City lined up in front of the pot, but there was no one who received the rice.

Song Qian, Jia Hua and others who were in charge of decimeters became a little anxious, and looked out from time to time.But the door in front of the granary is still empty without a single ghost appearing.

Sun Ce saw the anxious expressions on everyone's faces, and felt a little amused by their serious and responsible attitude.Possession whispered a few words in Song Qian Jia Hua's ear.The two were overjoyed when they heard that, and even said that the lord was wise, took orders in a hurry, and ran towards the porridge team.

When the first batch of beggars were full of porridge, their mouths turned soft. These people immediately became the most loyal voluntary propagandists of the Jiangdong Army.The power of example is always more effective than boring preaching.

A nursery rhyme resounded throughout the city of Xiangyang: "Jiangdong Sun Yun, with a majestic spirit, makes decisions for the people and distributes porridge and food!"

Soon, there were poor people who were really hungry and couldn't stand it, and heard the rumors of the beggars.The three families came to take risks to collect food.For them, instead of waiting to starve to death, it is better to try to see if the Jiangdong Army's announcement is true.

As for looking for the village chief, it's better to find some neighbors who know each other and hit it off.

When the first group of people actually received the snow-white rice, more poor households who were watching from afar began to drag their families along.One pass ten, ten pass one hundred.Soon, in front of the gate of the granary, a team much larger than that of the porridge service gathered.

Under the order of the guards of the Jiangdong Army, the people who had been plagued by hunger for a long time lined up very obediently.A mixture of hope, longing and worry flashed across their faces.

"Having received so much food, I and my family will no longer have the possibility of starving to death this winter. Those who came late in the line are worried, what if the food distribution runs out when it is their turn?"

However, their worries were obviously superfluous. The grain stored in Xiangyang's grain depot was piled up like a mountain.

It was not until a few days later that all the people who came to collect the grain received the grain mentioned in the notice as they wished, and only three of the ten grain depots were used.Even among these three, there is still one that has not been divided.It can be seen how abundant the food in Xiangyang is.

In the evening of this day, two hundred Jiangdong Army soldiers in groups of five appeared in Xiangyang City.They walked the streets and alleys, and visited the people in the city door to door. With a kind attitude that the people of Xiangyang had never seen, they talked and asked from door to door!

The people who were patronized by them began to feel a little uneasy about these new officers and soldiers who came to the city suddenly.

He maintained a natural vigilance against the officers and soldiers, but was soon attracted by their kind attitude.There were even some brave men who were alone, after being given a full meal of food, they took the initiative to serve as communication guides for their visits.

With the joining of these people, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army were quickly accepted by the surrounding people.Especially after a few villains and rogues who had been doing misfortune for a long time were pointed out by the common people with one voice, and then they were mercilessly beheaded on the spot by the Jiangdong Army.

Rumors that the Jiangdong Army was the savior of the common people spread throughout the city at once, and every commoner who saw the Jiangdong Army soldiers was no longer afraid, but smiled at them.Who wouldn't support an army that vents its anger?

In the twilight, Sun Ce watched more and more common people actively join this vigorous liquidation campaign.The mood becomes more and more cheerful.

"Beat the local tyrants and distribute the food, but now the land can't be divided, it can only be distributed. The experience and methods accumulated by the ancestors over the years are indeed the best treasure to win the hearts of the people. The hearts of the people are available!

This kind of world, how can there be less of those, which can be used as the best bridge to communicate with the people - Mr. Bullies.As long as these guys who everyone hates are removed, the common people will naturally love the Qingtians who shot!

Those bullies are used to being domineering, but now they are like ripe melons that can be picked.Using their brains to buy people's hearts is undoubtedly the most effective and fastest method.This is also a kind of waste utilization. "

Sun Ce turned his head and said to Song Qian, who was beside him with an admiring face, "It's almost done! You can proceed to the second step now!"

Song Qian took the order, turned around and went out of the tent to deliver the lord's order.

The second step of the Jiangdong army is after treating the people well to win the hearts of the people.Let the people take the initiative to tell the detailed information of the officials in Xiangyang City, and take away all the officials. This is a disguised form of kidnapping the people.

"You recruited those officials, so naturally you can only favor my Jiangdong Army. Otherwise, once the news leaks, you will inevitably face revenge from Liu Biao! This is also to lay the mass foundation for the Jiangdong Army to come back in the future! The foundation has been hollowed out, so Liu Biao This earthen house is not far away. It seems that I will take revenge for my father’s revenge in a short time."

In the shadow of the setting sun, a certain handsome man was thinking as he stood in the tent outside the State Shepherd's Mansion.


Jin Ren was wearing a light gray nocturnal tights. In the night that was almost the same color, like a wisp of light smoke, she quickly crossed the tall wall of the State Shepherd's Mansion.No matter whether it was inside or outside the wall, the soldiers who were waiting in full battle were not aware of it.

Of course, she didn't choose the most heavily guarded main entrance and some corners that were easy to be raided, but chose an ordinary middle position in the backyard.Only in such a clear place, the guard's eyes will not be so focused.

She escaped far away for nearly a mile, and then made a big circle and dived towards the main gate of the State Shepherd's Mansion.She knew that the main general of this team was also guarding in front of the main entrance.Sure enough, as she wished, she easily found the largest handsome tent among the small tents in the small square in front of the gate of the State Shepherd's Mansion.Because it is a temporary camp, all defenses are so simple.

Jin Ren still maintained the usual caution in his actions, and easily avoided several groups of patrolling soldiers.Came to the top of the largest tent behind.She looked around and found that no one noticed the gray shadow under the cover of night.

Only then did he apply a layer of grease to the hard cloth surface of the tent, and then drew out the sharp knife at his side, and cut a small hole in the cloth surface of the tent with a sound that just allowed her to enter.

"It's done! If my mother goes out, all horses will collapse!"

She snorted inwardly, slightly proud: "This operation went smoothly, just like the previous assassination operations. It's just that this scene is so familiar, it's almost the same as when I responded to Xi Zhicai's request and dealt with Bao Xin." It's similar. It's just that the hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans who are besieging outside are missing."


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