Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 178

Chapter One Seventy Eight

Cheng Pu asked anxiously: "Xingba, you are a person who walks on the river all the year round, so you should know the water conditions in the river. You want to sink a boat on the way. Are there any boats coming? Do you know this?" Not far upstream is there any place where the water is shallow and suitable for sinking ships. It’s a pity that you don’t have the Feilulou boat, otherwise you only need one and it will definitely cut off the waterway of the Han River.”

When Gan Ning heard that he wanted him to sink the ship, his face turned green immediately, and he cursed secretly in his heart: "Mom, don't you know that large ships are not suitable for flexible warfare! If you want to sink a ship, every ship here is brought back by brothers with their lives. Oh, what an old bastard who pees standing up and doesn't hurt his back!"

Stiffing his neck, he shouted: "Chenggong! These boats are the wealth accumulated by the brothers who have been knights for many years. If you want me to sink them, don't mention me, I'm afraid the brothers won't want to." ! Could it be that our sailors also go ashore as infantry!"

Besides, this is the middle of the Han River, the water is deep and the river is wide.A few ships simply cannot fill the entire channel.Unless you can fill a few boats at Tiger Bay, ten miles upriver.The waterway there is the narrowest, but the current is the most turbulent. If the boat sank, it would have been washed away in vain.Nothing, nothing!What a bad idea! "

Hearing Gan Ning's fierce opposition, the generals who thought it was a good idea were all speechless.

"That's right! This is not a solution. If the ship sinks but cannot block the waterway, it will only make myself, who is already severely short of ships, even more passive."

Sun Ce thought for a moment, then slowly said: "Xingba, tell me about the situation in Laohu Bay carefully. If the ship is going to sink, a few boats can fill it up! Oh, you only need to consider that the ship will not be washed away by the river. It’s enough to go.”

In Sun Ce's impression, in the past, when great rivers burst during the flood season.The most convenient and most effective way is to open a 12-meter motor boat filled with sand and gravel bags to sink to the bottom. Generally, not all gaps far exceeding the length of the hull can be successfully blocked.

What's more, the big ships in Gan Ning's fleet are all 20-meter-long warships and fighting ships.With a load of at least a thousand tons, the power to sink to the bottom is very stable.

When Gan Ning heard that the lord still wanted to sink the ship, the expression on his face became bitterer than a bitter gourd.He glared bitterly at Cheng Pu who proposed first, it seems that he has a grudge against the veteran who ruined his heart.

When Cheng Pu saw it, he had to turn his head away in embarrassment, pretending to discuss with Han Dang.

Thinking about it, if someone suggested that the cavalry's horses be used as rations, Cheng Pu and Han Dang, who have always been seasoned, would not be able to bear it and would burst out.Gan Ning's behavior is already very polite.

Gan Ning said reluctantly: "The Tiger Bay is at the foot of the Tiger Mountain. The Han River encountered the obstacles of the mountain and turned a sharp bend. The waterway became very narrow. If the boat sinks, it can stop wherever it sinks. As for the depth of the Tiger Bay, two or three big boats are enough. It’s just my lord, the river water is really not so urgent!

Even on weekdays, boatmen come here with trepidation.Even so, dozens of large and small ships are destroyed here every year, just like a tiger eating people, so people who sail the boats call it Tiger Bay, and even Tiger Mountain is named after this.

Boaters who are not the best at water dare not cross Tiger Bay at all.Over the years, so many ships have been involved in accidents, and there is not a single plank in this bay that can stay there.The subordinates thought that it would be better to fight Cai Mao's army for a longer time! "

Sun Ce patted Gan Ning's shoulder heavily again: "Xingba, you can understand how you feel. But aren't we weak right now? We can't let our brothers do that goal that we have spent so much blood on but still can't achieve.

You have to remember that giving up in front of you is for a better future!Ben will promise you that he will definitely build you the biggest ship in the world in the future.Let you sail around the whole world and the whole world! "

Gan Ning was silent, it seemed that he still hesitated.The sinking of the ship still made him extremely distressed.

Looking at the big boats transporting carriages on the river, and looking at the map, Sun Ce ordered: "Okay, Wen Yuan, you immediately take a thousand cavalry to Tiger Mountain upstream, and prepare boulders of about [-] catties. Good. Ben will be used to press the boat!

Xingba!Let's get on the ship, and only the two fastest fighting ships are left here to speed up the delivery, and the other large ships will be emptied for me, and we will march towards Tiger Bay! "

The two took the order to set off, but Gan Ning was full of doubts in his heart: "If this boat is loaded with stones, can it be used to fill the river without being washed away? It is destroyed in the boats in Laohu Bay every year, but some Quite a few of them were fully loaded ships, but the same ones were swept away!"

Two hours later, the exhausted Gan Ning fleet finally passed through the raging Tiger Bay again.I came to the prepared stone pile in Zhang Liao, Tiger Mountain.After setting up the springboard, each ship has 300 people, and the loading work began in full swing.

It is easier to do things with more people, and the four warships filled with stones will soon look like old men who can't move.Losing his usual flexibility and quickness, he floated towards the surging Tiger Bay not far away.It is impossible for such a heavy ship to pass through such a fierce current, which is more bumpy than the waterway.

Except for the boss of the ship at the helm, and the two sailors responsible for breaking the bottom of the ship.All the people concerned were transferred to the shore, and a few vulnerable sailors even cried bitterly as they watched the car receding away.But he was slapped back by Gan Ning.

"Cry! Cry! I'm not feeling well! Brothers, the lord has said that in the future, we will build the biggest ship in the world, and we will have all the world. What's the pity of these small boats? Yes! Damn it, if the old one doesn’t go, the new one won’t come!”

This brave ranger all his life was the first to connect the joints.If you can't pass this level, everything is empty.As long as people are still there, everything will be earned back.Instead, he comforted his brother, he deserves to be a hero who is used to being the boss.

I saw that the big ship had arrived at the entrance of Tiger Bay, which was the shallowest position measured when going up just now.

When the ship's speed began to increase, Sun Ce ordered: "Sink the ship!"

With Song Qian's red flag waving, the first big ship began to roll slowly, and the heavy load became bigger and bigger. Under the action of the turbulent water flow, the rudder even creaked, which made people feel uncomfortable. Tooth acid sound.

Just when the hull was about to reach the predetermined position and turn sideways, a dull cracking sound came from the bottom of the water.The heavy ship suddenly began to follow the current again and straighten up again.

Gan Ning exclaimed: "No, the rudder is too hard and broke!"

The boss of the ship at the helm and the two guys in charge of the shipwreck saw that there was nothing they could do, so they pierced through the leaking device at the bottom of the ship that had been prepared.He turned around and jumped into the water, and swam towards the shore by pulling the rope around his waist.

I saw that the out-of-control big boat continued to move forward, going faster and faster along the current, and was about to enter the middle of the rapids.Finally, the bow of the ship had too much water, and suddenly plunged headlong towards the bottom of the water.With a bang, it hit the reef at the bottom of the water, and the entire bow of the ship exploded.

Almost half of the ship's boulders were taken away by the torrent, and it rushed to nowhere in the blink of an eye, but the remaining heavy half of the ship was finally stuck by the underwater reef and did not move anymore.

With this unexpected success, even Gan Ning, who was distressed that the ship would be lost in vain, cheered in surprise.

I also secretly thought in my heart: "Could it be that this lord is really blessed by God? The luck is too good! The same is true in front of the gate of Xiangyang City, and the same is true here! There has never been a boat that can block the waterway of Tiger Bay. Like this It is also a miracle!"

The remaining three boats, with a huge underwater foundation, successfully blocked the waterway one after another with ease.It's just that under the cover of the turbulent running water, except that the water surface seems to be a foot higher, I still can't see anything.

It was less than half an hour when the four boats had sunk into the water.

On the upper reaches of the river, there appeared a series of shadows of sails, which mightily sealed the entire river.It was Cai Mao's two thousand navy vanguards who came.The leader of the team is Zhang Yun, deputy general of the Jingzhou Navy. Zhang Yun, who is eager to strive for success, is still very confident in the combat power of his subordinates.

"The Jingzhou navy is under the management of a talented cousin and has the full support of brother-in-law Liu Jingzhou. It is equipped with the most advanced bed crossbows and rockets. In the past two or three years, it has practiced very carefully in accordance with the art of water warfare every day. cooked.

Whether it's side-to-side battles or bow and crossbow shooting, it's not a matter of proficiency, and now it can be said that the entire Han navy is second to none.If the Jingzhou navy ranks second, who dares to claim that they are the first! "

With pride and full confidence in the sailors, this time Zhang Yun, who was patrolling near Xiangyang and blocked the river, immediately reacted when he received the news from Xiangyang that the disorderly army fled south—— Hanjinkou.

The river here in Xiangyang is blocked, so if the enemy wants to return to Yangzhou, they can only go this way.

In a hurry, he only sent a small communication boat to inform his cousin Cai Mao who was in charge of patrolling the upstream.But he lifted the anchor immediately, and brought the fifteen warships under his command, and headed towards Hanjinkou downstream.

In Zhang Yun's thoughts: "It's just a group of mobs who like to sneak attacks. The general's two thousand elite sailors will go out. To deal with these thugs and horse thieves on the water, they will definitely be caught. When my cousin comes, I'm afraid it will be just Let him clean up the battlefield.

When we arrive at Hanjinkou for a while, first entertain those gangsters with a rocket and a stone, and then talk about it! "

He has even made up his mind to strike first as soon as he arrives at Hanjinkou!

Seeing that we have arrived at Tiger Bay, which is the most prone to problems.

Zhang Yun ordered his ship to stop by the channel to maintain order.He shuttled back and forth on this river all day, but he is well aware of the danger here. If a ship collides in a hurry because of rushing to take the lead, it will definitely be a disaster for the ship!

At this time, all the generals of the Jiangdong Army who were still on the river bank took a breath of air.

If it was a little later at night, this batch of Jingzhou was equipped with huge bed crossbows and trebuchets, and they were killed by warships and warships that were very good at water warfare.Not to mention anything else, the soldiers who were crossing the river at Hanjindu in the lower reaches were probably going to suffer heavy casualties.

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